Monday, July 14, 2008

Lost and Found

This is the post I thought on Friday. I found it "saved' when I booted up this morning.

I had my DDS meeting today, a regular meeting I attend every month for local Department of Determination Services(DDS) for the Social Security administration. I serve on this organization’s advisory board and have served on the board for the past ten years at least. I have chaired this board for the past four or five years. It’s a nice gig, advisory board have no power to peak of but most State and Federal agencies are mandated to have them, bosses usually like fior their staff members to serve on these board since it makes the organization, allowing their staff to serve on the board. look good and they always include the hours or meeting in their annual report or in grants reports.

I used to serve on any board which asked but learned I needed to be more careful of the board I sat on. Some boards met at night, one in particular met on Wednesday nights from seven to when ever they ended. This was an interesting board and fiery representing the interests of the poor sand benighted. When I was younger the meeting did not bother me but as I aged I found I could not longer work a full day then hang out till seven o clock and do two to three more hours on top of that. I finally bailed after seven years of service.

I finally realize there were boards who fed you an board which just used you. One of the best perks of sitting on a board is board which schedule the meetings lateni in the workday and typically end at the end of workday or even earlier allowing me to leave for the day when the meeting is over.

I sort of pick the boards I serve on by the quality of meals served. I was always assured the meal at the DDS advisory board would be quality and usually hot. Theonly meal I had issues with was the potato bar an I have ragged on about potato bars in the past—I don’t count potato bars as a meal. Hot meals at DDS Advisory was usually Mexican food which was good. More often then not we are served a cold cut bar which consisted of three or four cold cuts, three different kinds of bread, a salad and desert. I rarely made a salad but usually loaded up von my favorite meat pretty good.

Today was to be my last meeting chairing the Advisory Board, in fact my last meeting even sitting on the advisory board. This is the en of my second full term, each term being four years and I finished someone else’s term which was two years. So this ends, for me a decade of service. I am invited to sit in and chair the /September meeting whe we will do new elections then I should be off.

I’ll miss my time on DDS Advisory Board, good food, good time away from the office and easy duty, always done by 5:00 pm

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