Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday at the market

 Today I went to the other Market in my area. Lucky for me I live between two relatively good markets one Market is basic food and General Market which is relatively close to me and the other Market is a number of blocks south which is a large lower cost Market does that make sense? It's not like Costco where you have huge amounts of items for sale for a decent price this Market undercuts a lot of people in the area price wise and they have good items. I wish I could remember the name of the joint but it's slipping my mind right now and if I remember it I'll shove it in here( Walmart!) at some point. I pretty much went to check on a couple things one I wanted to get mixed nuts salted mixed nuts as well as some fresh fruits. Totally out of grapes so I wanted to get some good grapes and check on the sliced jalapeno peppers. I also want to get a bag of oranges and a bag of grapefruit which the other Market on the other side of me doesn't carry. I wasn't sure if I could carry two large bags of fruit home but I'll try at least look into it. Today wasn't super cold or maybe I'm just getting used to it I don't know but I caught the bus no problem and got to the market. I really do like doing my own shopping even though it'd be easier to have someone else do it I don't know if I'd be as happy with what they purchased as as much as I like to choose and select my food and produce. I don't have a very good leg cincher so my legs tend to spasm out on me and the leg binder I do use velcro is worn out to the point where it doesn't really keep it closed so I had all these cans on my lap and as well as the oranges and finally I checked out. The lady named Kathy was just really great. She was a little bit older but she's very patient with me even helped me lift the items onto the counter. I'm not going to go into it but I'm getting a little concerned about me being able to do things like throw the items out of the counter the way I used to. I swear it's because of my chair but that's when the first zdxsteps of denial right? Well I had all the items on the counter I really did my legs and put the band tight again and reposition the hook. I had brought my own bag and that's what we used for the real heavy stuff like the oranges we put them straight on my feet and I lifted the foot box up enough to cradle the oranges safely and then that's we also put the food in the bag that I brought. It worked out I was kind of surprised but I was able to catch the bus and get home and enjoy the afternoon and evening it was a nice Saturday. Snow is forecast for tomorrow…

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