Friday, May 27, 2005

BOA, I Scourge You

BOA, I Scourge You

So today I take off work, just a little stretch to the holiday weekend. I thought I would be somewhat productive though. I decided instead of repairing the old system with the toasted motherboard I would invest in a new system. I have thought about thi a lot this week and decided that since the old system died and it was very old(years at least). I would be in the old system so much money that it would be just as well to get the new system with warrenty and everything. I stopped at the local PC Club and spec'ed out the system I wanted got the sales guy to print me out the list and end prices then flew to the bank or credit union in my case. No problem...low and behold because of th screw up with Bank of America earlier in the month there was a “delinquent” payment on my credit report. UNBELIEVABLE!!! So the Rachel at the credit union said all I had to do is get BOA to fax and everything would be just fine.

So I drove bank home and called BOA and they told me that I was not delinquent that I was just fine. But, the late payment was psoted with the credit folks but she would be happy to fax the statement over on TUESDAY!!!! It turns out it was 5:00pm on the East Coast and busines was done for the week and the holiday..grrrrr. So no new box today. That's OK. My laptop is doing just fine. A little hard to type but I'll get by.

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