Saturday, August 08, 2020

It Could've Been Worse


I don't know what it is about changing close once you are to gotten dressed for the day but I just can't do it without a major bit of justification. That was the case this morning after I'd gotten up and gotten dressed. This is not a quick event on weekends usually. Since I'm alone there really is no need to wear clothes anymore than I need to for social acceptance and approval. A lot of times on Saturday and Sunday mornings I tend a lollygag around my morning. This morning was like that. I opened a brand-new can of coffee transferred half of it to my coffee set up and spooned out enough for 10 cops or whatever “10” means on the side of my coffeemaker. With that task done I wanted to the bathroom and shaved and only then did I put my shorts on for the day. Today I'm wearing my white and black graph shorts. I like the shorts are part of that war broke I purchased for myself following the marriage breakup. I accounted the shorts as part of my “dress-up” collection. Those pieces of clothing I wear if and when I go to something special or need to dress up to any degree. Next, I'm back at the kitchen the coffee's done and I make my morning cocktail. I described this before this is the drink I make with the mother vinegar or vinegar with “mother” whatever that is. I've never gotten a good description or definition of what the mother does. Pepper three shakes, garlic powder two shakes, vinegar 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons of juice from the jalapeno pepper container and then 250 mL of spicy vegetable juice. This is my current favorite morning beverage.

I set my plastic, metered mug next to on the work area underneath the cupboard for I keep my morning meds. Of course just as I was reaching up to get my baclofen my elbow catches the mug and throws the whole thing on my lap! I was quite proud of myself for not exploding stomping around the kitchen virtually in my head cursing and swearing. I quietly put down what I was doing drove to the bathroom grab my red tile and tried to sop up as much juice on my person as I could. Having achieved this I was still a mess and had to make a decision of where the mess our go through the process of dressing again, I mean I even had my shoes on. I decided I was not going to undress and then get dressed again and I got my hairdryer and blew dry my soaking white with black stripes shorts and also vegetable juice red. This is not easy process because I had to dig the hairdryer out from behind my bedroom utility shelf. Probably would've been a lot easier just to strip down and redress but I was committed at this point. Long story short it took me about 10 minutes to dry my shorts. I smell like an Italian dinner and I suppose it could be things worse. The only thing I want to do today is to run over to the food bank to see what treasures I can get hold of. So I will have my big basket on my lap and nobody there will care what I look like. Possibly, if I go next door to the market I will have the big basket on my lap and again who cares? But seriously for some reason I'm in the mood for a tossed salad…

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