Friday, July 18, 2008

It's Not About Me

It ‘s not like last night was a wonderful night for sleep but I bounced right out of bed at 4:30. I was out of the shower , got something to eat and was ready to head for the train a full twenty minutes then I usually am and I sill have not figured out why but I was. I figured since I had the time I would check out the blog a little and as I scrolled down the noticed that I actually had a comment. Some one had actually responded to something I had written. It seems as if it has been months since someone left a comment and I am able o check to see like how many people are visiting per day and where they are coming in from. Honestly. On any given day I have three to five people and I can generally tell who they are by seeing what past of the country they are viewing from. checking out the blog counter. These are usually of course family members riding herd on their wayward brother making sure the family history, remains spotless. Again this is “OK” I must remind myself. My blog writing is NOT a competition of how many people read my blog . I also remind myself, that I got into blogging to write, to write on a daily bases, to test my mettle to see if I am a writer or could be a writer. So, I tell myself, as I write every day. I write for myself—the fact the blog is public, I choose to make the blog public, exposing myself to risk of public exposure and risk of public humiliation. I think I have just enough exhibitionism in me to not really worry or think through the public exposure angle.

The commenter turns out to be one of my older friends John, I have written about John before. John was my first exposure to someone who actually read, because he enjoyed reading. Seems John was/is just about everything I wasn’t growing up: smart, tough, self assured, well connected, popular and going somewhere. John was the only person I knew who actually had the balls to graduate with a history degree. My friend John is the only person I know who lives on the otherside of the “NPR mirror”. John lives the life of NPR listeners, a professional, traveler, family man and professionally cool. John could be, no, should be a writer( if he is not already-I just have not discovered what he is writing). I read his dissertation, not world class lit but great stuff. He is a historian—who would have believed?

But John stopped my blog and left a comment. John took a bullet for me, because one has to expose themselves to Blogger, in order to leave a comment, a person has to divulge information, personal information many are not comfortable divulging. Thanks John, I really appreciate your stopping by and leaving a comment. You are the only one in a long time, who hasn’t been family to do so. Thanks.

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