Sunday, July 20, 2008

One ThousandPosts

I really thought this was going to feel like a bigger deal then it is. 1000 posts about 500,000 words. It’s just another day for me, another Sunday afternoon with a little quite time where I can roll up to my lap top and write a couple of thoughts. I have actually enjoyed this writing I have been doing: seeing if I can write enough what ever it is to write a book; that I can master myself enough to write to be—a writer.

I know I am not a writer a REAL writer yet, but I now know I can be. I still do not know I can be a REAL writer, but I know I can at least go through the motions which means a lot to me. I was trying to tell Jerry, Friday at lunch, that I have learned from this experience a few things which will help me go to the next step of me becoming a real writer; like, not being so intimidated from a blank screen when I start` my daily writing exercise. Like if you get to your writing space the words will come. If the words don’t come that is OK too, because the words will come eventually a break can be good. Perhaps most important, I have the material in ME! My life is a rich deposit of experiences which want to come out experiences I want to tell. I don’t really care if I share these experiences so much as just getting the experiences out. History will take care of itself, and if someone down the line finds these words and are intrigued or just entertained well, that is good too. What I have also found out, which if exciting, comforting and amazing that I experience new events each day which are rich in color and content, experiences which I love writing about and I assume as long as I live I will have something to write about. My neighbor, I found keeps a journal. This is the old guy much older then me.

He informed me last week, that he hopes he will have time ( once he finds out he is dying) to destroy the journal and many of the records he has kept during his life. His statements terrify me. He says no one would want to have these documents. I have disagreed with him. I said his sons surely would want them or his grand kids or maybe those great great grandchildren yet un born or another generation further down the line. I said if nothing else I would love to have his records. It breaks my heart that he feels his life is not a worthy account to be remembered.

Not so with me. I am writing and I am loving it. Thank you for being around for this 1000th post. I hope to have 1000 more then 1000 more beyond that. My desire to write is not to be read or even to make someone’s life a little easier make its just because I can.

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