Sunday, April 04, 2010


I have been talking about going out to get another printer for at least two weeks now and I have not yet gone and it’s driving me crazy—I think because I know the printer up by my lap top is still functional—it just may need ink. The printer may need ink or it is broke as many printer do after a year or so of service. I guess I 1. one do not want to go out in the cold gray spring day and 2. I think will get the ink, install the ink into my printer and the printer will still not work…at least as the printer is supposed to. What is really pathetic is I actually bought a new system a year or so ago and have never got round to installing the system—I need help installing the system but never have any one to help me with project…Actually I don’t have any room to put a new printer which has to be close enough or down low enough that I might be able to use the printer especially the functions I am most interested in which is the scanner. The printer I purchase3d w2as a “floor model” out of its box so I am not really sure if the parts are still all there—the parts were ,supposedly when I purchased the product but that has been sometime now. We’ll just have to see. I really need a printer, I think so I had better go.

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