Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Tuesday's Meetings

 I had another strange night this one directly relink to the fact that my beds no longer functional as far as sitting myself up which is a vital part of my transfer capability. So I've been struggling since I don't know two or three in the morning probably getting a little catnaps in between trying to figure out I'm going to deal with this problem. I just have to get it fixed one way or the other and I think I went over yesterday or on the 1st some of the options one of them being going through my friend over it you can't finding a used product. As I was thinking about that this morning I said that well why not try using the assistive technology fund again, the board that I sit on, actually before when I got the shower chair, remember? They directed me through the Independent Living Center but that still might be a viable option at least a place to go. I also started thinking about this about the fact that yesterday I threw away the document from the federal insurance program that I'm on that tells you about all the changes and stuff, trying to get you to see if that's what you want to do is continue with that insurance program and they might have a idea might be able to help with the whole issue I'll have to look into it as well as into the other two options u c a t and the other funding options. So maybe I'll contact the vendor again and see what a new bed would cost. It's Advisory Board meeting today it's over Zoom but I'll have to zoom back from my assist meeting before I link up to it more to come later.

As hard as I tried I could not get the meeting to be again quickly and go quickly and end just a little bit early. People were too enthralled and eager to talk about their holiday experiences and who cooked what and how it was cooked even I got into the process of talking about my holiday Thanksgiving Adventure dinner. We did and write at 12:00 pretty much but I tried to get home as quickly as I could but when you got to wait on trains and buses you end up being late and I was about 20 minutes late into the meeting on Zoom. I don't think I missed much I'm sure they did a lot of holiday talking to as well as visiting each other we meet every 6 months I think and it's a lot of time it goes by it a lot of catching up we have to do a lot of us are getting way old too so there's even more reinforcing and catching up to do. Like I said I finally did get home got online it took me a while to tap into the meeting and I really didn't offer much when I did except that I was there online as far as that goes and I was able to field any questions but none came my way. The meeting was typical Bankers talking about how much money that we have as a organization we have quite a bit actually as well as discussion different topics that might be of interest to folks with disabilities particularly since a lot of time is spent on whether or not a computer was and a t device and should our organization loan money out to acquire such devices. I in my naive way didn't should thought that's possibility but everyone else did not seem to think so. I caved and went with the majority. I wasn't sure if I was really online I think that I was but I may have been muted didn't matter though we got through the meeting we're done now until March and this time I had inputs indicating that we would meet on Wednesday instead of Tuesday so I wouldn't have an assist meeting to worry about….

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