Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Saving My Bacon

Why is it the harder one focuses on a task the more difficult the task becomes? We had another “Save Meadowlark's job” meeting last Thursday and it was decided that I would once again rebirth my self and make my office something the rest of the State want's to be part of. We continue to look toward technology for this saving grace. There continues to be interest in the semi-weekly broadcasts –the interview show I have been doing. We now have more then sixty filmed and in the archives. I like doing the interviews the producing and management is getting somewhat tedious but I keep turning the shows out.

One of the results of last Thursday's meeting was I am to produce a series of five minute shows illustrating :”how tos” for people with disabilities. This sounded pretty interesting and something I thing I could do, might be fun and even valuable to some of our funders. Something we could put together then host on You Tube or other INTERNET self video publish provider—there are tons. Anyway I got the task with first product to me examined tomorrow Thursday. I of course did nothing on the project until yesterday except think about the project. I actually changed to the topic which was how to work with Vocational Rehabilitation to how to get a designated parking plate.

I was alone for most of yesterday here in the office—the main Council held its monthly meeting in some remote corner of the state leaving me and Amy to host the office which means basically me since Amy is out in the community a great part of the time. The staff was gone Monday and Tuesday so while I was alone I decided to use the quite and private time to begin filming the first project. I am going to film this project with a cam corder or with my little red camera and then edit the takes and put the whole mess together. So, I have started with the camera on the lap top and
Movie Maker which came bundled with my lap top. The process is slow going and now with staff back in the office the going maybe be even slower still but I hope to have something to show. by tomorrow afternoon.

So, I truly believe this project will fun but be a lot of work and who knows, maybe just the thing to save my bacon.

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