Monday, November 21, 2016


I was hoping today would be a slow day. I knew it was going to rain today so I planned on staying in the apartment doing things, apartment things. However, I did get dressed got my shoes on and was puttering around the apartment when I got a call from Jennifer. She let me know that I have not paid November's rent! I was astounded. I think what happened when I moved in because it was late October just a couple days left and I paid for those days and the deposit. So I just think I figured I had already paid the rent for November which I had not.

Clouds had come in over night and I think there had been a little rain in the early morning but today doesn't look too wet. Either way I had to get over to Mountain America and get some checks since the apartments will not take credit cards only checks... That is so weird. So I saddled Up and headed out. By this time it was 12 noon. And I knew nobody was going to be there over lunch so I just sort of dallied here and there. Imagine my shock when I finally got to the bank in the bottom of the Student Union building at Salt Lake Community College and realized they take their lunch from 1 to 2. So I had to kill yet more time but I finally got blank checks. I stopped at the market on the way home I got a bag of onions and other things I probably didn't really need like two packages of country ribs pork ribs. They are on sale I figured it was a good thing to do. Coming home from the market the rain decided to begin in earnest. I got home just in time has the real rain started. It was great to be home in my little apartment.

It's going to be wet now and  cold as we enter this Thanksgiving week. At this point I am planning Thanksgiving here at the apartments courtesy of Salvation Army and Utah non profit. Actually I'm okay with that. Where else would I go?

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