Sunday, December 01, 2024

New day new month

I'm exhausted this first day of December. Last night I lost the ability to raise my head of the bed up at all so it's flat out and so. No elevation at all. Plus I couldn't get the head section of the bed to raise up and all intermittently as I have been able to do the same holds true for the leg razors those don't work it again either. Right now the most important thing is to get my tablet as well as my handheld up and going. Because I was sleeping prone on the bed that's no elevation for my legs or anything and I wanted to make sure I was up and ready to hit the restaurant in time. I was pleased that by the way I pressed put the chair away at night last night it was quite easy for me to slide into my power chair without having to raise the back of the bed which I usually do is close to a sitting position as I can. Sadly that functions gone and I can't get it to go again and I had mark Anthony stopped by the apartment after breakfast this morning and he looked at it and said yeah it's a goner there's no way to get it fixed you have to get a new one. Words I did not want to hear but I certainly was not shocked I hearing them as well. So now I'm going to have to order in a whole new package which is going to cost hundreds of dollars that don't feel too comfortable doing but it better. Since those two features of the bed don't work any longer and I use them quite a bit it's best that I get to the new motor system in and have somebody I know install it on at the bed. I don't know if I will call Kent to see about getting a new bed entirely one of the left one of the donations they have might be the best because I'd hate to dump that money into it again and have it broken within a year which has been the history here. And sadly here I must confess I wasted the whole day binge movie watching on Prime. I kind of enjoyed my time doing that even if the shows are kind of campy in places. I had gotten my shorts on and my shoes on so I was ready to go if I really wanted to go anywhere but I just couldn't or didn't want to go out to the market or anything. there was nothing that I needed I can't wait till Monday.    One other thing about not being able to raise the head of the bed is that the elevation helps a great deal with peeing when I have to drain my bladder at bed. This morning I had to drain around at 3:00 a.m. and it took me a little bit but I finally was able to do it and slept back in for another couple hours. I made the transfer easily so it's where I situate the chair next to the bed when I Dismount the bed. I was totally surprised I made the move as well as I did.k

Breakfast with the kids was fine. Following the breakfast Marc Anthony stopped by the house / apartment and looked at the bed and said yep it needs to be repaired basically replaced he can't repair the parts broken it's too smashed crashed. I foresee a busy week probably a busy month


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