If my memory serves me correctly I was standing in line waiting to get a hamburger or hot dog or something from The Grill at The Hornet's Nest, a small soda and grill shop next to our Junior High School, East Junior High in Boise Idaho. The place gets crowded at lunch time totally stuffed with 7th 8th and 9th graders trying to grab lunch in the conversation and be seen at this cool little shop. The radio is always going playing Hit Radio songs from the 1963 era when all the sudden the music's interrupted and a radio voice starts blabbering over the crowds General Roar, a little bit by a little bit however the crowd quiets down as a subject matter of the announcer becomes clear John F Kennedy had been shot in Dallas Texas. Within seconds the entire shop was dead silent nobody knew what to say nobody dared say anything because this was just something on the radio it wasn't really real… was it? Quietly we waited out the rest of the lunch hour and return to our fifth period classes and it was then that the principal over the intercom announced that the president had been shot and was indeed dead. I think I was at math class or maybe it was some other math type class and the girls started crying I couldn't believe it. The guys just looked around dumbfounded and minutes after that they closed the whole school down. Buses were ordered and soon we were on the way home. I can't believe it's been 61 years since that day. I still remember it just like the crochet says just like yesterday.
Such a controversial event I'm totally surprised even now there's never really been a JFK day, a national holiday. I don't know if November could deal with another holiday since I've got two national holidays to begin with a third one might be just too much particularly since it was a Democrat. But I think everybody who was there or Alive at the time and cognizant of what was going on thinks the same thing why hasn't been more done with the whole event. Maybe I'm just naive I don't understand things that are too powerful or possibly explosive. I wish my family had voted for him but we were Republicans- I didn't really understand the differentials too much then all I knew was that for one reason or another I no longer sat with my best friend John who has a great Catholic and a great Democrat. Remember once on the bus right after the event that for some reason my pencil dropped and rolled down the eye of the bus tell my friend John picked it up looked at me and broke it. Such a small thing but totally broke my heart for some reason. I was in the 7th grade at the time. Junior High felt like a universe away from grade school and I just figured crisis like the assassination of a president went along with the turf of seventh grade..
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