Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Arrrgh Lucy Don't Yank The Football!

I truly am beginning to feel like Charlie Brown. You know Charlie Brown and cartoon strip and specifically the strip where Lucy is holding the ball for Charlie Brown to place kick and every time Charlie Brown gets to the ball Lucy yanks the ball away. I did it again the day. I got up got dressed hung around the apartments and then headed in the Housing Authority for the DRAC meeting. And once again I get to an empty room.

That is twice this week I have got out of my way to make a meeting that I was around place. I'm going to go halfway and say I I could have mistaken the locations but I don't think so. But I did do especially after Monday meeting that wasn't – – at least it wasn't in the place I thought. I painstakingly checked the emails. I saw for sure there was a meeting Wednesday, today. Again, I did not even think the meeting would anywhere butThe Housing Authority of Salt Lake County. That's what they've always been except when otherwise noted. I didn't get the memo. I suppose Monday's meeting was at the DRAC office and today's meeting was at the DD Council office downtown Salt Lake.For some reason these non-meetings for me is not pissing me off. I think Monday I was so enamored of the little restaurant I stumbled upon that was hard for me to stay angry for the non-meeting. Today, again I went to a restaurant I haven't been for years – a Mexican place and I had tamales which were excellent. The place was right behind my old office: the independent living center. The place was definitely Hispanic, I mean it definitely was Mexican food being served but was also definitely Hispanic operated. I was mildly surprised a young guy took my order spoke English but he did. There were a couple other anglos in the restaurant. It was Mexican Semi-fast food not fast food like Taco Time or Taco Bell. The food was fast but definitely Mexican restaurant quality and quantity. My entrée was more expensive than fast food not so bad if you consider having the meal twice. That justifies eight dollars layout a little bit.

So, two-days Of meetings missed. Missing these meetings cannot make me look good in the community of rabble rousers. I doubt that I even care what these people think of me missing these meetings. After all one was a planning meeting and was a general meeting. My experience in the past couple months that these meetings are poorly Attended. I could go on and on about the poor folks disabilities and the poor transportation options but I figure what the hell? I got there on time. At a couple of functions we've had the past couple of months we ought to have a small ad hoc meeting or impromptu meeting. Where there's a great deal of backslapping, self-aggrandizement and a little planning for possible events. Already, the group is making plans for the next meeting Which now looks to be this coming Friday and I'm going to have to again, look closely to see where this meeting was supposed to be. I'm not sure if I'm even going to Attend. Unlike Charlie Brown I know when to put the ball away.

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