Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Dead in the Street+

I started out the, as usual, with a full charge to my batteries.
As some of you might recall, I have been nursing these batteries for the past couple of months in order to keep going until I can get my insurance to purchase a new set. When I first started to see my batteries were failing much sooner then used they used to I was told I would have to “sit tight” if I wanted my insurance to purchase them and they would not purchase the new cores until after the first of the year.

By the time I got to work my full charge ha dwindled down to the familiar blinking red light. The one winking light used to terrify me but I have been riding with the light so long now I have become comfortable-to a point- width the warning light. Never the less, I plugged my chair into the charger as much as I could all day. Yesterday was a busy day. I was in and out meeting all day long;. I never was able to get a good couple hour charge on the cores which usually guarantee I will get to where I am going. My last meeting of the day was from 3:30 to work’s close. I ended up leaving later then usual just getting my desk closed out and getting ready for today. The transit authority had one of the University trains sitting dead on the tracks at Arena station so all the trains were forced to use one loading platform: the trains were monstrously slow and even though my lights were all lit when I started out they had run down to one blinking by the time I got to the station—again no big deal I had gotten home before without issue.

The day had grown dark by the time I exited the train and began my final trek home. I was not sure if I was imagining but I felt I was traveling slower then usual as I crossed the street and headed for the Bridge of Death, I was positive I was traveling slower by the time I got on the other side. /Still, I thrust my joy stick forward and continued my journey. By the half way point. I was traveling half the speed I usually did, but I was moving forward and was not terribly worried. By the time I reached the end of the long street of travel I was creeping an I was beginning to worry. I was worrying whether I had enough energy to cross the street when the light changed and if I did, would I have enough power to the train tracks. ( I have been stuck on tracks before and is spooky.) I did make over the track, barely and headed for my street. I was crawling as I turned on to my street.

I almost made it. I went another quarter of a mile until I was infront of my house. I knew now I was not going to make it. Even if I were to make the small inclination up the driveway I would not have the power to get to the top of the ramp going to our house. The chair stopped and would go no further. Tragically I noted that Audi was gone. I was alone, sitting in the road, in the dark not knowing quite what to do. I was about to dive into my backpack and get my cell phone when the neighbor from across the street pulled into her driveway. I culd see that Dan, her husband was home so I called her and had her fetch Dan who came over and got me in the house. I was home safe and warm—but now I must get the process going as soon as I can to get new cores to make sure this does not happen again. Today Dianne is on the project. But right now I am sitting and typing plugged into the charger.

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