Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spring Cleaning

The past three days have been fantastic Sunshine and warm temps have made the season seem more like Spring then the dead of winter so much so I have felt the urge to Spring Clean. In all honesty I must really say the e-mail which circulated yesterday that the State building boys were going to start making their rounds to make sure all is safe and tidy—well no so much tidy as safe. I have been getting the evil eye from our front desk person for several months to clean up my area but the task has just seemed so over whelming. I have all kinds of excuses why my office is in such disarray all the time: creative mind, disability and I have even used the head injury excuse—that part of my brain which recognized clean and order must have gotten whacked but during the accident. Actually believe that, rather then brain injury I have some sort of developmental disability—the able to recognize “clean and order” part of my brain never quite developed the way it should have because I had this problem clean and order way before my accident, but the accident works. The trouble is the women in my life have seen through this and feel I am just plain lazy or frightened of loosing my independence—so today, motivated by the beautiful weather, outside my window I am trying to put a little clean on the office, my office space.

The problem as I see it is that I have a lot of surface-I don not have a desk per se –the place was sort of designed for an employee in a wheelchair, just not me. I tend to pile things on any surface that I can with the idea I will go back and file it or throw it away or what ever—will days, week then months go by and I never get back to the item and worse I tend to stack new stuff on top of the old stuff and soon I have just piles heaped all over my work space. I need to bring in a hook with one of the rubber coated hook I use with my reachers so I can pull this mess toward me to where I can reach it and dispose of it appropriately. The project is coming alo6ng—the State goons did not show up today so they most likely will tomorrow so first thing, more cleaning!!

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