Monday, November 25, 2024

TG Jitters

It looks like a nice day but it was terribly cold least cold to me. I'm beginning to feel the pressure that I've got myself into and p1lanning and thinking about having a Thanksgiving dinner. I'm beginning to sweat the whole idea. I started getting an ingredients together for the different items I'd like to have. I got a couple of backup onions today from the market as well as celery and some carrot sticks. It's amazing carrot sticks cost as much as regular carrots and they're already processed pretty interesting. Solid tray with celery sticks carrot sticks at olives and who knows what else. I've got the bakings for dressing the turkey dressing. It's basically just a box of stove top dressing that I want to dress up with real dressing items like onions and bread or butter and chicken broth items that you need for hopefully a tasty sage dressing. And that's really all I'm really supposed to do I guess. I just hope this thing turns out and going to see if we can pull it off for the big room. We've used it before that turned out basically okay no it's just a matter of bringing it and putting it all together.

I've had my back at church charging all day so the batteries, what they are, should be stoked up for the 100%. Melissa will be by Tuesday Morning / tomorrow and we'll do the transfer into the old chair and we'll get the new chair and this chair ready to go back to the shop for some more working and hopefully to trade out the batteries. I didn't go far today and I don't have any indicators that I'm losing power so I'm okay for tonight and if I don't think I even need to charge it because it's just going to be going from here to the truck and for the truck to the shop and then they're going to trade out batteries hopefully I'll have to do course I'll be back able to do some real distance rolling hopefully soon. Not get this got a call from Jennifer this afternoon indicating that if it's too wet tomorrow too snowy not to come in for the meeting. Meeting!? I made a point last week when we finished our assist meeting that we won't have another meeting they said they weren't and when I left I yelled Happy Thanksgiving to everybody like I went to see him again until afterwards and now they're thinking of having a meeting on top of everything else I scheduled to have the chair picked up tomorrow and I'm not really sure when that time is going to be except it's going to be probably in the mid-afternoon but I don't want to have to go to the meeting and back again and try to do it all under some kind of time frame and to do it and pour gunky weather I just don't need that. So I'm going to have to tell him that I'm not going to be able to make the meeting tomorrow. And I can't think of why they're having a meeting there's not enough folks to be adjudicated for a meeting I don't know it's pretty complicated to me sometimes anyway. It's been a day a good day I had my coveted beef chow mein that I've been saving for weeks tonight for dinner and boy is it salty certainly not to dish that I wanted it to be but it wasn't bad for a dinner anyway tomorrow we're closer Thanksgiving Day

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