No sooner had I saved yesterdays post that my phone rang and it was Colorado Kendra the “shrink wrapped bus lady” to let me know that the drive had just lent Reno and he was Utah bound. This was great word for me since I was beginning to doubt the RTF people were actually going to show. The call was very reliving. However the calm of confirmation was soon replaced with the stress of “ THIS THING IA REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!!” I received a number of calls from participants asking me how I wanted their presentation tailored. I just gave them the latitude to do what ever they wanted. Then a couple of the providers called and locked in their donations—which is also cool, now I am just sitting back and waiting for the bus to check in.—We are going to have a party.
When the coach does check in I want to see the images of the exhibit to make sure the ‘hall’ we have provided is large enough to accommodate images in the exhibit. Each item in the exhibit is supposed to be around seven feet high and there are about eight items in the exhibit,. We only have 8 foot ceiling in the office suites and I am concerned the ceiling may not be high enough. If I have to default to a ‘Plan B’ scenario I think we could stick these images up in the front hall way for the after noon. I thought maybe the ceilings might be higher on the second floor and I just ‘beamed’ up there to check and I think the second floor ceilings are not as high as these ground floors. If the ceiling dose pose an issue then we will just move the whole mess outside. The forecast calls for clear skies and heat which ok. I just do not know if the exhibit can tolerate being out side.
The next thing I am grinding my teeth about is the response from the media. I have contacted the electronic and print media twice. I just did not have time to hit the radio stations—I kinda wished I had but all these media forms make getting hold of the next to impossible any more. No one has the balls anymore to publish a working phone number—they just have one of those electronic documents one has to fill out and one never knows where the document goes after you hit ‘send’. Does anyone really ever pick these documents up? You just never know. In the old days you could at least speak to the Assignment Editor and know that your information was received by someone, now days you just have to hope.
I have promised myself I am not going to get ‘wacked’ over this project—if anything I plan to have fun, I scheduled this event for late Friday afternoon for this very reason. Plus my boss is gone, in fact I AM the boss—so aside from showing up drunk or not at all I cannot see what can go wrong. At this juncture everything is logistics. I had asked the pop guy to bring his stuff over this afternoon but I am not seeing Bill anywhere yet. We have a strong three hours tomorrow morning before the event I supposed to take off. No sweat!