Monday, June 11, 2018

Red Bush

One of the things I like best about my apartment complex is my apartment place that. I guess is there is a back to this building my apartment would be as far back as one could get. I'm in a total end of the hall. That means of course that outside my front door in the door that leads to the outside and the back parking and the back gate which leads to Redwood Road and 217 busstop. I also use that sidewalk to go south to the little coffee shop called Twin Peaks and some other shops across street. In order to access this gate exiting our property one must travel down a sidewalk from the door to the gate and vice versa.

It's kind of weird I've noticed since I live at the back of the apartments very few people actually use gate on the bus stop for that matter. Particularly in the winter I noticed this back walk did not get much attention from the was snow. This is been ongoing education process I found since I moved in. I complained after the first snow. I patiently waited a day (I really had no desire to be out in the snow anymore than anybody else did. The snow fell on a weekend and I was content to lay low in my nice warm apartment cooking, watching videos and watching the snow. I thought it was a little weird that the snow guys plowed the parking lot but didn't shovel this snow off the sidewalk. I just figured this was the weekend and they felt the parking lot was more important. However Monday came and nobody worked on the sidewalk and by Tuesday the snow stuff and not been removed. If you desire you can read what happened to me when I tried to push myself or my power chair through the snow to the bus stop so I could get my meeting. It's in one of the blocks from the winter months October or November something like. Anyway the point I'm making is that no snow was removed I complained they did actually pushed the snow shovel down the middle of the sidewalk and called it good. I really had to complain and be somewhat obnoxious. Eventually, the grounds crew came back and did a good job. I figure that is okay the snow is gone what else could be a problem?

You got a love spring at least I didn't I really enjoyed the return of nature and of things growing. But what I'd not noticed so much last year as this year the red bushes which line the sidewalk all away from the ramp onto the sidewalk and out the gate. These brushes just kept growing and soon the branches were sticking out blocking my use of the sidewalk. The branches themselves did not totally impede my use of the sidewalk but certainly an irritant in some cases scratching my arms and depositing the red leaves all over me. The lease I did not so much as the branches sticking out scratching. I reported this to our manager she seemed very interested and said she would tell the maintenance guy, Richard, and he'll get right on it well for five days went by and nothing happened. I was getting irritated. This is when I actually felt the video at the front of this post. It got the job done. I really want to blame Richard but in Richards defense he had put the request forward to the grounds people, the company in apartment complex contracts with. That took another day or so but they trim the bushes back.

I suppose it sounds like a little thing, branches sticking out over the sidewalk, I think if I had my way I would suggest that they even build a ramp up to the sidewalks that end of the walkway right before the gate and not have to worry about branches growing out over the sidewalk. I've noticed that folks who do use the gate and can walk cut across the parking lot anyway they don't use the sidewalk so is pretty much just me. Anyway, I've got clear access to all the way to the gate all the way to a bus stop and that's freedom.

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