Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A Different Road Taken

My house lies almost smack dab in the middle of two train stations—I am about six blocks to each station. About three weeks ago the transit company started making a spur to the West side Traxx lines a multi-year expansion project which I think is just great; a line allowing folks on the “West side” of the valley the blessing of public transit. The only draw back is the spur is taking off at my train station. That point where I board and get off the train each day. Actually, I can still get off the train and board the train from that station, if I wish, I just cannot get there along my old path of travel. Sidewalks are ripped up as are the streets four about three blocks of my trip making the path totally un-useable.

So about three weeks ago, in stead of turning South to my usual train stop, I started turning North, which takes me past the back of my house up and over this huge over pass which actually crosses the Interstate. I have always really wanted to take this route by was kind of chicken. In my old power chair, the chair was so that I did think I had the patience the motor. Then there was the huge overpass. I just did not give my little chair credit. And since getting my new chair I have never considered the challenge of motoring to this train station until the started construction on the spur. Turning North instead of South was hard for me that first day of going to the new station but I did it and I was pleasantly surprised to find there is much less traffic at this time of day then the other direction. This lack of traffic allows me the opportunity to spend almost my entire trip in the street, on the pavement free of the nasty cracks and bumps which can send my entire body, especially my right leg into spasms—but that is fodder for another blog.

When I take off in the morning the day is new and so is the charge in my batteries. I am able to tear down the street in the back of my house at 8. MPH—which doe not sound too fast but is fast enough for me. When I get to the over-pass the gravity, I suppose, cuts my forward motion down to 7.5 MPH but I was surprised at how snappy the chair carried me over the railroad tracks. One I am on the down side of the over-pass I have to be a bit more careful because my speed now generate to up to 8.5 if I press forward full bore . When I finally reach the bottom of the overpass I come out on the parking area of the train station. Comparatively speaking, there are few cars in the parking lot this time of day and I am greeted by this huge, gentle slope which rides me right down to the train ramps.

What is really weird, I have always believed this route was the longer of the two, especially with the over pass but now I do not know. It seems I get to the North station quicker the when I would travel to the North station. The overpass bothers me, I don’t know why but I have sort of have a love hate thing with coming down the other side. I am sure the stress is just tearing the guts out of my motors but I have not really seen any diminished performance in my vehicle yet. The only irritation I really do have is that the new chair seems hard on my body. I have to get some things adjusted on the chair and I have an appointment on Saturday at the wheelchair shop and then, maybe this trip will be a bit more pleasant but in any case this road taken has made all the difference.

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