Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Don't Block My Way!


I know it sounds trite but it's also true how nice it is to have my regular wheelchair back. Even though like I said and have probably said 100 times in the last 48 hours I'm grateful to have a backup chair but I just wish that beckoned chair was in better condition. I'm convinced the charities batteries

my first duties of the day was to contact wheelchair shop as soon as I have the time activated opened.I finally accepted the reality that I'm not going to get past camera gatekeeper to speak to the technicians of like to visit with the just and going to happen. But I did visit with Cameron about my request to see if they ever had any use batteries of course, they don't. The ship any use batteries/coresThat comes in with chairs back to the battery distributor they use. I understand that I appreciate that. Cameron did give me some interesting information about batteries and that batteries that sit idle for a long time (as mine do in the back of chair) often deplete their charge so deeply a regular charger that comes with the chair is not heavy-duty enough to put back to amperage these batteries need. So, in fact the battery may be good the battery just been depleted to the point that will no longer charge however, if you have a regular battery charger like the kind you use in your vehicle/car this can push a charge into the battery to the degree that the court charge will reignite and possibly the charge they once again stay with the battery. It's worth a shot except I'm not to be able to do it independently going to have to have one access to said charger and to somebody with enough know-how and dexterity to get to the batteries and charge. I believe I've scored on a charger mouth I just talked the guy into heaven to go up my batteries should see what happens. I always hold out hope but maybe I just need new batteries or at least batteries also stated charge.

I was glad to have a reason to give my chair and hit the open sidewalk after being cooped up with the power chair without the power to get further than the 10th of a mile from my apartment. I bet a friend for lunch at a restaurant not far from where I live. As I cut through the park and onto the sidewalk that would get me to the intersection I was confronted with the sign blocking my way. I just don't know when city officials will ever learn that more than mandatory pedestrians use the sidewalks are going to do signage why can't they do signage and still have the sidewalk accessible to everyone? I almost got angry but also overjoyed with just being out on my own that I managed to take the time to snap a photo I did on my way to my appointment of coffee and the promise of free pie Wednesday, No damn Simon scored to hold me up not today…

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