Sunday, January 08, 2012

Baptism and a Movie Part !

My granddaughter, Jasmine, was born eight years ago this last December. Eight fast years, hard to believe. I do not see Jasmine as often as I would like, a couple times a year: birthdays, holidays and sometimes when her dad comes over to mow the yard or help me with some computer problem I might be experiencing, a problem I cannot fix on my own. The family has moved far west and south of Murray and makes it problematic for us to get over to Day Break. Trax has recently opened a station at DayBreak and as soon as the winter breaks and the days warm I am going to go over to \Day Break and visit more often.

Mark A called last week to let me know that Jasmine would be baptized and asked if we would like to be present. I of course indicated I would-feeling a sting of terror of having to re-enter that great monolith religion, have effectively left. But Jasmine is my granddaughter and I need to show her I love and support her. Besides a baptism is a short ordinance and should not take long, least wise that is how our family had experienced the event. I was a little surprised when Mark A indicated the event would take place at 9:30 in the morning, in the morning?! I had understood things had changed with the baptism ordinance and the event was now down on Saturday morning and the confirmation too getting everything done on Saturday not eating in to the time of the Sunday fast and testimony meeting.

Dianne was not feeling well yesterday morning so it would be just me going to the baptism. I was up early enough on Saturday morning, I knew I would have to leave way early to make the drive across the valley. I get lost easy, I always get lost and I always have to build time into any destination I have not ever been before by myself. True to form I DID get lost. Daybreak is a designed community wiles away to the South and West of Salt Lake city. I had actually written the address on my cell and put the phone in my pocket—so I could call Mark A, when I became hopelessly lost, and he could talk me into church. And sure enough as I was adjusting myself on the driver's sear the cell slipped from my pocket and landed deep into the step besides the drivers seat next to the door. I had given myself 2 hours to make the trip.

By 9:00 o-clock, thirty minutes before the baptism I was in the general area of the church but I could not find the chapel as much as I drove and tried to read the signs. A light snow had fallen during the night, enough to cover many of the street signs but I thought I could make it.

By 9:15 I knew I needed help because I would need time to get to the chapel, park down load and throw myself back together. I truly mess my closes up when I transfer into and out of my chair to drive. I knew I was going to have to bolt to the bathroom to tuck myself in, put on a shoe. I heard my cell phone,muffled by distance somewhere under my seat. I pulled over, opened the driver's door and then leaned out and saw my cell phone just under my seat. I managed to grab the cell , it took a minute or two but I got it and called my son, who was en route from his work, and mark A led me into the chapel at 9:25.

I down loaded and bolted to the bathroom to put myself back together. I had a few minutes before the ordinance was to begin. In my haste to down load I had lot one shoe from my foot. I sent Mark A. back to the van and got my shoe and cell phone and tablet I had left on the seat of the van in my haste to get to the church on time. ( End part 1)

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