Sunday, February 06, 2011

Just Pee into the Cup

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Friday something was different, I was not sure what but something felt odd, by the afternoon I had a dull in the low left quadrant of my back and I was pretty sure I had some kind of infection most likely a kidney infection. My urine out puts had significantly lowered but I was not yet willing to admit such an invent,because doing so would mean I would have to take action which would mean saddling up and going to see a healthcare professional of some type. So I spent the morning in denial and by afternoon I knew something was really wrong. I slept poorly Friday into Saturday and draining just fractions o what I felt I should and needed to be draining. Saturday morning I also noticed my legs beginning their autonomic hyper-flexia dance but w even with my legs spasming I thought to myself, just increase you fluids and I will be just fine but when I cathed that morning and saw blood on the tip of the catheter I knew I had to go somewhere.

I showered,dressed and broke the news to Dianne and told her I was going into to the Insta-Care facility not far from the house. In fact in times past I have actually taken my self to the healthcare provider by myself in my power chair. I thought making the run yesterday as well but the day was cold and very damp and I can never seem to trust my power chair with enough power to make the trips I need to. Dianne drove me to the Insta-Care and the event was good. I got attention and script I needed to know out the infection I was suffering from. But what was really interesting was when I was asked to give a urine sample, I dutifully took the vessel and catheter and headed for the bathroom. I cathed and I drained a much better quantity then I thought I was going to, admittedly the process was very awkward trying to cath and drain the catheter into small cup and not making a mess or spilling the needed liquid knowing if I were to lose this cup of pee I don't know how long it would take me to produce another quantity. But I had my hands full. I had the little plastic cup in one hand and the catheter in the other still embedded up to tip. I had no where to get the cup of pee but on the corner of the sink. But the rip of the sink was rounded but I thought if I was careful,i cut most likely balance the cup, get pull out the cath and get rid of it and return to the cup and delivering the fluid to the nurse waiting patiently outside of the sooe.

I carefully placed the cup on the sink and then turned, retrieved the catheter from my penis and disposed of the medical refuge. I then put 'peter' back in his cave zipped up and went to cup but it was gone. I had not heard anything but definitely the pee was gone! What a pisser!! I figured I was going to have to stat th process all over but was sure I was completely tapped out. But to my amazement there sat the cup at the base ontop of the drain still half full of my infected urine. A miracle, another one of the many I am blessed. I gave the sample to nurse and I knew I would have good results...and I did.

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