I really don't know how to convey the seriousness of this issue as far as the screen of this tablet that I've been using to do my dictation both on my blog and the letters that I write each month. But a few minutes ago I was trying to retrieve my tablet which had fallen on the floor and it was still plugged into the wall where it been charging all night and all day and the cord was still plugged in as I said, and I was trying to pull it up with one hand slow enough that the cord wouldn't come undone. I don't know what I did though because all the sudden I ended up slamming the tablet and sure enough it hit the floor in the screen kind of shattered. When I say shatter it didn't like fall apart or anything it just became covered with many spider web type cracks which I think is pretty common for tablets. This ends the streak with this tablet however the longest I've ever had a device like this and not totally shredded the screen somewhere along the line and I've dropped it significant amount of times and even roll over it once or twice inadvertently. But now it's a shattered screen but of course still works and since I don't really use this tablet for anything else but updating my blogs and other pieces of writing like the kid letters I think I'll be okay for however long it takes to replace this piece of equipment. Actually I think I've already talked about it but I actually have through a friend of mine who provided me two tablets actually one of Apple One like this one but they're very old but new so they work pretty good. He works with us state of Utah program that provides technology for people with disabilities and these are a couple of old devices that he's had for some time. He's got new devices that he's given out to folks that really need it but he gave it to me I gave them to me the two pieces that I can certainly work with until I have to get a new tablet or that I want to get a new tablet that's more powerful and has more space on it. This tablet I'm using right now keeps flashing me signs indicating that all of my space is almost used up and if I don't do anything quickly I'm going to lose the stuff I just written or dictated. So I'm not totally distraught that I've destroyed or at least marred the screen of this device. I'll get it taken care of one way or the other.
This is not the update I was going to write tonight but it seemed appropriate All Things Considered. Probably I was going to write something about Halloween and all the things going on in and around this building for the event. I of course I'm not really for taking any of this kind of stuff tonight I'm hunkered down and plan to turn on the television to watch the local professional basketball team choke once more. The season has been going now for a couple of days and we've already lost three games. I've always professed that I don't care for sports and games like this but you know what maybe I'm getting more mellow as I get older I don't know but all I know is that we seem to choke a lot …