Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Almost Season of Miracles

Yesterday, I really was feeling good , in fact the best I have felt all week and feeling good sometimes clouds my judgment and I start making stupid rose colored comments and even almost believing those comments until the world steps in and slaps me down and puts me back into my place. I guess I need this, for what ever reason.

Dianne called during the day to let me know the hydrophilic catheters she ordered had come in. The hydrophilics are kind of special catheters, they’re very smooth coming with their own solution which is supposed to make using them slick as a whistle. From what I have read the hydrophilic catheter, is least probable in causing UTI or other complications like cancer of the bladder. This catheter seems much smaller then the other catheters but I was going to try to be open minded about the whole thing.

I was pleased to see the van parked at the train station, when I pulled into 5300 South. Dianne had come to retrieve the van from the Cousin’s place where they had been Winterizing the vehicle for the past couple of days. When we got home Dianne shows me the catheters and indeed these catheters are small an kinda of flimsy then the chloroplasts we have been using—but I am trying to be open minded. As soon as the 9-o-clock news began I hightailed it back to the bathroom to try out the hydrophlics. To me the whole system is complicated and the comfort extolled the catheters website and testimonials I read at more then one website did not live up to what had been reported. The experience was not necessarily painful just somewhat uncomfortable. The diameter is so small the it took for ever for the bladder to drain and when we had finished draining there was almost 800CC’s of liquid in the container an I guess this is not. I should be cathing sometime during the day at work and Dianne felt bad because she was thinking and hoping these caths would be the end all answer and now were back to square one with only few of the catheters we had gotten from the clinic. Then I realized that my wallet was not where I usually carry it—it was gone. I seem to have lost my wallet again-piss!!! Do you see the irony?

Then this morning I get to the office, no wallet, I was kinda banking on the wallet laying on my desk but the kid who had called earlier in the month was dropping off about 900 catheters Coloplast, 14 Fr, sterile with protections. I think these will do. I am hoping and praying a good Samaritan will find and turn in my wallet with all my cards and ID. But the catheters came into today right in time and I’ll deal with one miracle at a time…

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