I'm exhausted I'm sitting here blogging and waiting for a second wind hopefully to finish the blog and my journal afterwards. It's not like I did anything today to speak of just coffee social and that was it spent the rest of the day watching or blinging- that's not the right word- Netflix working through a couple seasons of Travelers which I'm fine now is a pretty decent series. I don't like series for the very reason it keeps me trapped watching them until it's conclusion. I've just started the third season and still holding my interest really well amazing. I stayed up till about 12:12 a.m. last night reading or trying to read. And I pretty much slept through the night waking up about 5:30 and then just hanging around the bed till 6:00 a.m.. and as I indicated I spent the whole day watching the screen.
I cannot believe I did not work out today. No excuse and I rarely pass up the chance to work on my arm bike. Today would have been just a half day since I'm standing at 180 minutes for this week. I should have dropped everything and just done my workout during the radio show Marketplace which I try to listen to weekdays. It's a half an hour show just enough for me to get through the last 30 minutes of my 200 minute schedule. Luckily I still have Friday and Saturday to make up the 30 minutes. I know I'm becoming some but neurotic about this arm bike thing but I really feel it saved my life in a lot of ways and maybe extended it to some degree. I don't want to be the next one to go. I think I wrote last night about Eric Wadsworth my buddy from Moore High School who passed away over the weekend. Call gangly Eric a minor track star for the school and just a good guy. He was a Letterman you know one of those guys with the jacket who are on the In Crowd who sit around or stand around the trophy cabinet in the hallway in the mornings and in the afternoon at lunch talking jock stuff. It's beginning to feel like we're losing people almost weekly from the schools I went to. I shouldn't be so disturbed about the whole thing because it is that time of life. If this is with my buddy DD yesterday- - no not Donald Duck- who agreed with me regarding the mortality status of many folks that we know and grew up with. I know I somewhat macarba but everyday I wonder when I'm coughing or get a particularly persistent spasm that is this how it's going to go? Is this how I'm going to check out? I have to think how weird it is when you read about an obituary or somebody who just drops dead in the middle of the day and it's the last thing they thought they would be doing when they left the bedroom that morning when they went to work or whatever they were going to do that day and suddenly Everything Changes.