Monday, August 11, 2008

Rain drops Keep Fallin on My Head

We have literally been toiling over the annual report all weekend, my new three day weekend!. I admit Dianne has done the lions share of the work with the actual formatting and even composing some of the narrative but I have watched the granddaughter when the need arose, and I was a round get to ice water, answer questions and give moral support. Doing the annual report, all weekend long was not my first choice on how I wanted to spend the days but the email I got from the boss wanting to meet on Monday to discuss the “finished report” pushed me into action and sense Dianne volunteered to assist I took advantage of her experience and expertise. How ever by Sunday afternoon I was way ready to escape for little while. Dianne had made great efforts with the project and I wanted cook at last one thing over this “lost weekend” and we needed to get some supplies from the market and since I have the only working or legal vehicle in the house I elected to drive-up to the Sunshine Market.

When I took off for the market the day was beautiful, 90+ degrees, blue skies with huge cloud canyons tossed through out the sky. I went the back route third west to Clarke st up to Sunshine market, traditionally I wonder up through the neighborhoods up to State street then down to the market. By going this back rout I was able to watch the clouds. As I traveled down 3rd West I notice the clouds seeming to come together an a thick black loud line was beginning to form.

By the time I got to the Market the clouds had definitely converged into one dark ridge. The clouds had finally moved infront of the sun and a dark hue fell over our end of the valley.

Forty-five minutes later I was done with my shopping and with double bagged groceries hanging off both handles of power chair, virgin olive oil stuffed into my back pack and a gallon of Viva two percent wedged between my legs I began my trip home. A warm breeze was now coming from the South and the dark threatening clouds seemed to be pressing the very air toward the Earth. As I turned the corner from the market and got on thje back streets to word home the first drops started hitting the ground, hard wet splats. Not a lot at first, intermittent and kind of refreshing. Then the winds increased and what I thought were splatting rain drops were actually little clump of ice, hail and the frequency was increasing. And so was I. I did not make it though. Another block and the whole sky seemed to open and hail and rain came down with a crushing force. I was soon getting soaked and finally found a tree along the side of the street with dry ground underneath. And even though I know better, I took refuge under it’s boughs. I surprised at how long I was able to stay under the tree before the rain drops began to seep through. Like most summer storm, though torrential the storm was also short lived. I was soaked also beginning to dry as I the water filled gutter to my driveway. Grocery laden, dripping and driving a chair nearly exhausted of power I was home and happy to be so.

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