Monday, October 14, 2024

Glitch witch

 I just hate it when the internet delivers me a glitch and you have to fix that glitch before you can go on and do what you really wanted to do but just to dictate or just write your documents. It seems however I went through some fairly superstitious behavioral remedies you know like turn on turn off totally back out then come on again and at least I'm able to dictate which I wasn't able to do before at least not the way that I wanted to. So hopefully this will go out tonight and I won't have to do the whole thing about turning them CPU around and turning off the whole computer system and turn it back on again and letting the link back into the system or to the internet or whatever. I did that on a big computer which is basically my internet connection which allows me to do all this stuff and now it's working kind of I think but it's still showing that I'm not connected to the internet I must be because it's putting in all the punctuation what little bit did I use where it's supposed to be and not the words that I'm saying if that makes any sense at all.

It's been a quiet day today. It's an innocuous holiday. A federal holiday that nobody in Utah seems to be recognizing. I mean I'm totally surprised because the building manager here is a private non-profit agency the same on which I serve on the Advisory board or the regular board of directors so I know that they are subject to federal holidays but staff was here today and usually on a Federal holiday nobody's here. I guess I could have asked but didn't really want to interface with anybody to speak of. I noticed the bus doesn't seem to be working usually on a Federal holiday they'll go to a holiday schedule which is really intermittent and long weights between bus routes but they all seem to be working fairly well today. I didn't go anywhere personally because I'm afraid of getting stranded with the battery system that doesn't seem to be functioning as well as I would like it to see yesterday's entry. So that just leaves hanging around the apartment cleaning up a little bit washing the dishes from the weekend and trying to get some new things going in the refrigerator. I was able to read outside a little bit today and that was nice but that was all pretty much. Hopefully, the world will start turning again tomorrow. I have a bit of a holiday because my regular morning that assist will not happen because they did take the holiday off today and trying to prep for the Tuesday meeting is just too much coming off of federal holiday I know that used to be my big Bane of my board meetings when I would have to have everything put together by 9:30 on Tuesday Mornings usually following a holiday which basically Rick the holiday for me. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the holiday we'll do it again tomorrow maybe they'll be more to write

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Late summer Sunday

I'm tired tonight, I swear I've been awake since about 3:30 a.m. I don't know why I couldn't sleep unless it's because I didn't do the arm bike yesterday at all and I really need to use the arm bike in order to Tire me out enough for me to sleep. Seriously, that's the main reason I do the arm bike the soul my body will be tired enough to sleep through the night. I don't know how much my arm bike really does for such a thing but I like to believe that and it seems to work to a point. I didn't have a reason for not working out yesterday which I should have. I mean I had garnered my 200 minutes by Thursday and I could have pumped more on Friday but I didn't and I really think that is the reason but I didn't sleep well last night. However I was tired last night and the only reason I woke up so early was because I had to drain my bladder and sometimes zzz's ß waI wake up too much during that process and therefore can't get back to sleep but I also know that towards the end of my sleep cycle I can usually get back to sleep but not today. Probably part of the reason also might be it's Sunday morning and that's when I wake up at 6:00 a.m. or try to so I can be ready to go wherever I need to go for breakfast. Today both kids were gone some where exotic I'm sure which basically left Marc Anthony and myself for breakfast which is good. Mark had a lot of comments and discussion regarding his upcoming Russia trip and meeting with some of his individuals he's been coaching over the internet. I hope he's okay I worry about him going to some place like Russia and his naivety regarding how people are out there in the real world. He has a clientele build up that if he really wants to keep busy doing his services for people he'll continue. At least he's now had enough people from the Russia area tell him how it really is. He has had this illusion that rushes a wonderful place to live and that they're just really a happy group of folks which is not the case at all especially with the wars going on in that period of the world right now. He will not be going to Russia as opposed to other places in Europe but he plans to pull together a contingency of the folks he's helping do business work and stuff like that. I'd be tickled if he can turn this into a real live business. Again I'll be tickled when he goes to Europe that he actually has done does European trip and possibly the first of many as he tries to develop an international clientele. I would just love for him to succeed. The summer continues to hold as I was able to sit outside today enjoying the direct sunlight on my body. Supposedly come Thursday we might get some rain and the temperature will drop significantly. That should be okay I don't think I have anything planned out that day so maybe I'll just stick in and watch the weather unfold. Incidents of road rage continue to ravage the highways and byways of Salt Lake County. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Battery Woes

It's not like this discourages me but sometimes it kind does discourage me and that's a message I'm getting on my power chair these days saying that I'm under voltage whatever that means. This evening I finally put that in the search engine, google, under the under voltage Plus power wheelchair and it came up that it says charge the battery. Not immediately, not at all costs, just charge the battery. Hell I figured that one out all by myself. Yeah I need to charge the battery my question is what has happened with my chair now that I get this message of only using the chair one day after I charged it last night totally and I only went 3. 7 miles today. 7 miles is a goodly amount actually don't get me wrong I appreciate the amount of distance I can cover at 3.7 MI with the assistance of Utah Transit Authority. I went to the movies again and wandered around that area for a little while. But that's about it and I'm glad that I get this message late in the day usually as I'm watching television in the evenings are wandering around my apartment doing this and doing that I start getting the message and the chair starts losing power quickly at least quicker than before. It'll go from 71% charge to like 40% if not 30% charge in 60 minutes from the first time it flashes that message. That's kind of spooky to me that I can't trust my chair again now. I would like to think that the fix is just as simple as getting new batteries which would be a major expense but it's my major form of transportation so I got to do what I got to do right? And I don't have a backup chair right now because my backup chair is in the shop or I'm contemplating getting another backup chair that has an elevator function on it like this chair does which would greatly assist me when this chair is in the shop. Also there is the concept that this chair may be a goner as far as I keep getting promptings to get another chair a new chair. I'm trying to push that agenda but it gets a little challenging sometimes. I wish I was more that I could do on a Saturday night to alleviate this problem but all I can do tonight is just grouse about just another problem in my life.

The movie I went to today is called piece by piece I think it was a pretty good show it was all filmed with Lego characters which is kind of interesting. A lot of music stuff a lot of music information areas that I didn't know anything about but I enjoyed sitting through the Lego experience. I'd recommend it to anyone who has the patience to deal with looking at kids toys for 2 hours. I don't know if I have the patience to sit through this movie again but who knows 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Movie Hang Time

 It's Friday night and I didn't even register it as being Friday night until I had to title this blog posting. I guess somewhere deep down I knew it was Friday cuz I know that I had my care person over this morning which means it's either Monday Wednesday or Friday and I knew it wasn't Wednesday that left it had to be Friday. Once I had that established everything fell into place like some inaudible click the world was right again. I had made it a busy day no question about that right after my caregiver left I grabbed something close to breakfast check the movie times and figured how much time I would need to get to the first showing of the movie I wanted to check out today. I didn't have much time though maybe 45 minutes to do whatever I was going to do and head out to the bus stop. I didn't have to wait long when I got to the theater I still had 45 minutes to kill before the movie started. That means the movie time was listed at 11:00 a.m. and I got there about 5 minutes after 11:00 and the the movie person told me that my feature would not start till 11:45 so I had time to kill. I thought about getting candy at the dollar store but I'd have to cross the street to do that and I wasn't up for that. So I wondered around different businesses there in that strip mall area that the movie theaters are right behind. I ended up going to the coffee shop that's sort of a old time Seaport type of coffee shop which I cannot remember right now. Oh Starbucks. I didn't even purchase a coffee which makes you feel a little bad not too much though. I raised my chair up so I can sit at one of those high chairs or high tables and look cool as I went to my backpack pulling out junk that's accumulated over the week. I don't know why but I've got I don't know how many suckers stuck to the bottom of my pack. These suckers are those cheap suckers that a lot of businesses have in a big bowl by the checkout area. I think I got most of these suckers from my podiatrist or I'd always grab three or four to stick in my pack before leaving while I was setting up my next appointment. I don't know how many I've got there at the bottom of my but I keep pulling them out and sucking on them when I need to but they're not all that quality of candy. I need to take a minute or two and just go through my pack get out all the garbage and start over again. That might be a good project for the weekend. I still have the Harley-Davidson motorcycle backpack that my coffee buddy Janet gave me. I think she's still somewhat sensitive to the fact that I have not been seeing using it very much. I think it was one of her dead kids satchel I just have a problem with the loop at the top it feels like it's about ready to come off and that's all I need is to have the loop come off while I'm going somewhere in the whole backpack drop off in the middle of the road. If I could find a place I'd have them sew it on good and tight and use the backpack it's a good one. Maybe soon I'll find somebody who's got those sewing machines that does this heavy duty sewing and thanks start carrying how much bigger pack like art supplies and writing supplies and things to do while I'm waiting for movies to start…

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Maintenance day

 Today is been kind of a maintenance day, not that any day is not a maintenance day anymore. It's not like I'm buried under a lot of housework or house cleaning I kind of am but I seriously think I have the problem in check. Between caregivers needing quarters and grandchildren stopping by decorating my door and doing a basic floor sweep and mop at the same time I'm kind of ahead of the game sort of. Now I'm just having to struggle with dirty dishes. Actually I kind of like doing dishes it's just what do I do with them after they're washed? It seems like I keep a bunch in the drainer and then I have other dishes stacked up by the coffee maker. Quarter needing caregiver cleans out the kitchen she does a great job but she puts everything into closets and cupboards and shells and makes everything look perfect I then just have to spend the rest of my week finding out where everything's at. One of the biggest issues I have with dishwashing is again not necessarily washing the item which in this case are plastic containers which housed casseroles and other food gifts that have been bestowed upon me over the years. The benefactor did not want the plastic containers back and I just don't know what to do with them except throw them in one of the cupboards under the sink or by the sink or whatever and they just end up stacking up and stacking up till they start sliding out every time I open up the door. This truly vexes me. I wish I could just throw them all away but the containers are such good little pieces of plastic that have a hard time doing it even though I doubt I could find the top to these containers if I had something to store in them. I have about four or five that are good quality made I.E Rubbermaid type of containers that I keep using over and over the other ones just sort of linger whether in the drainer or behind the microwave or in one of the sinks. These matchless little guys are the ones I need to be brave and just get rid of so I would have much room in the cupboards and still have containers to store leftover food in. Earlier this week I cooked the steak and the butter that I had earlier used to fry something that I can't remember but anyway I set the frying pan to soak last night and it's a real dark mess now but I'll empty that mess and scrub out the frying pan and then be ready for spam and eggs or just eggs or some other item I want to develop. This evening I made another concoction. I pulled out the one that's been there for 2 weeks it was getting kind of weird so I'm scrubbing it out and made the new vegetable dish soup type of thing for the next couple of days but like I said it's just been a maintenance night…

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Just one video!

 I caught myself again just a few minutes agoBecause I had a few seconds of timeBetween making coffee and getting ready for my morning staff to get here and get me going on activities of daily living stuff. But I stumbled onto a new technique that at least YouTube is using and that's breaking up a major movie into interesting Snippets 3 minutes here 4 minutes in length there all the way up to 11 and 12 minutes portions of the movie , these are interesting and sometimes rewarding but hardly worth the time wasted watching that piece over again. Hey, and I'm the most guilty. When I closed out the item I was watching I saw there was a number of these Snippets from different movies doing exactly the same thing so it's a New Concept I noticed more ways to suck your life out while you sit there and watch and be happy watching. I truly amaze myself because I will sit through 3 minutes to get to the part that I really really like and then I do the same with the snippet and soon I'll realize I've lost 30 minutes, 45 minutes a whole hour. I sometimes trick myself into thinking I'll just do 10 minutes if I have to kill 25 minutes time to catch a bus. I've got time it just right so I can get down to the corner to be there in time to catch the 47 inbound. I start watching these Snippets and soon I'm in total chaos trying to zip out the door because I've cut my time frame so narrow that I pray the bus is just a little bit late so I can get there in time or somebody else is at the bus stop which means it'll take a little time to load that person and maybe give me enough time to catch the bus driver as well. This of course is dependent on whether the driver is in a good mood and willing to give me the consideration of the time to wait a few minutes extra. And I shouldn't have to wait on his good graces. I just don't need to be watching youtube, Tick Tock or whatever platform might be providing these free Snippets of frustration. I'm thankful right now I'm strong enough to usually pull myself away from these mini films. Plus I know that they are just pulling a scam over you to get you to watch as long as you can. I noticed this particularly on those videos that tease you on whatever platform you go to the search for an item. They give you an intrinsically salacious bit of information that you want to find out more about and you click that document and it takes you to a platform that feeds you 1 or 2 sentences at a time about something you really want to know about we're just enough to encourage you to click it on again to get to another bit of information and they never tell you what you really want to hear maybe if you go all the way to the end that takes like forever and that's their idea that's the whole idea they want to keep you on as long as they can for whatever reason I don't really know except that somebody's making money somewhere at my expense and weakness. Well hopefully tomorrow will be a better day and I will prevail over these sneaky videos and just do just one …

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Tuesday's tidings

What you see in today's image is a view of my digital clock which is right next to my bed which is showing a few minutes after 6:00 a.m.. it's time for me to get up I have my assistant meeting today which means I have to be down to Salt Lake by 11:00 a.m. that's where the meeting starts. But I'm going to start getting ready now as soon as I get up not that it takes me that long but it might take me that long just because you never know what you're going to run into when you've got something that has to be done. There was actually a time when one of the first things I did everyday was the blog and before the blog a journal entry. If not right after I woke it would be right after I got to the office but I've got over that before you know the impetus to keep me riding? Now however I often wait till the end of the day which, sadly, means that what I write is more of a journal of what I did during the day as opposed to what I might be thinking about during the day. And what I think about during the day is sometimes much more interesting than just a log of the days events.

Today for instance I got to the library with almost 40 minutes to get rid of before I could show up at the office and not be too much of distraction until it was time to go over the intakes for the week. I'm finding now that I'm almost drawn to their new book section and go through all the new entries which look interesting and a lot of them do look interesting. I wish I had the capability of reading a book within a week's time and then just get into the habit of getting one book A Week reading it and bringing it back. That would be so civilized but that is not me so I don't even try but I do like to look at the titles and sometimes a little bit about what they are about. I've even taken images before of titles I'm really interested in that I might actually come by sometime and pick the title or more realistically find the title on Amazon or some other internet platform and just order the book. Now that might be the way to enjoy the book. The books at the library that are on the shelves of the new bookshelves seems like they're the ones that are reviewed on NPR and such I think that's why they hold so much interest to me. Maybe I believe that if I read these books I'll be a real NPR person but I don't think that's how it works. Might be fun to try.

I think I've mentioned the fact that there doing a lot of work on the park just next to my apartment complex to the point where they've completely shut off half of the sidewalk going up to the bus stop. I found another way to get there but I have to cross the park at a different place in not on sidewalk but on grass it's quite a bumpy ride. I've noticed however the last couple of times that I've gone to the bus stop that it's a whole new group of people that's moved into the park homeless Folk. I have heard that the bigger parts of the city are driving the people out of the downtown parks and maybe that's where they're ending up now is in my Park here in Taylorsville I'm not quite sure what to think of that…

Monday, October 07, 2024

My oh my I hate AI

 I caught an interesting story on NPR today about artificial intelligence in people writing, oddly enough something that I was talking about a couple weeks ago in the blog about how I felt defeated because AI is out there riding like nobody's business. So the gist of this particular article was that a special group has developed a program for adjudicating whether something is written by artificial intelligence or not. As near as I can tell people who write something can verify that it's actually written by a human versus an artificial intelligence. Of course I've just given you the simplified version but there's actually an organization to private nonprofit or something that has taken the lead in this particular scenario. Various writing Eggheads have sort of put it together and even putting down some kinds of what people can or can't do as far as what constitutes cheating as far as writing goes. For example one group says it's okay to get going or having the AI stimulate an idea for writing but not do the writing itself. Of course I'm kind of a purist I don't think that would be acceptable my version. Cuz it'd be a fine line of when does the idea actually turn to writing. But maybe I'm just a character in the movie that doesn't trust in love all things artificial. This kind of Spooks me cuz it really does label me as prejudice. I don't have a problem with it except for a little guilt but I'm sure other folks out there would have a big problem with the way I treat AI encounters. I mean we have them throughout the day there's no question in my mind about that whether it's stuff on the telephone or television or whatever AI is creeping in honest good bad or indifferent it just is.

It was interesting last week I was talking with Lori, who is a real writer, about the whole problem of getting going on a writing project. Lori was giving me all kinds of ideas of how to sneak up on an idea and write it, develop it and then prove it and rewrite it again over and over until it's done exactly the way that you want. I just don't have that kind of zeal for this kind of a project. I hate to do rewrites it's like pulling teeth are being grounded to your room on a Sunday afternoon when no summers at its peak it's wonderful to be outside. I would just assume leave and leave the written word very much like this posting. Actually thinking about this makes me think about why I have such a hard time shopping. I really need someone to go with me to help me pick out clothes even help me try them on and adjudicate how I look in them. So maybe if I had someone to egg me on make me write something, I didn't sit with me and reread the project making Corrections and boiling down the content until what was left was a pearl of great price. Oh, isn't that a wife?

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Front door Magic

I don't know what the issue was this morning maybe it's because I went to bed by 11:00 last night and I really ever do that. So rather than waking up and getting up around 5:30 or 6:00 it was like 3:30 a.m. that I woke for the first time try to get back to sleep was very little success maybe a few moments here and there but that was about it so I've been sleepy all day. I also wanted to make sure I was up early enough to be dressed so I can go to breakfast with the kids and I had to catch a bus to do that since we didn't go to the regular place just up the street from where I live. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to be totally dressed and out to the bus stop to catch the bus well I did. Had a great breakfast with the kids this morning the best part was actually after breakfast Jackson and Jasmine went shopping with me to find stuff to put on my front door. Remember I've been feeling somewhat envious of some of the doors around the complex so I thought I wanted to do mine since I totally enjoyed the door we did this summer. So today we actually went to a couple places looking for materials to use and we found some. We found what looked like an Autumn wreath and then found something to put inside of it then to do the Halloween part since we're in October now we found a skeleton and some black spiders as well. It was kind of fun when we finally got to the apartment with our decoration spoils. The kids cleaned off the table and Jasmine went to work on the decoration and Jackson started sweeping the floors and mopping so kind I certainly appreciate these guys. I would never put the amount of work into this wreath as much as Jasmine did actually sawing the spiders onto the The wreath and and applying the sticky things to hang the decoration from. So we went with the wreath that looked very Autumn like with the idea that once Halloween has passed we then will remove the skeleton at least and change the wreath into a Thanksgiving type wreath or Autumn wreath. I might put up a few more leaves and stuff it's kind of fun though I'm getting to enjoy this. We'll probably do something different at Christmas maybe use the ice cream cone people that we made during the summer and just put Santa's hats on them and some sort of Santa suit on the ice cream parts. It will be fun regardless.

The remainder of the day I kind of spent reclined in my chair and an effort to take the weight off my buttocks. This of course meant I had to watch movies so I did a couple Netflix movies as well as couple Marvel movies. I ate quite a lot at breakfast and I felt a little at risk poop why so I didn't really want to move around a lot and tempt fate. It was a pretty good weekend enjoy the images of the kids and the front door…

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Transparent as mud

 I don't know how transparent I should be about events and things of my life but I don't think it does any good to hide things. But anyway I had the strangest feeling this morning when I woke up I was not aware of what day it was. I slept in longer than I usually do which is kind of a treat but then I realized that I wasn't sure what day that it was and did I miss an appointment that had on Saturday morning. I have a standing appointment with a friend of mine that we have coffee together over at this shop right across the street from our apartment complex. It's not a big deal we just sit drink coffee and gossip about what's going on during the week with events and Folks at the apartment complex. I got up and got wrapped up in a movie on Netflix when I suddenly realized I didn't go to coffee, I missed coffee with my friend and I basically stood her up and I've never done that. It was about this time that I realized it was still Saturday in fact it was Saturday morning and as I write this I'm beginning to realize that none of this really happened at all that I think that I dreamed the whole sequence. I had coffee with my friend this morning. So obviously things snapped back into order as soon as I got up. I was a little concerned because I wanted to make sure I was able to get dressed in time for coffee which was at 9:30 a.m.. I'm still a little worried that I'm not being able to dress myself as easily as I used to. Thankfully however this morning I got dressed just fine with time to spare before it was time to go to coffee. I'm still trying to figure out this memory I have of not being able to know what day it was when I woke or later on when I thought that I was watching the Netflix movie and realizing the day was not the day I thought it was. I will not dwell on this too long because then I will get into frighten myself as far as my time frame continuity. So that bit of transparency got muddled quite quickly. And I need to watch myself closely to make sure that I don't get muddled again.

I haven't brought myself to write anything since the writer's Guild lunch but I really want to start getting myself into the habit of riding something more than just the blog that I've been working on for the last couple decades. So seriously I think I have written a lot but not what I would consider real writing as far as you know fiction or nonfiction or whatever. I don't know what the blog counts as but it's not the kind of writing I would like to be doing. I wish I had brought it up at The Writers Guild the whole concept of AI writing and where does it fall as far as does it count as writing or cheating at writing? When you've written something that AI is assisted with do you lose the claim of writing that document or is it basically AI s document at that point?

Friday, October 04, 2024

Time killers

Remember how I wind last night about not writing anything probably made it sound like I didn't have the time or whatever. Truth of the matter is I have the time probably more than enough time but I don't use it wisely. I've got myself involved into two things that probably eat more of my time than I want to admit to but I think it's probably best if I disclose what I can. The first item I tend to time abuse is getting caught in watching videos on either my tablet or my cell phone. These innocuous little pieces of time add up an evening. Like possibly I would like to get to bed before 11:30 p.m. but what happens even if I get into my bedroom and start getting ready for bed around 10:00 I pick up either my tablet or my cell phone probably trying to con myself into believe it I'm looking for late messages since I turned the sound off of my cell phone at 10:00 in the evening so I can get through the evening or the night without being woken up by notifications. I shut my phone off from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and it seems to work just fine. But after checking for new messages or texts I get enticed by different images feeds from video platforms. I don't mean to but I watch one alligator eating something then I watch another animal eating something or other items on different platforms and soon I'm finding out that it's 11:00 and I still have to get ready for bed which takes another 45 minutes if I'm fortunate at least it seems like it does. All I know is that rarely do I get to bed before 12:00 a.m.. if I'm fortunate enough to get to bed by 11:00 p.m. then I like to read till I get sleepy. Which still takes me to 12:00 a.m. but I feel a little bit more comfortable at least reading and not necessarily flipping through videos.

The other item which takes a lot of my time more so than I want to admit is I've really started doing these puzzles called crypto families that I get the magazines for. It's an interesting puzzle that I got involved with after I had done cryptograms for some time. I used to do a cryptogram every day because it was in the paper especially at work where I was the only one who really did any of the puzzles. The Crypt of family is a pretty interesting diversion which I really like and wish I was better at but takes a lot of time. I keep a cryptogram or a crypto family Graham on a clipboard on my table so when I get up in the morning or go to bed at night it's there I can either work on a cryptogram start a new cryptogram or work on one I've been working on for some time. I cheat way too much but I play the game the way I want to though. I keep the answers on the back of the book or magazine ready to look at many times I don't have to look at the cheats at all and able to solve the Crypt by myself I like that makes me feel accomplished. I start getting ready for bed around 10:00 p.m. every night if I'm lucky. That's what I take my last medications and then I try to get to to bed I keep the medications in the kitchen by the kitchen table of course which means there's a clipboard with a puzzle waiting to be done. I take my meds usually and try to do at least one puzzle or finish one that's already in the process. I then still have to go to the bathroom and finish by prepping to go to bed which takes another 20 to 30 minutes sometimes. You know brush the teeth floss the teeth the whole nine yards. Between these two events however I know I'm wasting hours of time that never can be made up. Oh, after that my predilection to enjoy Disney plus or the other platform net something. I'm usually pretty good about cutting everything off by 12:00 midnight. I'm usually two or three pages into the current book I'm reading I'm able to close everything down and turn over and go to sleep but sometimes I feel like I could be doing so much more or should be doing so much more…

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Of produce and writers

 The joys of fall continue as exemplified by the image of today's posting. This morning when I went to Coffee social I was pleased to see there was a box under the table, where they set up the treats for the coffee social, in the Box was a bunch of green apples. Not just green apples but green apples on their way to turning red. Someone obviously has an apple tree and has gone out of their way to make sure that the apples no longer bother their grass or whatever and brought them over to our facility the nice big box. This is great and I certainly appreciate the thought. As I said these apples will turn red eventually I don't know if I will consume them before that. Of time but who knows. I know there is a green apple often used with apple pies, those that are made from scratch, I mean really from scratch not a can of applesauce apples. I don't know if green green apples would have the ability to taste good in an apple pie but you never know maybe just throwing them in to my toaster oven with a dose of brown sugar and cinnamon and then roasted them for a while. You would certainly not have the overall feeling goodness of an apple pie with apples bathed in the wash apple juice or whatever is mixed with the Apple mix but it's something to think about something to fun to play with in this Autumn season.

Today was also a meeting of The Writers Guild. That wonderful lunch that we have. Periodically usually hosted by our good friend Jerry who is a real writer by the way. Today we had the event at Ming's Chinese Restaurant just down the street from where I live. I like Ming's Chinese Restaurant a lot. In my mind the restaurant is still true to the illusion of the Chinese restaurant. It's not the best Chinese food I've had but it's the closest I found in the last decade or so that comes close to tasting like the Chinese food I remember from the days of your. I'm still not happy with their egg foo young but you can't have everything. Today was a serious meeting of the writers. That is all except me. These folks actually brought samples of their work. I thought about taking something but I really didn't have anything that I've been working on. I never bring anything to these meetings which means I should be painted with a brush of Shame. I don't know why I have a hard time writing these days. I'm just glad I can write something everyday for the blog. I think I'm kind of afraid of writing something and not have it meet up to the standards of the other people in my group. Not that they would ever say anything. However I'm good at making a concerted effort to actually bring something to the next riding group which will be in about a month I suspect. So I'm going to get going and see what I can hammer out I think I'm spooked however. What if I come up empty…?

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Just one please

Have you noticed you just cannot buy one confectionary ice cream thing you know like fudge bar or dreamsicle or a popsicle you know the two stick ice flavored ice thing that's so good on a hot Summer's Day. Used to be able to go into a market and go into the frozen food section and grab one of those pay your money and be on your way now if you want one you have to buy the whole box usually eight six to eight in a box and then you're stuck with five other pieces of ice cream that you better freeze are there and turn too heavily flavored liquid and a major mess. I kind of like having them in the freezer so they're available when you want to use them or want something to suck on during a movie but many times I'm just in the market and would like to get one of them. Today, I was out back laying in the sunshine for a while then decided maybe I'd go get a ice cream or something. I thought about going all the way up to the market and buying a box of ice creams of some sort but figured that was just too much hassle. Then I thought about going over to the Arctic Circle and getting one of their ice cream cones which would be good but still kind of messy. Then I remembered the super gas station just behind my apartment complex. It's one of those multi- pump stops where you can get anything you want from gas to cookies. I remembered that these are the places you can still get those individual confectionaries ice cream in this ice cream that all kinds of stuff. It's a little pricey but what is it anymore right? Today, I actually got an Oreo ice cream sandwich you know like two large Oreo cookies with vanilla ice cream squashed in the middle. The treat wasn't bad halfway just a bit messy but I wasn't going anywhere so I threw caution to the wind got my treat and found some shade just outside of the convenience station. It was a really nice treat. I like this place I would go there a lot more probably if I could get in relatively safely. There are so many places out there that still are not wheelchair accessible compliant. The super convenient gas stations are the worst I think in many ways because the doors are still heavy and if you have any limited hand function at all like me you have to open the door just a little bit enough to get your hand in then push it open enough that you can turn your chair and back into the store it's still not drive off the edge of the sidewalk- - after Sunday I'm pretty gun shy of Curves. I went to the store a couple times right after I moved into this place where I'm living now and was always amazed that how I want to weekend night if you needed something you can get it there whether it was candy or potato chips or something to drink or just beer. The place was open all night too. I never used them during those weird hours however. I noticed lately that they've changed their hours they now close at 10:00 open at 6:00 a.m. but something must have happened major for a convenience store like this too go to those kind of hours. I think I almost paid $4 for this convection. I really don't think it was worth it except for it was a good experience but even more delicious was the knowledge that you could still buy frozen treats individually…

Tuesday, October 01, 2024


I felt like I was playing hooky today. I got a call yesterday afternoon indicated that there would not be a assist meeting today so I would not have to go in to the city to meet with a group to give away some funds. The excuse giving me was that there weren't enough request for support to meet as a group to evaluate. I don't know if this is entirely true but you didn't need to twist my arm as kind of excited to stay in this part of the country for today. The only real thing I had to do was to head over to the bank and get some operating cash. I like to keep a couple hundred bucks at home in cash for just the little things that you need cash for or helps whatever my thing is like when you order pizza you pay for the order in Cash add a little tip for the driver Etc.

However before I was able to get to that piece of liberation I need to get dressed this morning. I really wanted to do something this morning with the time that I had but it seems like my body had another idea. For some reason today I was not able to quickly dress in fact it took me I would say maybe an hour and a half to get dressed. I think part of the issue was I should have just stopped but I realized that I had my legs in the wrong holes of my shorts and started over again but I thought that for I don't know how long before I finally realized my pants are on backwards and I needed to start all over again. I'm afraid by that point in time I was so Twisted in my chair that when I tried to raise my leg to cross it I wasn't able really to do that. Mind you this was after I got my shoe on this morning and was putting on my shorts or trying to. I wasn't able to raise my leg high enough to Cross by other leg so I could put the shirts on and then put the shorts on my other leg then pull everything up. I got the shoe on my right foot really without incident or problem it was only after I put my right foot or tried to get it up with one of my sticks and my foot lifter. Usually this goes along real well in fact I got my shoe on the right foot backwards at first only after 10 or 15 minutes I realized this then started all over again this is when I got really dicey and I just could not lift my leg up. I'd been able to do the shorts this second time and actually get my two of my one foot it was the other foot that I couldn't raise high enough to cross my legs and usually this is not an issue but today it was. I think I was sitting in scattywampus in my chair and really get my legs up high enough so I can slide into my shorts. I think it took me at least 45 minutes to get dressed this morning when usually it only takes about 5 to 10 minutes for me. This really spooked me actually I was nearly exhausted by the time I had finished this task and I did finish it independently. I think they shorts were pulled to the side a little bit but didn't seem to be a matter of a problem. Once I'd gotten dressed it was like a little after 12:00 noon and I headed out over to the bus stop going inbound and waited and finally the bus arrived. Once I got to my credit union I got in this tremendous line which again I also thought it would take forever but finally they moved forward and I got my cash that I needed. When I was checking my mail on my email I noticed an email from my dentist talking about the insurance company that paid as much as they were going to and I still owed a couple hundred bucks for work that have been done earlier this year. Actually it was 300 bucks and some change. So I need to stop at the dentist office which I did and got better information on debt that I owed. I eventually went across the street and got my credit card and called the credit card information into the front desk of my dentist's office and set up a payment schedule. Honestly I thought I'd already done this. I nearly put 5 Mi on my power chair today it was a good day a lot more busy than I intended… 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Last day

 This is it the last day, I kind of wish I could have accomplished more this month or even this day but I've been kind of enjoying my digs now that they've been cleaned up a bit. Gloria, one of my caregivers or has been one of my caregivers, stopped by on Friday and did some cleanup around the place. Glory does the exceptional job usually around 2 hours of time. Floor swept, sometimes mopped, dishes washed mostly put away tables cleaned off that's always a biggie for me. Nothing makes me feel more like the apartments cleaned and cleaned off the table. It's all illusionary. I understand this but still it makes me feel good. She's relatively inexpensive. If I worked it out it would be $10 an hour plus $10 for wash money. Gloria usually contacts me when she's out of quarters. Then she'll come over and do the apartment for a couple hours and quarters a conversation so all together it's 30 bucks and some great conversation. I would really like her to come over and spend some time on my study area where I have my riding materials and my artistic materials and my library. When it's clean the area is quite cozy and I have enough Lighting in the area but it's just a great place to hang out especially in the winter time when it's way cold outside and you just want to snuggle up draw, read or just go through old books. Otherwise if I don't get this area cleaned up it'll just get more and more congested and messy. I need somebody strong who can make me throw stuff away. That's a point in my life where I am right now I need to start getting rid of stuff and I think this paperwork stuff might be the best way to start. I mean if I'm not interested enough to go through it I doubt if my people who survive me will be as interested. The kids might be and so I might save what I think are some of the better pieces for them they let them do whatever they want to with them and the rest of the materials that I don't destroy.

I did work out on my arm bike today. I really enjoy Mondays because I usually don't work out on Saturday or Sunday, Sunday for sure. So it's like getting back into the full workout mode on Monday so. I usually listen to some NPR show while I work out that eases me through the one hour or 60 minutes. As the true blue reader knows I do 200 minutes a week and so the first three days of the week get me to almost my mark. Following that, reaching the 200 minutes, I usually skate the rest of the week. So following the workout I crossed the street and went to the market as well as to the dollar store we're just now the dollar and a quarter store. I'm running out of boxed milk so I tanked up on it. I got five quarts should last quite a while. I also picked up some cleaning materials it was pretty productive. Like I said not a lot going on today but not bad either for the last day of the month..,

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Lucky Duck


I'm one lucky duck. That's not new information Anyone who reads this blog must know how lucky that I am and all manners of that word. Today is a case in point that I'll try not to make two bigger deal out of but still it was a big deal to me. We've been going to the same joint for breakfast the last couple years Mark and the kids and me Dee's Restaurant which is just a a few blocks from my apartment complex. It's very easy for me to get there but the trade-off is the service has gotten really poor the last couple of years as well as the food perhaps. We actually had to fight off flies a couple times this last summer so we're looking at expanding places to eat and one of the places we've gone lately is place called Penny Ann's Cafe for PAC. We went once or twice this last summer and it was a breath of fresh air that's compared to Dee's. It's a little bit further from my apartment complex but not too far I can get there very quickly on transit and I can actually roll there if I had to but it's a bit of a jaunt. I think PAC is a little bit more expensive then Dees but not significant. The service is pretty good, staff is nice the portions are pretty large- - not that the size of the portions is important to me. They have tables I can get under relatively easy compared to the other place. That's where we went this morning. As I said I have to take the bus so I have to make sure I'm up and ready to go so I can get there a little bit early to catch the bus. This morning I got the 7:40 bus which is about 10 minutes late but who's counting? Penny Ann sets off a little bit for the main drag where the bus let's be off so I have to backtrack a little bit. It sits in the back of a number of other establishments. I don't know what was going on in my head this morning but I don't think I was super sleepy I thought it was fairly focused. As I was ruling to the back of the area where Penny Ann's is located I am on some sidewalk and I have to be careful because I was on the one piece of sidewalk and all the sudden I realized I was closer to the edge then I had anticipated. I stopped my power chair just in time and got myself back to the center of the sidewalk. I went down the ramp and I thought I was at street level at that point it seemed like I was and so I was somewhat distracted I guess as I started going forward towards the restaurant. As I said I came off the one sidewalk that I thought I almost turfed it on and as I went forward I didn't really notice much but I was on another sidewalk that I thought was ground level as I mentioned and suddenly I felt myself going over the edge of the sidewalk. I was totally confused and totally freaked out knowing that this was it I was going to be going over and I was going to be hitting the concrete or whatever. It was even more surprised in a second when I didn't go over and found out that my foot pedals or foot box had caught me from going all the way over and the fact that I was strapped in to the chair with my safety belt also kept me in my chair but I was totally hanging out. This was putting a lot of stress on my lower stomach and everything and it took me a second to get reoriented. I was basically hanging out of my chair and I didn't know if it would do any good I was beginning to have some problems breathing and I then shouted “ help me! Help!” and to my surprise the head popped up in a car in the other parking lot. This guy saw my problem jumped out and ran over to where I was sitting or hanging. Of course I'm too heavy along with the power chair for him to try to pull up and of course he didn't speak a word of English and my Spanish isn't that great. But I stuck my arm straight up trying to get us intention to have him pull me so I'm sitting back into the chair which eventually did when I did that it's the whole chair seemed to sit back up on its Wheels to the point where I could push my lever forward and my wheels begin to catch in between me driving my chair and the other guy rocking my chair I was able to get enough traction to power me out of my predicament and get back on the pavement fully. I was really worried that something had gone wrong with my chair or I'd done some damage to the chair but as of yet I see no problems everything seems to be working fine. The foot box must be really sturdy to catch the weight of myself in the power chair as it did but so far everything seems to be working great and I didn't Turf it. I am really beginning to worry that if something like that were to happen and I wasn't strapped in I could break some bones I'm not much of a senior and that could almost be the end of me. Anyway that's my heroin story for the day. I'm at the kids had a great breakfast and a pretty good day. I went to two movies I was kind of proud of myself …

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A pretty good day

 This month is rapidly drawing to a close. Today was beautiful temperatures almost in the 90s and I should have been out on the bus line doing something rather than being in the apartment for most of the day. I'm trying to get the October mail out done and ready to go out by Monday morning. So I spent all day working on the mail out. I pretty much had the letters dictated ready to be printed so the big Quest was how am I going to print. It seems that should be the same every single month but I always get to this point and have to figure out how to do things all over again because weird things will have happened during the month. Sometimes I get kicked out of the software I use and have to find a new or create a new password. This drives me crazy and takes time and frustration. I finally got the letters pretty much written and then to some degree gone through and did some corrections that blatantly needed done. Then I had to go through the same process as far as actually printing the documents. I have for the last couple of months unable to use my tablet which has been a great help. I didn't plan it this way but for some reason my printer suddenly was able to read commands from my Samsung tablet and I could just dictate the letters to the tablet and then print the letters from the tablet straight to the printer. I hope that's clear enough for you to understand. But of course today Something's Happened and my printer no longer reads my tablet for whatever reason. So, I spent time trying to find out what the problem was with my tablet and then I had an idea. Sometime during this last month I realize that the writing software I'm using to write these documents it's basically Google Docs and I wondered if I downloaded Google docs to this tablet would it read all of the documents I've written in Google Docs everywhere and to my amazement I downloaded Google Docs on my desktop computer and sure enough there they were all the documents I've written in Google Docs there and ready to be printed. This of course took time to figure this out but once I did printing was a breeze and I was able to get not only the letters printed but I also got the envelopes printed as well. This evening I spent folding the letters and stuff in them into envelopes. Now I just have to stuff the envelopes with money for those who get it every month, apply stamps then seal up the envelopes. It's late now almost 10:00 p.m. and I'm ready for bed. Tomorrow as usual I have an 8:00 a.m. Sunday breakfast with some of my kids at a local restaurant. So hopefully tomorrow afternoon or evening I'll be able to lick and seal the envelopes shut. Part of the envelopes have those strips on the back that you peel off and it's supposed to stick to seal the envelope. However I sense these envelopes are pretty old and whatever glue was there is very unsticky. So I'm playing with the idea of opening or unclogging one of the bottles of Elmer glue I have kicking around and using it to seal those self-adhesive envelopes..

So even though I didn't get out and roused about a little bit out in the Glorious Sun I feel fairly accomplished being able to get 98% of the mail out attended to. It was a pretty good day …

Friday, September 27, 2024

Window on the world

 I think I've ranted on before about the debacle they've done across the fence from my apartment complex and specifically out my bedroom window. They basically turned down 3/4 of the park All The Pavilions all the bathrooms all the other pieces of things that make a park and they are rebuilding the project now. There was a major skateboard park facility that teenagers loved now of course they tore that out and are rebuilding that. At one time just outside my window there is a berm, amount of dirt on the other side of the fence that separated their property from our property it was a nice grassy Hill which quite protected the building from the outside world. They actually put a new Street in this area meaning they had to entirely remove the berm which now exposes me to all the traffic on a major thoroughfare just west of our building as well as all the construction going on the park. The way they have things laid out on the new park does not look like they are going to replace the berm which means the illusion of separation and quiet and peacefulness will be gone. During the day this looks quite Dreadful actually the view is almost Industrial just car after car after car. The park itself is relatively busy with dump truck after dump truck either taking things away from the park are bringing new dirt into the park to build up some of these projects they're working on. It's just busy busy busy and luckily I've gotten used to it pretty much. One thing I've kind of enjoyed however and I say this somewhat quietly kind of shocking myself is the view of Redwood Road during the dark time the dark. I've included with this posting the image outside my window on the world. It shows the activity to be quite busy on Redwood Road on a Friday night people going out on the town. They've already come home from work and it's Friday night out. It's still too early for any basketball games and of course there is a host of high school football games going on and who knows what else is going on on Friday night. I know I'm not going anywhere. But it's quite interesting sometimes to sit here turn off the lamp above my bed and watch the world go by and try to imagine all the places these people might go. It might be really interesting to see what happens on nights like Thanksgiving and particularly during the Christmas season as people go back and forth to events and shopping. Maybe I'm just trying to put the best face on another minor challenge in my life.

The closest person I have to a cleaning person came over today to spend a couple hours on my apartment. She used to be one of my caregivers couple years ago. That's how I met her. She amazes me because her life is always in a whirlwind of confusion. However today I was pleased to hear that she had found a place to live that she can afford which is very difficult in the Salt Lake market right now. They reduced her work hours to the point that she is significantly low income meaning that she can basically be guarantee the money she does make will cover her rent. She works extremely hard I'm always glad to help her out if and when I can. I worry about her but she always seems to survive and today is the calmest and most upbeat I've seen her in the number of months I hope it lasts…

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Keeping occupied

I was feeling artsy fartsy the other day so I took this image and edited it and thought I would add it to my blog tonight. I was hanging out at the IHC Medical Campus and had about 45 minutes before my appointment so I was trying to fill in time and keep myself occupied and out of trouble. This can be challenging at places like this. I'm on the 8th floor of this relatively large building, for Murray utah, being seen by my internist basically just as a follow-up so I wasn't really into any stress as I usually am when I go to these things. Right now I've got no issues to report so I was laying on my back looking up and saw this shiny object and it was the surveillance bulb or whatever they call it. One of the cameras they have all around this Hospital and doctor's office building. I wasn't sure how good an image would result from this and so I took a number of clicks and rendered the document above as the best and then cropped it down to where you could actually see that I was laying back in my chair looking up with my camera/ cell phone doing the basics. I really like doing this kind of stuff I really should do it more often.

It's Thursday so that means it's Coffee Day at least what they call the coffee social. It was not very well attended today and that says something about the event in general. We did some socialization and that was about it I was free for the rest of the day except for meeting with a friend of mine around 2:00. She was the creator of an acting company that we both participated in a couple decades ago. She is a real actress and I am not an actor though I went along with the group because at the time I was using the group as a class at the organization I worked with. We are trying to put together some small plays with people with disabilities. We became an acting company around that. Of time and we did some small place here and there but never at the pace and level that she would have liked. She is the kind of actor that lives for acting and she's good at it. She writes plays as well as acts them. It's a shame because over the years she's put together a couple of good groups of people that none of them had the same drive that she has in acting. We usually come together for a specific project and then disband. We also work together on some literary type projects and what is left is a three member crew that meet periodically for lunch and discuss what we're writing on if we are writing it all. The other two are usually writing but I am somewhat neglectful and I feel somewhat guilty for not keeping up my end of the deal. I think the other two characters carry me along think of that sooner or later I will break through this barrier I seem to have right now and produce something rich and wonderful I don't think it's going to happen…🤔 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Medicine and ice cream perfect day!

 It's crazy I just realized that other people are reading this blog. Every once in awhile I suspect are expected someone to trip across the document but now I'm beginning to realize that some are following it relatively closely. Some are even leaving messages or comments. I didn't start the blog for comments in fact I don't think I want comments that's why I didn't even know about the comments till the other day when I was doing something else and noticed there were comments about some of the things I've written about. What a shock really made me consider what I was writing about except for I was brought around to the concept once again I'm writing not for anything in particular as much as I'm just writing to keep myself writing if that makes any sense? Hopefully, someday I will write something worth commenting on but until then keep throwing his little bits of fluff out into the universe and get surprised when there's a nibble or something on them.

I had a doctor's appointment today. Luckily, it was a follow-up appointment and everything seems to be going okay so there wasn't a lot to really talk about except how good I seem to be doing which of course makes me feel pretty good. At the scheduled appointment for the middle of the afternoon 2:15 p.m. hopes to lighten the stress of trying to get the bus ride into the office on time and it worked. In fact the only drawback is have a keep myself busy until the time of my appointment. The doctor's appointment was really the only thing on my agenda today and that's just as well. I still ended up waiting for the doctor for about 20 minutes but that's all right no problem there. The room was a little chilly but not bad. I laid back in my chair and read stuff on my cell phone. I stopped into the main hospital on the way back to the bus terminal and actually got an ice cream. They don't serve ice cream cones anymore I don't know why. Probably something to do with hygiene or something the best you could do is get the ice cream that you want in these two sizes of plastic cups I took the smallest that's all I needed but the serving of ice cream still seemed quite large. The reason that I like this ice cream so much is that it's hard ice cream, the kind that has to be dug out with one of those scooper things they always keep in the water next to the ice cream tubs. The person who dug the ice cream out did a great job of packing a lot of ice cream into the small container. Cost $1.65 which seems like a deal compared to everything else these days especially for a confection like ice cream. I probably shouldn't have got the treat but I sure enjoyed it. I ate the whole thing which kind of surprised me because I kind of promised myself I wasn't going to and have a little bit to throw away but by the time I was down to the bottom of the ice cream Bowl I had decided that there was going to be no survivors, I was taking no prisoners and I would even lick the bowl if I thought I could social get away with it. It was a great experience. I sat near the windows overlooking the flight deck hoping a chopper would come in or leave. Seems like a slow afternoon however there are group of guys standing around an ambulance on the flight deck, I thought at first they were waiting for a delivery but that never seemed to happen. I ate my ice cream and then headed towards the bus depot to catch my ride back too the apartment complex. I actually got back in time for Marketplace, my favorite radio show, they just laid back or kicked back for the rest of the evening finishing the Marvel movie that I started last night…

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Techno frustration in the little bit of chili beans

I really do like technology most of the time but there are a few moments that just drive me crazy and one of them is the case of Disappearing emails or messages. I've just spent an hour trying to find a message that was sent me a couple weeks ago or maybe days ago regarding a doctor's appointment I have tomorrow. I really hate this new thing that doctors are doing that is requesting that you fill out these forms electronically before you show up for the doctor's office appointment. I have course kind of freak out when I get the message and then I cannot find them when it's time to fill it out the night before. Of course that's what I've been doing trying to search all of my documents to find out what I need to be doing before tomorrow's appointment. I know it came in through messages but I can't find it anywhere in messages so I checked the emails just in case and it's not there. I've checked everywhere I can't find it which basically means that I'm going to have to just show up tomorrow and chagrinley confess that I didn't fill out the document. When this happens before they always just sort of shrug their shoulders and say okay we can go do that now. Then I give the information and she writes it down and I wait for the doctor's appointment to start. I even went to my medical file online which I never do I had to really go through the whole process of finding my username and then developing a brand new password which I know I will forget our contaminate by the time I need to use the service again. However I did find that when I finally did get into my email medical folder it was pretty good. I never read it just because it's always full of bad news but not this time. One of the doctor's notes just recently indicates that I have done really well on my anemia issue. In fact I'm no longer anemic he still wants me on the dosage of iron for the next couple of months but that's really good news plus there's really good news on the diabetic situation. I need to read it again just to be sure I'm okay on that level but I still need to set up an appointment to get my diabetes training complete. This should be something I'm going to have to live with for ever now probably.

I spent a good part of the day away from the apartment- which is good isn't it? After all I must maintain my illusion that I'm important enough to be gone to meetings all the time. I had my usual weekly meeting down at assist. It was different than usual because I was invited to the staff luncheon they have one every month and everyone brings something to the event. I didn't have to. It was good there's a theme to each event of course this one is fall or pumpkin there's pumpkin soup pumpkin flapjacks and other things pumpkin that I didn't really partake of however they did bring homemade chili which was pretty good actually. Kind of reminded me of my mom's chili from the old days. I was impressed because jason, the director of the private nonprofit assist brought the chili in and he made it from scratch I mean he actually soaked the beans overnight or whatever it takes to get them soft for the chili which my family used to do. I've got a number of bags of red beans but I've never gotten the routers actually soaking them and then using them that way. I prefer the cans a red beans that I get either from the giveaway table or from the market. I currently have a case of red beans I purchased last month which lasts I should last a great while. It was nice seeing homemade red beans jelly I'm going to have to do it one of these first weeks when it gets cold and I want a blast from the past.., 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sucker Punch beware

Life seems to be going too good right now and when that happens I tend to get worried. Right now I don't have any wounds to speak of and I'm getting in and out of bed without much problems. The house is relatively clean and I am not in any pain. Teeth seem to be okay as does bowel and bladder. I seem to have my bowels under control right now no problems as far as pooping in public or when I'm not supposed to and that really is a blessing. I'm basically sleeping through the night and that's really cool I mean I really get up at 5:00 a.m. or wake up at 5:00 a.m. and that's okay I can get by on 5 hours of sleep. I stay up every night till about 12:00 then turn over and go to sleep and I sleep through the night more often than not. I'm not even waking to pee like I used to do. Oh, every once in awhile I have to do the I'll stick the dick but usually I get back to sleep after I do that that happens around 3:00 a.m. if it does. So right now I really think I'm doing better than I deserve which also makes me a little sensitive to the point that somewhere out there is a sucker punch with my name on it. I hope it's not a big punch you know the life ending kind whether making the wrong turn at the wrong time getting hit by a Trax train or getting the alpha news from the MD that my days are numbered that I need to get my house in order. Or maybe it's just the election that's coming up that the madman's going to get back into power but who knows what will happen at that point in time. I think it's going to be interesting all things being equal but still it's going to certainly change the way things go around this universe. Or maybe it's like what the Christians say or talk about it's what God wants. Wouldn't that be a hoot. Have to endure the Wrath of Arnold Trump to be followed by the wrath of God perhaps that would be the greatest I could punch of all. So, right now I'm feeling pretty decent. I'm making my meetings I'm getting about the neighborhood I'm getting my things taken care of I'm paying what I have to right now to get through life one week to the next and I seem to be doing okay. I also know from experience all that can change in a heartbeat.

So now I'm just trying to be the best person I can be. Trying to be nice to all my neighbors help out when I can or where I can. Make all my meetings care enough cash to give to homeless folks on the way to where I'm going and hope that will make a difference to a certain degree. Take all my medications don't shy away from my medical appointments say my prayers had to get very bad before 12:00 a.m. and you shuffle for all I've got…a 

 Life seems to be going too good right now and when that happens I tend to get worried. Right now I don't have any wounds to speak of and I'm getting in and out of bed without much problems. The house is relatively clean and I am not in any pain. Teeth seem to be okay as does bowel and bladder. I seem to have my bowels under control right now no problems as far as pooping in public or when I'm not supposed to and that really is a blessing. I'm basically sleeping through the night and that's really cool I mean I really get up at 5:00 a.m. or wake up at 5:00 a.m. and that's okay I can get by on 5 hours of sleep. I stay up every night till about 12:00 then turn over and go to sleep and I sleep through the night more often than not. I'm not even waking to pee like I used to do. Oh, every once in awhile I have to do the I'll stick the dick but usually I get back to sleep after I do that that happens around 3:00 a.m. if it does. So right now I really think I'm doing better than I deserve which also makes me a little sensitive to the point that somewhere out there is a sucker punch with my name on it. I hope it's not a big punch you know the life ending kind whether making the wrong turn at the wrong time getting hit by a Trax train or getting the alpha news from the MD that my days are numbered that I need to get my house in order. Or maybe it's just the election that's coming up that the madman's going to get back into power but who knows what will happen at that point in time. I think it's going to be interesting all things being equal but still it's going to certainly change the way things go around this universe. Or maybe it's like what the Christians say or talk about it's what God wants. Wouldn't that be a hoot. Have to endure the Wrath of Arnold Trump to be followed by the wrath of God perhaps that would be the greatest I could punch of all. So, right now I'm feeling pretty decent. I'm making my meetings I'm getting about the neighborhood I'm getting my things taken care of I'm paying what I have to right now to get through life one week to the next and I seem to be doing okay. I also know from experience all that can change in a heartbeat.

So now I'm just trying to be the best person I can be. Trying to be nice to all my neighbors help out when I can or where I can. Make all my meetings care enough cash to give to homeless folks on the way to where I'm going and hope that will make a difference to a certain degree. Take all my medications don't shy away from my medical appointments say my prayers had to get very bad before 12:00 a.m. and you shuffle for all I've got…

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Keep them separated

 Another perfect fall day which I totally squandered, actually today is the first day of fall. Squandered I mean by watching movies on the television usually Marvel from the Disney platform. I was a bit frustrated just because I want to watch a particular movie which is not on my free movie list but it's still offered for 395 on Prime. The only trouble is that somewhere along the line I got kicked out of my Prime account and I can't remember my password to get back into the account. I found this out after I had purchased the movie and was trying to bring the movie If I could watch but each password I had written down in times past none of them would work. This is so frustrating to me. I assume it's frustrating to other people as well especially people my age. I even had those password keepers turned on and I had three different passwords for the account none of them at work. So now I'm left with a 395 charge on the movie it'll probably expire in 2 to 3 days if I don't watch it. I think the only option I might have is go into a human being and see if they can talk me through getting my password updated and maybe getting my movie running as well. The movie I'm trying to get is Good Will Hunting, I haven't seen this I don't think and I can't believe I haven't seen it because got a couple of my favorite actors in it that's a pretty old film I'm surprised it was you had to purchase it. I would have thought it would have been in the free domain by now shows you what I know.

Had breakfast with the whole crew this morning. I was kind of interested and pleased that my granddaughter was quite interested in some of the things I've done in my life. I was really on today about the whole separate but equal thing. It was during this time as I explained this to the group around the Meltdown I had about Paralympics last week. Jasmine indicated that she actually had been reading about this whole concept separately equal another items regarding disability and for the first time she was saying she understood about some of the things that I seen the Yammer about a lot. She said she was impressed. I really didn't press much of the stuff because I didn't want to wreck the moment but still I was happily surprised that you thought the old grandpa was pretty cool and doing a lot of the stuff that she was reading about in her College reading. I have to admit I'm always impressed as well. Sometimes I think I might have done something of value. In the long run it really doesn't matter. Would like to think that it did but in reality the same issue still keep coming up obviously see my issue with the Paralympics and then normal Olympics. If we had done something significant it wouldn't be the two system of able-bodied athletes being separate from athletes with disabilities it's just that simple. That battle is going to come over and over again and I don't know if it'll ever get itself resolved probably when science figures out how to cure spinal cord injury and people with disabilities totally do disappear. But now it's like what the song says you got to keep him separated…

Saturday, September 21, 2024



Today was one of those pristine last days of summer first of fall Saturdays clear, cool but not cold, beautiful blue skies just a few clouds makes a person want to get something done or enjoy something outside. I wanted to get something for the weekend to be sure so I decided to go to the market. Right across from my apartment complex, I think I've talked about it before, there's an Arctic Circle it's the only really fast food joint around the place. I wish they made a better hamburger than they do but we will do in a pinch. Anyway, I went out back down the sidewalk and threw the fence slash gate to the main road which is Redwood Road and which is right across from Arctic Circle. I don't know what it was or how it carried the way that it did but in the cool Autumn air but the hamburger Grease came directly across the street and into my nostrils clearly activating the Wayback machine to move me instantly through history to the old grease joints that made the best hamburgers ever. I'm sure it was the grease that I smelled today from the Arctic Circle but I had that nice fried smell odor. I've learned the hard way that if I had to run over there right now and Order a burger of what I would get is a piece of meat that tasted kind of like what I wanted it to taste like what would basically be cardboard in my mouth it seems. Maybe I'm being too brutal but it's true at least this joint the order is different than the actual product. Down the street however five or six blocks there is a hamburger joint called Five Guys that puts out a pretty decent burger. Kind of tastes like the old burgers but it's much juicier and flavorful then the Arctic circles burgers and many of the other burgers that are out there now. It's a great burger for the time but it's not the hamburgers I remember from the late 50s or at least '60s which is a dog on shame. I've had my burger allotment for the week I don't dare have another one as much as I would like. I downloaded the McDonald's app to my cell phone a couple days ago and have not yet really figured out how to use it. I talked to my caregiver who knows everything about apps and things like that she tried to explain to me the system but I'm just going to have to do it myself. In fact where I got off the bus today was right across the street from the McDonald's here in Taylorsville and I really wanted to come across the street and use my app and my cell phone to order a burger pay for it and consume it without ever visiting with the staff from McDonald's. I didn't do that maybe next week or sometime this coming week who knows? Right now I still have things to do before I sleep and tomorrow morning early I am up and meeting the kids over for breakfast at the D's restaurant which never has a very good breakfast but it's filling and it's a reason for us to get together and visit and that's the whole purpose. I'm going to suggest that we take in virg's one of these days just to get some diversity in our Sunday morning breakfasts…