Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pain in the Butt

The pain from my butt wound was just bout wearing me out and missing work AND having to be down for two day has motivated me into calling my health care professional and trying to set up an appointment. Actually I tried to yesterday and I wanted to get in yesterday but that was a no go but I was able to set an appointment for today. And really, the person I really wanted to see was not my Doc or his PA but Kevin the wound care guy but I cannot get to Kevin unless I have a referral from one of the others.

Yesterday ended with me having an appointment with my Doc’s PA, who is OK, and who comes highly recommended but is not Kevin. So, I have things scheduled for today: Dianne will swing by work and we will drive up to the University Hospital wound clinic. Since Dianne is MY direct health care provide she had questions to ask and procedures to learn it was natural she attend the appointment with me. I initially had not planned on Dianne coming and I was going to take the train up to the university hospital. But Dianne really wanted to go because by the time we left for the University falling in huge wet flakes.

I had just got comfortable at my computer when I got the first call of my day and it was the wound clinic. The P.A. was sick or something and was not coming and her staff was canceling her day’s roster. The earliest I was going to get was maybe tomorrow, which would not work since I have a broadcast tomorrow, and if tomorrow would not work the next date would be Monday and I did not or could not wait till Monday. I did some pathetic groveling about how I just needed some attention today, RIGHT NOW!, and she did I’ll call you back. And what do you know but that Pat did call back informing me that I had an appointment for 11:00 a.m.; they were squeezing me in.

The snow was still falling in huge white flakes which began to accumulate on the grass and the road as Dianne and I climbed the hill to the University Medical Center. I was surprised that we actually got to the clinic ten minutes before my scheduled appointment. I signed my forms and had my cards photocopied and waited and eventually Kevin called us back and I dropped my drawers and transferred onto the exam table. I have to admit Kevin was indeed busy but professional and through. I had made the right decision for insisting on being seen by Kevin. Kevin took a lot of time, an hour with /Dianne especially, I was just the piece of meat, Kevin showed Dianne how mix concoctions, many of which she was already doing but the verified that Dianne was doing the right stuff and the right way. But the best part was that Kevin had lots of materials like skin sensitive tape, derma shield and other medical stuff which would cost a fortune if we had to purchase it our selves—sort of like doctors samples. He cleaned the wound and filed the wound down, literally filed down like with sand paper or an emery board and how to put the band aid in the exact right place. Bu he took more then an hour!

It was lunch time when Kevin and clinic finally turned us loose so we stopped at the cafeteria and had a great hot lunch and watched the last of the snow fall turn to rain an sense the blue sky trying to work it’s way through the gray skies after all, even with the snow it is still Spring.


Camelia said...

Ha ha, ya - I think I gave that homeless guy with the cello a burger before.

Anonymous said...

ahhhh....the soothing sounds of relief just ooze from this post. kind of like hot chocolate and a comforter on a snowy winter's day...