Friday, September 30, 2011

Slow Down and Save!!!

How much was that part??
Brent and Sue working on my chair repair!

Friday is my rehab day least wise right now—since the State has gone back to the five day work schedule I a having to burn my Sick leave to achieve my rehab. My physical therapist (PT), Sue has been incredibly supportive which is really, a breath of fresh air. I knew going into this morning rehab session I was not going to get rehabilitation as much as some sort of rehabilitation for my powerchair.

As of last night I was still using the foot plate ( which is still on the chair, I fold it upright hen I use the leg hangers). I knew Sue would be upset when I showed up for rehab without the hangers on sincee tat was the whole idea of using then hangers for a week. Then making adjustments when at my Friday rehab session. I was still hopeful, that Sue might be able to figure out how reattach the hanger piece I destroyed on Tuesday. This piece was pretty compromised when I ran the peddle into the crown of the street but if it could be straightened it might just work long enough till I an get the part shipped in.

DD and I had breakfast at the University hospital cafeteria and waited for my session. Sure enough Sure was disappointed but she also jumped right into the problem and attempting a solution. Brent my durable medical sales guy soon showed up and then new P.T. Student joined. We had a team working on my problem. About the only rehab I got this morning was when Sue placed my dangling feet on the red box. Fixing the problem today is the band-aid quick fix—I was not going to or at least drag my feet but I decided I had better just order the piece into the shop and make change. The part itself will cost $90.00 and if they have their staff puts the piece on that will jack the price another $90.00—ouch what go do.

My problem is I like the speed of my chair just too damn much—this get me when I come down an incline and when I bottom out and start my climb I usually push my pedals into the pavement which has caused my problems. I think the chair has a real design issue and be that asst may, I am going to have to learn to live with it....slow down and live a more careful life—drat!! The on going costs are just prohibitive. I was thinking some kind of behavior modification regimen—I am going to have to live my life at a slight tilt—whether I like it or not. I was thinking perhaps I could attach something to my chair which would prevent me from leveling my chair to the point where I will start ramming the street. Then I as thinking why not tie some sort of adverse stimulus to me and running my chair level, balls out. Electric shock! I bet electric shock would produce a quick learning curve—no one else in the group liked the idea but maybe some sort of sound stimulus could sound out when I was at a perilous hanger angle. Either way I am going to havee to do something this wheelchair living is just too expensive!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

“Tilt and Slow Down

Unbelievable this is seriously true. Lat night I leave work and I am heading for my home bound train and I am being good crossing the street tilted back in my chair just a little so the foot peddles are not hitting and pavement or anything else which might cause the peddles damage. I get to the Planetarium station, just across the street and I see the Blu-line and train, the train I need and everything leaves my head and I crank-up them speed. You guessed it as I come of the crown of the street my foot hangers dig into the bumps of the raised blind warning pad on the sidewalk driving the foot peddle into my chair breaking the hanger at the exact place as I had done the day before. I could not believe it. I just there in traffic stunned—I finally tipped the chair back and limped the rest of the way top the platform. I of course missed the train.

I limped all thee way home with my chair tiled back. My right foot kept slipping back and of the plate but I was just great full I had not had Josh take off thee foot-plate. I was crestfallen, I just wanted to get home. Dianne, who had been meeting me at the train station all week was out shopping and did not meet me so I forged ahead home—I needed to get the peddle out of its receiving part, this is the part which I destroyed and at least with the hanger out and my foot-plate down I could cruise with a little comfort. I thought of stopping at a service station even at strange houses in the neighborhood where I had noticed folks working on cars. They would understand. But nogo no one was out. I even considered at an automotive place like Sears Automotive or Pepboys bur just decided to go home. I lucked out in that no sooner had I got home and was outside on the deck waiting for DD or anyone to come home—my across the street neighbor, Dan, came home and I swooped. Dan pulled the foot hanger off sand I was free of the offensive broken part.

Now, I have to once again head back to the wheelchair shop. This time the repair is going to be expensive, time consuming and I will not doubt have it all over to do do again when I next run my foot peddle into the street. I was hoping could get Frank or someone to pound the piece straight he said he could not do it because the metal is so brittle—he feels the part would surely break. I still think I can do it—even if the piece held or a day. I called the shop this morning and started the process of ordering in the part I need. The part is nearly $100.00 if they install the part it will be another 84.00!! Frank says he'll install the part if I can get it in. So that is where I am waiting for the part to arrive and tomorrow I have rehab and I know Sue is going to want to see me with m,y new foot peddles in place...well it isn't going to happen tomorrow but I am going to start the process of training myself to “tilt and slow down”.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Parrell Univeresis

Wednesday morning, and indeed, it this week is becoming a long week but as they say today is “hump day” and I am feeling I can make it to the weekend. I kinda felt I had better follow on the trip to the wheelchair shop. Luckily the foot plate, the platform, I have been using to support my feet, th device which came with the chair, has not been taken off so I removed both hangers and returned to using the plate. I left the office and hopped the 200 Southbound and got into Bad Ass Coffee and to Magic rest way before (20 minutes) way before my appointment which was 4:00 pm.

I kinda of had been building myself up ever since I made the call for the appointment that I knew they were going to try to screw me and I was going to have to hold my ground if not get a little bit offensive. So I rolled in with” my shields up”. I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised. Since the part I needed was already in station it was just a matter of having the technician install the piece. At first the tech was going to charge me for one hour's labor which would have been $84.00 and that just was not right. I did not have to say anything. Magic Rest did it right and blew off the shop fee and installed the broken piece. So, the only thing I really spent was the using of “sick” time.

So, thee Leg hangers are on and I continue to get “used” to them. The discomfort stage is over however I am still getting used to my feet being parallel to each other. I actually kind of like the feeling it gives me. What I have notice is how many other folk have noticed how straight I look sitting in my chair. So the back, leg hangers and cushion are in place and seems to be making a difference. I still have the Sales rep I have been working through coming to meet with me and my physical therapist this coming Friday to tweak” the chair and the new parts so everything will work together. I am having a it of an issue as to how I appear in thee chair. I feel like I really look more gimpish then I have ever before. I don't know I think it's how my feet look: so parallel so un-natural to how I have looked for decades. But, will give this new look the benefit of the doubt and see where it takes me...

Monday, September 26, 2011

More of the Same

I get so frustrated in trying to live as someone with a disability. I actually I have done pretty well for the 40 some years I have been disabled. I have been fairly healthy, independent and self driven bu the past couple of years I have been spiraling, what seems downward. I am aging out of all the good things I have been in this life and I really don't think there is much I can do bout it.

I have been doing physical therapy, for s much as my insurance will cover the past couple of years; partially to develop muscle or strengthen what muscle tissue I already have to assist me in my activities of daily living you know: showering, using the toilet, get dressed. I have also dipped back into ye ole medical to get some pressure sores repaired. The benefit of being enrolled in a P.T. program is this association opens up channels to get more equipment a person might need to stay independent. In fact I have just about got a complete rebuild on my powerchair.

I started breaking down skin on my butt recently which led me to ordering A NEW SUPER IMPROVED wheelchair cushion. I have never had so much professional intervention in purchasing a new cushion. The device finally came in and I picked it up and started using the cushion a week ago. I have to admit I was disappointed a little. I did not get as much butt relief as I had anticipated even though cushion is maybe a quarter to half inch higher then the worn out cushion. This does not sound like a lot but in economies of scale, an inch can be like ten feet. So, I have really had to use all my strength to get myself up into this chair in the mornings when I transfer from my manualto the power chair to begin my day.

The leg hanger finally came in last week. The hangers are the last step in the process of rebuilding my chair so I might continue being a productive old guy with a disability my PT called the shop and and found the parts in last Friday morning and I scheduled the following Saturday get the parts an start using them and getting used to them so when I go into therapy this coming Friday we will know where to tweak the devices and make them better. And of course this morning on the way to work I break one of the hangers—Grrrr. What is it with me. The right hanger's foot plate was not tight and when I drove my chair down the ramp and onto the sidewalk then onto the street I ran into the crown of the street breaking the cast iron part which is critical to having the hanger be functional.

Naturally when I get into the office I have Frank look at the part and diagnosis the issue, I all my shop and begin the process of getting this piece repaired or what ever. There was so issue of me having to pay for the labor to restore the part but they called while I was out at lunch and will eat the labor. Now, I just have to saddle up and bus down( burn vacation or Sick, at least 90 minutes) to the shop. Its going to be a long week.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Of Spiders and Hobos

The fall is almost here, the cooler weather has rolled in and we have had storms and thunderstorms which I feel is very odd for this time of year. I have been looking round for long sleeves and turtle neck shirts. The ride into the train in the morning is uncomfortably cool and we have thrown another blanket on the bed. Summer is gone.

This last week was the first week the State has returned to the five day week,work now begins at 8:00 and is over 5:00 pm. I have done my share of griping but I am rolling with the change ok. I am forcing myself to sleep in an hour and am enjoying leaving for home aa half hour then I used to. I am also getting an extra day to work and take phone calls. So change back has not been too bad so,I need to stop my bitching.

The spiders are coming into house from yard now the temperature is dropping and the hobos are looking and finding anything they can to give them some protection from the night's cool downs. I am amazed every day when I use our bathroom I have seen huge daddy long legs and I have found out daddy long legs are great to have a round since they eat a host of other spiders which might invade the house. I can deal with daddy long legs. Hobos are another challenge. When I came to work on Tuesday I was met by what looked like a bundle now from the front door to the building I work. I am usually the second person in the morning. Frank the accountant, is usually first in and the door to the building iss unlocked. But not this day frank had not yet come in. I had a suspicion the bundle housed a person but was not totally sure until I looked close and saw a had poking out of the end of the bundle and the hand moved! I thought better of unlocking the door and decided to go round to the back and unlock the back door.

I started my day: cranked up my system, made the coffee and popped two pieces of bread into the toaster oven and got them toasting. I often make toast which I slather with peanut butter and eat for breakfast. I could not get the body in the front of the office of my mind. I was seriously thinking of making a couple pieces of toast and waking the hobo it toast and coffee. Luckily, Bonnie showed up and made short work of waking and sending the sleeper on his way. I sort of feel I failed as a human, as missing an opportunity to put someone in front of myself. But I am not stupid, I have brothers and sisters and know what can happen when someone who does not want to be woken is woken. I have still not fully got over another body I came across earlier this Summer, one who was not going do go on his own any time soon. But still, I feel sad as each day the hours of daylight shortens and the night grown longer, dark and colder. The Spiders and hobos are at risk

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Council of My Peers

I am a half hour from a yet another meeting in the quest to keep this position live.
Today we have invited representatives from different I&R's throughout the area to come together as a resource council. The council is not my idea but the bosses as a possible way to increase funding to keep my position afloat. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous to bring this in front of my peers, if I have peers.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Five Days Aweek!

This week the State returned to the five day work week, hours returning to the traditional 8:00 am-5:00 pm, we're into day two, actually three, if you count the holiday Monday as being part of this week. I would love to say I am open to this change, and that I am going to make the best of it—which I will, but I am not very open to returning to the five day grunge. After all as many of you know the reason I started State employment was because this position I am in was set up as a 4-10 work week. Granted when I hired on this was a two operator office and we covered each others position—I had Friday's off and my partner had Mondays and the world was right. However, with the recession, depression or what ever, things all changed and particularly in the State universe. Little by little my funding dried up, I lost my other operator and had to return too the five day week until the governor, the last governor went to the four day week and now we're back.

Looking at the five day week seems more more ponderous then the five day week actually is. I m going to have to re-arrange my life a little. I am going to keep my physical therapy appointment on Friday mornings and just take off sick for as long as I have PT—I should have more then enough hours in my State sick leave account. Then this Friday I have one of my quarterly meetings—which runs from 11:00-2:00 and with travel I I should only be in the office two hours, late in the day. So, the bright side, this is not so bad I just have to get used to the extra day. I start my work day an hour later then I did on the four day schedule, but the later hour does not help me much since I am an early riser—once I am dressed in the morning I am gone. The only benefit I do enjoy is that now I can stop for breakfast along the way—which I did this morning—the golden arches and they have WiFi that is free. I will survive.