Monday, June 06, 2011

Save Me

My spider senses are tingling. Something's up I m not sure what but I am sensing from the “force” I bet be looking both ways, up and down and behind my back because something's definitely in the wind. When I get these feelings I start cleaning my office-not packing- just cleaning. I clean my office and then if I nee to go to the next level I do. So now I am jut cleaning m office.

We had another “Save meadowlark meeting” this morning which included a director type from a think tank from up north. This person also has control of lots of money and she and her comments can directly impact the flow of river of money. I do not think the meeting was all that productive except to have those sitting round the speaker phone realize the tree we had been barking up for funding was not really a productive quest—which brought us back to focusing on the funding we had and developing and refining out current project. We have funding in place now for the next year—which is good, for me. Now we/me are trying to build some sort of sustainability for the project now. This part is hard, the hardest part of all because all these funding source are crying for data. Data I do not have primarily because I do not have the calls coming in to count. I have poor software which always fails me one way or the other and my equipment is getting more and more faulty each day, with no hope of financial infusion to up grade the systems.

This whirlwind of confusion was rolling round in my mind as I boarded the train this morning, a good morning, new and warm and full of promise. As we pulled out of my station I pulled out my new MP3 player and began messing with the pile of music Dianne downloaded onto it last night—then I whipped out my cell-phone camera and started “sharking” for my next image for “train person” of the day.I took a couple of snaps and was about ready to return to my frets about the save “meadowlark” project when we pulled into the 33rd south station when a raggedy man pushed his shopping cart loaded with what looked like his entire life. Raggedy then pushed his cart right next top me and too the seat next to mine and began talking to himself as these “shopping cart cowboys” so often do. What I think was most remarkable with Raggedy an his shopping cart was a handmade cardboard sign with “Jesus Saves” written boldly and defiantly. This guys face was wonderful I startd working my cell phone into place to take his image. I clicked a coupe of images when Raggedy asked :hey. Would take my picture?” “Sure I said,”No problem” what luck. We were working on get him in frame when suddenly he stops and ways wait and adjusted “Jesus saves” so it faced the riders on the train. Raggedy smiled and winked at me saying, “These folks just hate it when I do that...praise the Lord”. This guy was not nearly as crazy as I thought—just an undercover agent for God. He made me feel good and smiled a lot thinking of him today especially in my survival meetings.

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