Sunday, March 30, 2008

Save A Memory

I woke at three this morning thinking about my grade school in Boise, Campus School. Campus, so named because the school sat on campus, Boise Jr. College which later grew up to be Boise State University. Besides being a school Campus was also training platform cadet teachers at the college/university. I found a couple of years ago the school had been closed as a school and the building turned into offices for the university. Now I find the school, or building which housed the school is doomed for demolition! Something about wanting the buildings of the university to match and the architecture of the school (built in 1949) does not fit with the bright shiny new structures of glass and steel of today.

Coincidence I am sure but laying there in bed trying to force my brain to shut down enough to fall back a sleep I wondered if a website could be made to commemorate the schools existence. I have tried to link up with some of the students who attended Campus to no avail. I now just want to get some photographs of the school, maybe some events and maybe a place where students might come and write about their experiences and feelings of their time in those brick walls. I am going to go to Boise School District and see if there is a photo dump somewhere such photos exist. Maybe the university has some sort of files in the History Department or maybe the Idaho Museum group or what have you. I know these images are out there I just have to run them down. I cannot believe there is not more interest in such a project. I am going to talk with Kim, John, Tom, Linda, Leah, Paul, Bruce, maybe even Brent some of the folks I know who attended Campus and may have an interest in such a website. John is a historian (trained) and I still know how to contact him. Heck there maybe be a whole pile of images and stories at the University just waiting for a group just like ours. I know it sounds hokey but I would like to see some sort of alum program started—some of the best stories from the place like the “crossed crutches on the bible open to the 23rd Psalm” or the time Harry Warr beat me up in music class or the great school carnivals where I would get my winter supply of comic books. I have also been thinking a lot about the hot lunches served in the auditorium(Campus did not have a gym). The great mashed potatoes served up with ice cream scoops. I hardly ever got “hot lunch” but I remember the ones I did get, hot rolls and mashed potatoes and gravy with what ever meat product they would serve and the 5 cent carton of milk served from the milk machine in the corner. Flag foot ball in the fall , soft ball in the spring, tetherball and marbles anytime else and the bus ride to and from school. There is a whole history here I cannot remember it all alone somebody help!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This really connects to your blog about John's birthday. Powerful stuff. Hope someone will join you in remembering the joys and memories of your youth.