Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Summer's Gone, Gone, Gone

Summer’s over it’s official even if it’s not officially over. The day after Labor Day always feels different then the day before; even though nothing has really changed. But for me something inside me has changed and my days feel different. It’s way dark when I start out in the mornings as I roll to work. I had Dianne apply the reflective orange vest a Utah Department of Transportation Road Construction worker gave me a couple of years ago when he thought I needed to be more visible in the Winter’s morning and evening’s darkness. Right now in the evenings, going home, I am fine and will continue to be relatively safe until November when Daylight Saving time ends this year but I do need something now, for in the mornings. The temperature is cool today, I noticed that even at noon the temperature was only in the 70’s, it was cool almost uncomfortable as I when and came from an afternoon luncheon—even though the temps have been called for the upper 80’s I will be surprised if we see up 80’s again until next year.

I have not started wearing a hood or poncho to keep warm on my trips to the train but a couple of mornings I have wished I had something to war. I think this next weekend I’ll dig out my hood or get another with a Sears Bonus card I have seen laying round the house. My black watch cap has never left my back pack and I need to think about investing in another pair of gloves. The pears in the back yard are hanging low and the garden has produced about all it’s going to this year. The Fall TV season is starting this week and the kids are getting tired of school, except for my grand daughter Jasmine who is still in her first week of kindergarten and loving it. Jasmine is just so excited to be with kids who don’t pick on her.

In the not to distant future I sense brisk sunny mornings, the smell of wood fires as neighbors heat their homes staving off turning on their furnaces as long as possible. Somewhere pumpkins are being harvested and put on trucks and heading for supermarkets and farmer markets across the country and turkeys are being fattened up—Yup Summer’s over but the fun of Fall is just beginning.

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