Thursday, September 19, 2013

Autumn and Pledge Season

The change of seasons are becoming more more evident as we near the official first day of autumn. I found the most significant change I've noticed has been leaving the house really mornings on the days I volunteer at 211. I leave the house usually a little after six o'clock in the morning today still quite dark and up until this week morning temperatures been fairly warm without a jacket not anymore however, it's chilly when I leave. The temperatures chilly to the point that it actually started wearing one of my hoodie type garments which works pretty well. The first couple days a week but it was so warm and afternoons I could just stuff the hoodie behind my backand that was okay. The last night as I was leaving Wellness I was surprised to find the temperature was chilly almost uncomfortably chilly and I was glad I had my wrap.

I was intrigued this week to find a reader of this blog from Malaysian. She has a cooking blog site on the Internet and I found her on searching Asian cooking recipes. I clicked on her website to get her weekly recipes. Day after I found she had left, and on my blog about the changing seasons. What I thought was interesting was how she commented on how nice it must be to have different seasons since, I guess in Malaysia, you basically have one which is summer.

I know I seem to be harping on this seasonal thing but the change of seasons I really have to admit how much I really enjoy this change. This coming Sunday is the autumnal equinox, the first day of autumn. I'm excited to have the official change and watch the seasons change this first autumn of my retirement. Everything seems a bit more clear, crisp and fresh. Wrap

Yesterday at Wellness I finally got back to a half an hour on the arm bike. I missed about a week and a half of my wellness training when I was down ill. I was weak going into wellness the first of this week but with yesterday's workout I'm back to level that's kind of exciting for me. I do though need to get some sort of exercise program going on here at the house but I can't begin to wellness. I really believe the wellness program has helped me maintain my lifestyle, frame of mine and longevity. Interesting that one of the trainers, Molly, has been ill for almost a week I sure hope I didn't give her anything. I hope she's okay maybe I'll see her Friday.

On a short note 211 again is going through some major changes and I'll see how these changes affect its operation before making decisions of whether to stay on at 211. We lost the key person in the management hierarchy and we are going to be moving to the fourth floor of building 257 and I will have to see how the new digs will be to work in. I've just finished my second week of the eight hour Monday and two half days on Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually it's not a bad schedule, I really like leaving a half a day but will have to see. It's pledge week from sea to shining sea that kind of sucks I think I well be listening to a lot more Internet music but perhaps that's best at least till after pledge season.

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