Monday, July 01, 2019

Summer In City

What a day! I really wasn't counting on this to be a long day in fact on Friday I realized that I even had the medical appointment this morning at 11 AM so that wasn't so bad. However traveling from here in Taylorsville over to Murray means I have to switch the 201 at IHC. The 201 is notorious for its long headways (the time from when one bus leaves the when the next one comes). I was lucky however when I got to the train station just a few minutes the 201 showed up and I've made it over to my appointment. Now realized during all this time I am Beginning to have some issues with my ischials And I'm trying not to aggravate my skin anymore than I have to. I finished by seating evaluation and the William for the bus to take me back to the train station to go home. However something weird is happening in the bus doesn't come as just stuck way up above me on the road. When the bus does get there about 10 minutes late and this totally stuffed with developmental he disabled kids/people no room for the quad. The sun is hot is nothing I can do but wait for another hour – – that's right the headways of the 201 or one hour piece. So I'm baked in the sun trying to get home bragging do some resting and work on personal projects. I have to pay various bills write my letters to the kids and still write this blog as well as do as much of the homework for the art class tomorrow as possible. I have two important phone calls from close friends in faraway places that I take feeling that I have to take these calls.

The one call from my friend in the Netherlands her father died on Friday she still working through the whole process. He died after a long bout of cancer she was there. I was as supportive as I could be we talked on chat for about an hour before I finally had to wind up the call. The my Buddy from Mexico/California called we talked more about cancer specifically: cancer and how he needed to get his next colonoscopy scheduled. Under normal circumstances both of these calls but had little consequence for me taking time to listen which I did but I did feel pressure (excuse the butt upon) to listen to the calls for the same time get off my butt, finish my homework assignment, write the blog and realize that I'm not going to work out on my hand cycle today. Sometimes you just have to make a decision. So with that in mind I may even have toFinish this blog for the evening even though I have not gotten to my magical number of 500 words. It's not important to do the 500 words it's probably not important to write a blog every single day which now I'm kind of into and I can't see a day without writing something to my blog. But seriously now I have to close and finish my preparation for tomorrow's drawing class with the eye single to getting home as soon as I can and getting off my butt…

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