Many years ago I tried to learn to play the family accordion which I found stashed in one of the covers of the house. At one point in time I believe it belong to my older sister who I guess played but I don't remember really her playing the accordion very much. It was a difficult instrument for me and like I said I laboriously try to learn this instrument but I never did but point that I'm making is that each week I would go to my lesson and my mom would give me a quarter which I would use to buy a bottle of Squirt and a chocolate bar some kind I think it was a Hershey's almond bar. There's a great interlude in my week though I struggled so hard on me accordion. I never got the notes down and I never really got functional with the 120 base just too many buttons and just too much stress I never was able to get the instrument down except for a few basic silly songs. And the reason I bring this up is that today I was at the market buying some Provisions for the rest of the weekend. I finally succumb to the realization that my form of socialization is going to the market on Saturday nights and purchasing something fun to ingest one way or the other. Anyway I have, for a long time, wanted or needed something to to drink for fun. The problem why I have not really purchased cans of soda or pop before is that just too difficult for me to transport especially if I'm carrying another stuff at the same time so I don't buy them or I haven't purchased them but today for some reason I was really into the whole idea of buying something just for fun so I talked to somebody who reach down and picked up a container of Squirt and I had them place it between my legs on my foot pedal of my power chair. I raised the foot pedals up to the point where the package of Squirt play securely between the legs. And it worked I was careful of my trip home that I didn't hit any bumps or whatever but it was the fluid trip home and once I got to the house I had a difficult time moving the squirt container to the floor but I finally did and they're doing so I think I ruptured one can of of the beverage and got all over the floor but I secured another and drank it it was great remind me of the old days. Now I have a bunch of other cans that I will Stow in the refrigerator on Monday when my help gets here and she retrieve the rest of the cans off the floor and put them into the fridge.
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