Thursday, August 13, 2020

Ankle And Thigh And Upper Half


This is a picture of me and my buddy Steven, who is also my upstairs neighbor, when I say upstairs neighbor I mean his apartment is directly above mine. When he flushes the toilet in the morning I hear it sounds like a fighter jet. We have pretty good insulation here at the apartments so I rarely hear anything else. A written about Steven before. I did not go through and do a search but I know I've written about them in the past. Steven is one one of those guys is that you take in small amounts just too much is just too much to handle.

It's Thursday that maintenance coffee social hour which we have every Thursday morning. Today we tried something new and that was having a social out on our patio, here at the property. And, we had the social half hour earlier than usual so that the sun would not be bearing down on us as we try to drink our coffee and socialize. Amazingly, this was a great experience and I think we got much more interaction than we usually do. We'll probably do this now in the fall until it's too cold or unless the sucker punch of Covid 19 comes back and socks is in the nose. I would say possibly the middle of October. If that happens I'm sure the complex will go back to all alert quarantine. I hope that's the way it goes if it happens. The Covid were to rampage the senior apartment complex the results pretty. But I digress. As I said this morning was beautiful out on the patio in the usual folks were in attendance as well as Steven. I have to clarify Steven, typically is not in attendance so it's always a special treat we does show up.

What was kind of interesting in this morning's social was how people tended to bunch up once we got our coffee and found tables to sit around. I think this is what led to better socialization than before. Steven is Mormon And there's nothing wrong with that is the coffee social. And I've kind of found this two or three or four different kinds of Mormon. The super conservative holier than thou Mo, the kind you never wanted fishing because they're walking on the water always scares the fish. Then there's the normal Mo who keeps their religiosity to themselves and are pleasant to be around. The there are Mo s like me who tend to be quiet and just watch everything going around them then there's Mormons like Steven who are fairly conservative and almost clinically paranoid. They are totally conspiracy theoristsAnd love to tell you all about the theories and why they are so. The only problem is they don't know when to back away from the subject. Sadly, after about five minutes with Steven he sort of switches into apostolic, and of the world saver mode. Today it was cute Steven passed out N – 95 Covid masks. Had Steven stop there everything would've been fine but he launched into the need to have quantities of water stashed under the bed as well as making sure that we had our store of plastic and medical materials for when the system failed and civilization crashed. In the old days year ago people were still polite and moved either engage in conversation with Steven or try to wait them out now however people smile, nod their heads and move away as quick as I can to another table in conversation. I even do this now, I'm not proud.

My neighbor across the hall Billie is only been here a year and she's very nice. She verbalized how we had hurt Steven's feelings. At some point I would've been affected but that kind of guilt but you know what? Life's too short and sometimes you got a save yourself at the risk of others even if they have your best interest at heart , visualize The scene from Cecil B DeMille's 10 Commandments where the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah are embracing the golden calf ankle and thigh and upper half…

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