Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Hey Rasta Man!


I'm sure this is not going to be the and of the power wheelchair saga by any means but at least it's some immediate closure to some issues I've been having the last Days in the issues have been directly related to my power chair. Kind readers will remember that I was to meet this morning with Dan from Utah State University from Center for People with Disabilities or the CPD. Dan is the guy who has been point man for the Utah Assistive Technology Project which is to be CREATE the ongoing utilization project.Dan's been keeping this operation open to days a week.

I knew the experience is going to be odd that the very best when the bus stops to let this individual on in a power wheelchair. Since I was already in the chair I advised the driver that he might ask the patron in the wheelchair if they might want to come on backwards because Turnaround is a real trip when you're already on board. Individual came on backwards and it was a much easier event for everyone involved. I was somewhat surprised when the individual addressed me by name. Obviously this guy knew me and I sort of knew his voice but I couldn't place it. I have to confess that in this time of Covid 19 and everyone wearing masks I don't recognize anybody! Totally amazed. It is only after talking with each other a few blocks and he asked me directly if I was no longer with DRAC and I realized this was an individual from that organization and then it all clicked into place. The person sitting at my side and the power wheelchair looking like a bandit in the tie-dye shirt was Lopeti. Lopeti, I had always understood was some kind of the southeast Islander or in my sarcastic realm want to be. As long as I've known this person he had long blonde dreadlocks, wore a knit tam o shanter In the colors of the reggae belief. I really thought Lopeti was a reggae man. I wasn't really sure what his disability was or if Lopeti actually even had a disability But he became quite a standard in the local disability rights movement. I was surprised to learn here dropped out of the movement as well. I guess I'm kind of surprised but not surprised.

It turned out that Lopeti and I were going to the same building. The power chair he was riding in looked pretty thrashed. Lopeti drives a hard chair there's no question about that. Lopeti needed new motors and some other work in fact you pretty much needed the new chair or another chair. Much like me it sounds out that this organization was actually getting rid of so their equipment there often pretty decent deals. And it sounds like Lopeti was going to have his mom purchase a chair for him which is cool. I'm beyond judging anybody and the changes in their life style for whatever reason. Life can turn on a dime. I found out that Lopeti name is actually Bob something. The whole reggae man thing was a ruse. I guess I could have asked them about about the whole reggae thing and his South Sea Island/Hawaii personification. But it looked like had been through enough. I found out that he was born in 1960 which kind of shocked me for some reason. His name was Bob is semi-lived with his mother who helped out with a lot of his bills. Like I said I'm no place that I can judge. This morning I was terrified that I may or may not have wounds on my butt that could really bench me if un-attended. I'm so lucky that I've got home health that knows enough medical to keep my patched up and going.

Dan, the guy from Utah State University, is a nice guy. Still in school is doing a lot of good work and assistive technology. The turn me loose in their part of the building where they had controllers hanging from hooks like sausages. We found one that works perfectly and even help me change it out or rather he changed it out. Were also going to look at charging up the batteries in my backup chair next week. The best part was this piece of equipment cost me only 40 bucks including installation. I felt like celebrating but I ended up coming straight home and eating Chinese take-out or purchased over the weekend and it was great…

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