Saturday, December 07, 2024

Domino's inflated

Really? It's Saturday again truly hard to believe. But it's a fairly clear day except for the inversion which has got all kinds of gunk in the air which I'm sure is somewhat diddly to me but I'm out in any way enjoying what time I can with my new chair batteries going places even if it's just the market and I did go to the coffee shop today with Janet where we gossiped and enjoyed each other's company over some coffee with the other cool guys in the area. Other than that and then running across the street for a quick run through of the market to get things I need for Saturday night and Sunday that was about it for today. Watched a couple movies on Netflix and Marvel and was just about ready to call it a day when Mark Anthony called and indicated that he had free time and would be willing to come over to help me a little bit which of course I definitely always need. This turned out to be a quite a pleasant experience as far as being able to talk while he went through my chaotic dresser full of all kinds of historical garbage that I've been carrying around for decades. We threw a lot of stuff away which really I don't need anymore which I thought that I did but I really don't and it's just good as he says to get rid of the items now that have to deal with it down the line when it's just him by himself really not knowing what to get rid of and what to keep. I would say just throw everything into the dumpster at that point but I know he would have a hard time doing that cuz I know I would have a hard time doing that. However today we meet some major inroads and enjoyed a lot of conversation at the same time we ordered a pizza and got held up as far as that goes for a small pizza ended up being like $27 unbelievable I really wanted to have a Domino's Pizza and it's been a while- - that 27 didn't really include the $2 tip. I hate to blame it on inflation and all that kind of stuff which I'm sure has something to do with the price of everything it's just incredible I'm just glad I was able to deal with it. The biggest find out of this cleanup was the old Bible with my grandfather switch I've been holding on to for some time and I'd actually thought that I had lost. The volume has some real damage done to it I think the cover is totally ripped off and I've been meaning to take it down to a binder as soon as I can find one just so I can get the document bound and let it be usable again. It's an old King James Version but he's got all of the verses he liked underlined which I think is valuable in and of itself as far as linking to my grandfather. I don't know if I'll ever find a binder and it probably will be thrown away at some point in time so I don't think anybody in my family would want to hold on to such an item. Maybe I could reach out to my cousins who shared the grandfather with me they might be interested it's that whole generation thing: after two generations the Next Generation doesn't know this other person from anybody else so it doesn't really matter to them one way or the other. That's quite a generalization and they're probably are descendants that would be interested in something like that but I don't know how I would get it to them especially after I was dead that would be a great trip I know I got appeared to them sometime when they're praying that would work …

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