My granddaughter finally got back from her 10-day Cruise, she was one of the maids of Honor at a married marriage on the sea of whatever best friends and so she was able to meet with us for breakfast this morning. Was really great to see her. I missed her actually she's become part of the Sunday breakfast crew. Just granddaughter has really taken on the challenge of looking after her grandfather in various ways one in particular is making sure that his door is decorated properly for whatever season/holiday might be in Vogue. It's been one thing I've kind of been interested in since moving to this apartment complex since everyone seems to Delight in dressing up there entryway. I guess it's a small thing but the people around here are totally enjoy dressing up their doors and I started to do the same. We had meant to do this earlier than today we had decorated the door for summer and then for Halloween with the wreath, spiders and skeleton. and I wanted to have something for Thanksgiving and we did the door today even though it's just Thanksgiving week now and it'll be over and a few days that's okay it'll be enjoyable to do that for a couple of days but then we'll have a shoe in for the Christmas time door decoration.
Following breakfast the kids came over to the apartment complex and we worked on the door for a couple of hours. It was really great fun sit around the kitchen table with construction paper cutting, coloring and gluing various aspects of the decoration. I did find that I needed to get more construction paper of different colors especially if this is going to be an ongoing thing. Couldn't find a glue stick I know we had one cuz we used it for the Halloween Construction project. So I need to invest in glue sticks colored construction paper and maybe a colored felt tip art pen set. I wish I had taken some images of the kids as we worked on the decoration but I neglected to do so fortunately however I did have the wherewithal to roll out in the hall this evening and take a couple images. I don't know how they'll come out and I don't know if they'll show the writing on the inside of the wreath which says Happy Thanksgiving. Of course you'll notice the wreath is the same one we used for the Halloween exhibit/decoration. Not that it really matters but it's kind of nice to be part of the door decoration group here at the apartment complex. It's kind of a new experience for me I'm usually not part of the group effort on something like this but now things are important to me that perhaps haven't been so much in the past. I don't know which is more exciting to me decorating the door or having this incredibly fun social time with my granddaughter. I worry a little bit that the other granddaughters will feel a little bit jaded because I'm not spending more time with them but it's a logistics thing I guess in a different world perhaps things would be different. I do however enjoy their letters and whatever Communications we do enjoy. This whole grandkid thing is pretty interesting…
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