It's a minute before 10:00 p.m.! Where does the day go especially since I'm not really doing anything with my days you would think I would get to this riding a lot earlier in the time frame that I'm awake. It's not that I'm doing a lot today I got into my old routine of hanging out till my morning help gets here showering doing my business and then just messing around the apartment until mid afternoon when I listen to my radio show Marketplace. However I did decide to break routine a little bit by doing my arm bike right after 12:00 noon when I usually do it around 3:00 p.m.. it's an hour ride today, 60 minutes, I ride 60 Minutes the first 3 days of the week giving me 180 minutes then I only have to do a few minutes to get to the 200 that my doc told me I needed to do. Getting to my 200 minutes usually takes the first 4 days of the week unless of course something else intervenes like tomorrow I have my assist meeting followed by a zoom meeting at 1:00 which will go till 3:00 and then maybe I'll be able to pump my bike for my regular Tuesday ride. Somewhere between 3:00 and whenever I should be able to squeeze in an hour of riding my arm bike. Time management is my big challenge it seems these days. I have really the flat screen take over a lot of my life which is kind of embarrassing to admit but true. Between Netflix Prime and Disney plus I'm a goner. It's not like I can let a movie take over for a couple hours and then forget it if it's a good movie I tend to watch it over and over but luckily that's just basically Disney plus material IE Marvel Universe. Even if I didn't go outside these wasted minutes I could be reading, baking and maybe even cleaning up the place a little bit. I had a visitor today which was my friend Gloria who used to be my caregiver. I keep her supplied with quarters. She also cleans my apartment. Periodically at least parts of it and does a great job but that's usually when she's desperate for money I'm glad I'm there for her. As I mentioned Gloria used to be one of my caregivers years ago. She tends to come and go with the service so I eventually found Melissa who is very very steady and I can count on her all the time. They are actually both great caregivers in their own rights I'm glad they're in my life.
I broke my stick this morning another stick actually one of my favorite sticks along narrow stick with one of my rubber tips on the end which I use for reaching long things especially opening and closing the drapes from a distance. I closed the drapes at night there's a big lamp right outside my window and shines right into my face otherwise. I usually hate to have drapes pulled at night but I've gotten used to these drapes which block the light. This stick was perfect for that and for reaching any number of items that weren't too big. It's only recently that I started using this particular stick to assist in doing some of my dressing as far as being able to pull up close over hard to reach places and tucking my shirts in and things like that. I should have been more careful and not tried to use them to adjust and lift my legs in order to get my strep I use over my foot to pull my legs or one leg over the other one so I can put my shorts on and later my shoes. I want to adjust my leg this morning in an effort to slide my strap over my foot and snapped the poor favorite stick. Now I've got to figure out when I can go to Lowe's and pick up a number of sticks to use in my Hooks and my long Reacher. It's kind of arduous especially bringing the sticks back home on public transit lucky and get sticks that are like 72 in Long which I sort of keep between my legs and it's just short enough to get myself into the bus front door. The drivers have never stopped me so I guess it's okay but it does get awkward. I've got enough sticks now one or two long ones that are heavier and so it won't snap as easily but I'm sure their time's coming but it'll be a while yet I'm having to do a lot of rehab I'm broken sticks right now that I've massacred one way or the other over the last 6 months but it keeps me busy and obviously off the streets along with that flat screen..
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