Monday, September 04, 2006

My Moment of Clarety

It's dark now. My holiday is nearly over and its almost time for bed and the start of the work week. Time goes so fast. It was only this morning in a moment of clarity that I realized what a jerk I must have been as a child.

Yesterday we had the usually Auni breakfast, bacon, eggs and grits. Dianne always makes an extra large helping of grits enough that we have left overs that we can fry. I love these left overs and we had a bunch this morning, enough so that I made Spam one of my guilty pleasures. We did not eat bacon when I was growing up. I shall go` into this explanation some day but not today. The explanation is bizarre and would take longer then I am willing pledge to night. Don't let me forget though it's a great story. Anyway, Dianne indicated she loves fried mush especially with syrup. I rolled my eyes and began my tirade about how I hated fried mush when I was growing up. Primarily because fried mush smelled so good before I knew what was really being cooked. Usually corn meal mush fried up and cut into squared and served with syrup and sometimes Spam. I am sure I made a major spoiled fuss when I realized what we were having for breakfast. I am positive I hurt my mother's feeling. She just served me and I complained.

Since Dianne has been frying up grits I have loved them. Crispy and crunchy and great with the thinly fried stammers. Dianne made me realized that grits are like first cousins to corn meal. Somehow I felt when I was getting fried mush when I was a kid I was getting short changed somehow. I wasn't I was being a kid jerk. How stupid can I get? I am sorry mom. I am sorry for not eating what was set before me and being happy to have it. We were a house full of kids and you and dad were just doing the best you could in the 50's and 60's Thanks.

Today is Jessica's birthday. Jessica is my granddaughter and she is 14 years old. I dropped over to her place tonight for dinner and drop off our gift. Jessica is my son's step-daughter. I hate that term. Their apartment is not accessible to wheelchair and they are wonderful to include me as they do. We sat on the lawn and Mark cooked the hamburgers and hotdogs. We visited an watched the cousins play on swings and in the sandbox. I was shocked when toward the end of the evening when all the rest of the family emerged from the apartment especially the other grand parents. Hand shaking and hugs were exchanged. Inquiries as to how the summer has gone and personal health. Focusing on what major event is going on with your opposite number. They are building a house! Having problems with the builders but the house is coming along. Maybe be done in a couple of years...I just agreed and tried to keep a straight face.

They finally opened the gifts( cards with money). The other grandfather split so I took that as my leave too. Its good to be home and I am ready to start my new week.

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