Saturday, May 16, 2020

Low – Profile

Salt Lake City/County has gone too status “yellow”. This means people can start congregating again in public even without masks! I don't know how healthy this is and I must say I can't throw too many stones because I've gotten the marketplace today. But, I have worn my mask and our market does a very good job and sanitizing everything, all the time. They directed plastic screens on all the check stands. I think it's relatively safe. On my first venture out I took the long route to the market which takes me past the park here in Taylorsville. The park was packed and the park is still packed. The volleyball that's her up and people are being active. Sweats flying as well as a lot of heavy breathing. Hopefully, with blow germs the right way out of harms way for all the silly humans playing in the park. For the first time I'm hearing the heavy base of boomboxes floating over from the park. This constant background rhythm will be the status quo every weekend/holiday this summer or until Covid 19 comes back with a vengeance which folks say that it might if we lower our guard to quickly.

I totally enjoyed having my repaired chair. I zoomed up the back to the market twice. All systems are go now I just have to pull the reins and keep myself in the apartment as much I can for the next couple weeks as we may be going into the next phase of the virus. Really, hopefully, I want this to be the time we go to status “green”. I want the movies back open, want to feel safe on the train and on the buses, I want to go downtown if nothing more just to hang out. It's funny how much you take something for granted until that something is taken away. Now I just want to go downtown and hang out like a hobo now the weather is going to be warm and dry. It's early still in the heat, the dry heat is coming on way early this year. In fact the national news, tonight, carried a story about “mega – drought” the West United States may be in the driest season since the 1200s, according to the study of tree rings. Fire warnings up all over the state and high winds are forecast for tomorrow and Monday in the fire suppression folks are way understaffed due to the virus. It's going to be a rambunctious summer anyway one looks at it. I'm going to be a good “do be” however and stay in the apartment as much as possible leaving only when I have to. I have various projects I'm still interested in which is keeping me busy and keeping me from wanting to do anything out of the apartment. I workout daily, physically, and I write which hopefully as to my mental stimulation. All the media says were to get through this I want to believe them but, I just don't …

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