Friday, May 24, 2019

In Between Storms

Steve And me, my upstairs neighbor

I am so proud of spring this year. The little season is just trying valiantly so hard to break through the last talons of winter. Today looked hopeful after a while. The day started out somewhat overcast and forbearing and at one time significant water fill that towards late afternoon sun broke through in the clouds move back blue sky revealed itself and I actually was able to set out in the sun beaming on my face and making me feel real good. Finally, I seem to have a day to myself and I enjoyed it after Dana came did her magic. She was late almost an hour late meaning she really didn't even get to the apartment till about 8 AM. That's a long time for me to be sitting out. I got some dishes washed a few things picked up I still have a lot to do with my cleaning person coming on Memorial Day.

That's right this is a holiday weekend, a three dayer. I'm sure glad I got to Anderson's office on Thursday and had the broken tooth looked at. No pain or discomfort I should make it through tell next week when I can get in for an appointment and a teeth cleaning. I'm feeling pretty good though if I don't do the nitric oxide I feel I can get out of the office with less than $100 for the dental work. My teeth are just falling apart. I was talking with my friend Steven from upstairs today. Today was food box day or food bank day. Steve said is that I hard week they did not seem to be complaining too muchAnd he took the information regarding my broken tooth in stride saying that's whereat. Our bodies are fall apart. Steve is some what's older than I am me seems more frail but he gets along pretty good and he is certainly dealt with the whips and scorns of time that's for certain. I'm kind of glad Steven is there window is a bit of a handful, Ecclesiastical he speaking. He is certainly old-school.

I brother was over today. I asked him to look at my backup chair and just see what he could do as far as trying to somehow fix the football on to the chair. I don't think he feels very comfortable trying to find a fix for this problem. I think he will come up with something, hopefully enough to get me through the day when I have to give up my regular chair for its repair. I'm hoping even if we can just fix one of the foot boxes on the chair enough to keep me relatively safe for to reclaim the transfer and dressing in the morning I hope I'm not wearing the boy out though he looks pretty good still and I wish I was as strong as he. We kind of excited, actually did a little homework today working on the negative space assignment. I don't know how I did it but I came up with a solution that at least makes the coloring of the negative space somewhat doable and I think will be a significant improvement at least I will feel more comfortable handing in the piece come Tuesday. I can see myself having to spend a couple of hours on this project and I still need to be sketching other things for show and tell next Thursday. I actually had something started for this blog earlier and I even dictated to my machine I just don't know why it didn't save so this blog is just nothing but a log of today's events sort a kind of. I got word back from Gail my cleaning person receive be here on Monday, Memorial Day for two hours a cleaning I better make sure I have change.… I

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