As a rule I dislike Sports. I think I've gone over my history enough times in this blog that the dedicated reader understands my disdain for competitive games. It just seems such a Monumental waste of time and then the whole thing where everyone's caught up in it and it's a real thing it's just wears me out. Having said that now I must confess that I'm spending my evening among other things like folding clothes from the days watch and cleaning up the kitchen a little bit too having the first Utah Jazz game of the season, which counts, on my screen by the big computer. Notice I didn't say I was watching the game but the game is on and I am gazing at it periodically as I wander in and out of rooms in my apartment tonight. I took a break and paused or put the game on silence to come in and do my blog but I eventually will probably go back and see what happens after the half or at least when I'm done with this posting. The jazz tonight are playing some California team which seems to be pretty good, one of the announcers said fast and I guess they seem to be. They took off on a good size lead early in the game and had kept it by the time that I pause the screen to come in and finish folding clothes in blogging. Maybe I just like sports because either the teams I'm on or the teams I support always lose. Whether it was baseball or football or whatever the teams that I was aware of as a kid like Junior High and whatever always seem to be losing. That was different however when I wrestled I think that comes back to that whole thing of individual sports versus team sports. Anyway, I get sucked into supporting the team and then they lose all the time that's really frustrates me. Like I said I'm not a really good sports person and I'm watching tonight primarily because I got sort of sucked into it by all the 50-year celebration this team has had Tonight is their 50th or beginning of the 50th year for the organization. They even took out a lot of the 5:00 and 6:00 news basically covering this whole event. Just media hype I'm aware of that but they've been doing it all day on their Network it amazes me but people will tolerate what kind of scares me is that it's not a matter of tolerating because that's what the local numbness brainless Utahan wants.
The first winter storm is coming in tonight. It's not a big one by any means and probably is not going to be as bad as they even forecast but still makes me feel somewhat wintry. I even had Melissa put another blanket on my bed now I hope it's not too much. I went to the market twice today when's I got a number 10 Goods of things I use a lot of and I put them in the cupboard of course but I forgot to get any produce so I went back for a bananas and a cucumber sliced up for my morning drink. As it stands now I shouldn't have to go out again before the weekend when it looks like the weather might be somewhat better but colder than it is now. Today was Food Bank I was able to get some more spaghetti, a package of elbow macaroni and a package of brown rice. I think I still have a couple cans of chicken up in my meat section of the cupboards so I can be making some Frank in the near future. I'm almost done with the spaghetti that I made last Saturday I'm ready for the snow …
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