Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Excuse Me While I Hit The Wall

So, I went to the doc a couple of weeks ago and she writes me sripts, for medicines, therapy and a seating evaluation. A seating evaluation is the process in which a physical therapist or an occupational therapist with specialized training in how to best fit a wheelchair, pad and/or seating system to a person with a spinal cord injury. I got a new cushion for the powerchair I am sitting in now a year or two ago and I have not really been pleased with the way I have sat in this chair or my manual chair for that fact.

And, I don't know what is happening but I am having more and more difficulty staying in my chair in fact there are times I think I am going to slide right out of the chair onto the floor! I have also experienced , since I got this new power chair,a couple of years ago,the inability to keep my feet on the foot plate of the chair. The plate is just not big enough to house both of my feet when I have my shoes on. When I complained complained to my durable medical vendor he just shrugged and said that's what the maker had to do in order to place the front castors where they are. So, constantly, though out the day I having to physically try to drag myself back into my powerchair or re-adjust my feet on the footplate, or pik up my foot or try to pick up my foot to set back in the foot plate—many time I actually have my co-workers stop what they are doing and come over and lift my foot back onto the plate. OR the feet themselves are spasming right off the plate and the process starts all over, one way I have combated this problem is to my feet into a wall and if I am lucky the feet will be pushed back onto the foot , and if I am having a spasm, at that precise moment, I will sit there, pressed into the wall until the spasm passes and then be on my way. No bigee, it's just what I do and it basically works although I must admit the whole process is wearing me out—I think it is all the leg lifting is one of the reasons I damaged my A/C joint, but I get by. Dianne has been encouraging me into the next step to contact my rehab folk and get scheduled for the eval, and PT etc,etc. But this morning, at the office, as I was diving my feet into the wall, my boss got visibly angry, once before she got miffed seeing how hard I was coping with the chair and I sort of blew it off—but this morning I figured I had better get busy and start making appointments.

I got hold of Rehab right before lunch and found it is going to be a while before I am going to get an appointment let alone get started on some real P.T. Because the department has lost two of their therapists so everything is backed up—I am just going to have to be patient. Excuse me while I go drive into the wall.

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