Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Great Catheter Battle

Tears from the 12th floor

 If I had to title this posting I think I would title it The Great Catheter Battle. That's I'm sure any of you who is spent any time at all reading this blog know that I use catheters to drain my bladder with. I have to use the catheter 3 or four times a day actually and if I were to do my cathing like the folks here it the hospital with like I would be cathing 4 times a day no once every 4 hours. It's not complicated just something I have to do and I'm ok doing it I've developed a system and that's that. But is near as I can tell the people at this facility this Hospital is interested in rehabbing the entire me not just the parts that I think our want to be rehab. One of these parts is the catheters I use it a process I use in using. Simply stated what I use as a straight catheter inserted it into the penis, up to the bladder which drains then into a bag that I carry with me that I have liberated from the hospital when I was there for stenosis II which is basically a feeding bag called "kangaroo bag." Like everything in the universe there a correct way of doing things and I do the wrong way. The proper way is to use plastic gloves, swab areas with iodine solution and soap you know the drill keep everything a sterile as possible. Well you know what that doesn't work in the real world and never has work for me I just carry some BZK cleaning solution but seems to work just fine and lube up the street catheter that I have and use my plastic bag that works for me. However there is a nurse here at the hospital, actually nice guy, but he's focused on getting me to try something else, catheter wise, something he feels be much better meet my needs and I'm sure makes him feel a lot better about my lack of sterility. So he is made contact with a couple of catheter vendors and one sent of a bunch on interesting catheters to say the least and what are the products has some potential as a product I would use in an emergency or a product I would carry in the bottom of my backpack. It is a self contained system, even has a baf attached to the end of the catheter. the system looks funky as hell that is oddly usable. The biggest issue I have is dumping a bag of piss and the public garbage system. I guess it shouldn't bother me to much but just seems gross even for me. The system is quite complicated to use, the system requires a lot of hand function and if I have the time it would not be so bad but using the cath in bag in a quick need situation, I can't see its use ability. Its a product that was made for a paraplegic not a person with limited and function such as me. All the different catheter systems that were sent me requires just too much hand function. I wish this was not the case but it is. Now the nurse mopes around like I have insuted him , it is enough to wear a person out.

 Fortunately for me, I have noticed this evening , there is not so much a press on me trying out the new catheters. The only drawback now is, they issue me one catheter at a time and its just a little unnerving having to go up and ask for something to stick in my dick every 4 hours. Sometimes though they give me four catheters at a time which sets me up a little bit.

 seriously, do you see me as a high-maintenance patient? I don't think that I am I just want to be able to pee in peace like everyone.

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