Sunday, January 27, 2008


I got the call yesterday morning as I was messing round the house just being Saturday: washing some dishes, reading my novel and doing the daily crossword puzzle. The phone rang and I let the phone go to message and the retrieved the message interested to see the call originated from my durable medical provider.

My doc has scripted and my insurance provider has approved the aquistion of two brand new group 24, sealed batteries. I have set up a time of 1:30 tomorrow afternoon for their installation. I now will no longer have to charge my batteries, at my office, all day in hopes that I will get home. I have to admit, to my old batteries credit, that I have never been stranded but felt close a couple of times. Still, the power meter on my controller not blinking radically, like ‘save me, save me, plug me in immediately’ totally excites me. I now will not be ‘chained’ to my desk for hours at a time charging, just charging. I can go to meetings, on the train or straight to the meeting itself, and get back or on home with out having to fear running out of power and having to call someone and hoping they will be there to take the call and come to my rescue.

So I am folding clothes, messing round the house, waiting for the storm and my new batteries.

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