Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Rehabilitation What A Weird Industry

 My butt wound is healing are trying to heal anyway. I'm having the lean back in my chair a lot and that's okay I guess just one more thing to show me I'm getting old. That being said I think I'm doing okay. I don't know what will happen when I go to my next rehab setting but that should be interesting. I don't think the extra time and rehabilitation is going to wear me out or anything like that this is the downtime that has the most concern for me. I am just spending hours and hours doing nothing except watching TV, reading then of course writing. I'm thankful for the time to write that's just regular stuff like letters, log, and updates on Facebook and Twitter. These are things I would probably be doing at home where I at home. Except I think I would still they heavily involved and but few meetings I still go to and wellness. I kind of miss wellness. However I have began to use the arm bike here at the center at 4:30 and that's been good for me I think. Sorry I got a little off task. The point is I'll be going to another setting for a couple more weeks so I don't know when I'll be getting home again if indeed I am to go home again.

One of the women who are here at the facility has really going out of her way to try to introduce socialization to the other patients at this facility. She has actually moved the dining room tables together until one giant table for everyone each together and talks together and I think she even has been instrumental in having the TV turned off during dinner lunch and breakfast so the machines are not blaring all the time. Actually , I think she's a bit of a busy body  but in a good way. Usually I am the only male at the table seven or eight senior ladies which is interesting particularly when I end up talking about myself. Interesting and surprising  to seewhat  the others are in for.

Rehabilitation what a weird industry

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Week

I love Christmas week, that time between Christmas and New Years even in this crazy skilled nursing facility. I am kind of taking the advice of one of the people who posted to my Facebook account indicating I should treat my stay as in a posh Hotel. Well I can hardly call this a posh hotel but I certainly with a lot of stresses. Meals made for me, room made up most mornings, workout in very nice gym with good OT's in pts. .. A big ass flat screen in my room with fairly good cable connection watching AMC and other cable networks all day long when not in therapy. I know I'm not going to hear much from my neurosurgeon until way into January (it Christmas season) so I'm just hanging out trying to stay out of everybody's hair specially my family's.

I am trying to make the best of a sucky situation and I'm doing okay all things considered. I just have to deal with having to be scrutinized morning day and night even during the night. People watching exactly how much I eat and what I eat and drink and then measuring the results. I know I know it's all for my own  good but the whole medical model thing really scrapes my ass.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Butt Wound!!

I am currently laying back in my chair in order to take pressure off my butt. Last night or yesterday afternoon during my shower I was made aware that I have skin breakdown on my left buttock. Yes of course terrifying mean as it should terrify anybody with spinal cord injury who's must spend their life sitting on their ass because once your ass goes  your whole quality of life goes actually to the point you could die.

I don't know if it is the amount of physical therapy that I am doing these days that forces me to exit my chair scooting and then doing a lot of scooting on the mats or perhaps it was the days when my cushion was it my chair backwards causing stress on my buttocks either way the small breakdown has occurred and I must take action even if its going back to bed between therapy sessions. This is just another step of the process. I'm trying to minimize the issue and understand that I will heal eventually and hopefully get back to my regular life style. I however I'm also a bit worried because my spasticity are tone is beginning to return. I had thought the last operation should have taken care of that - - hopefully it's just part of the healing process all that last surgery in the spinal cord is still taking care of itself. I just hope this is the case.

I'm not sleeping well again because of a number issues I'm trying to get under control. Worry I guess that's what I'm saying worry about everything for Dianne has it so much more than me it's really affecting her physically and emotionally. I'm just feeling guilt from so many sides it is hard.

I'm still making do with this little tablet it seems to be working its brains out for me. It's difficult to write with any large amounts of writing will require great deals with editing but that's all you got its all you got. I still dread bringing in a laptop from home just because that's just one more thing I'm taking away from the house my home and I don't want to hear because it would be in this league that much more of my new home which I don't want it to be.

Dianne is checking into some more intense physical therapy joints closer to home and May be better fit my needs. It's nearly Christmas and it looks like Christmas Day I will go with the family to our favorite Asian restaurant the next week we will go to our favorite Mexican restaurant. So it feels a little faster and that helps a little.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Snow Fall

 In this rehabilitation facility ice it and it is nearly Christmas. It is odd to be in a facility like this that's such a festive time. Being here now totally exemplifies the concept of being disabled. It is really almost the last working day before the great holiday. People who have slaves hard and earned extra leave are using that leave starting today. People are saying goodbye cleaning their areas and locking their desks and leaving one by one. Actually there is a fairly large company party be going on you know the multimedia rooms in the facility. tables are laden with brightly colored gifts and there is a raffle that everyone is trying to get in on, that is everyone except consumers or patience at the care facility.

 Not working, I think I missed this season most, the parties, luncheons, private lunches then gifts in bonuses and feeling part of the holiday season from both of worker and earner standpoint,  I've gotten a few Christmas cards actually they came to the house and Dianne brought them in band a few Christmas gifts here and there even one for the facility which is kinda nice. Its cold though this is the first full day of winter from this day forward the days light will lengthen which will make me feel great as we wander towards summer.

There is a tantalizing rumor running around the facility of the hunting of the third floor here. Somehow it makes sense. It's overcast cold and its snowing. It would be great to just be home watching the snowfall.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Clean Clothes Desperation

I am questing for my clothes which I really have not seeing for a week now. I am staying still at the sniff I have been living at for the past three to four weeks actually it's probably just like 14 days but seems longer. The point is I wearing clothes I have worn for the past couple days and quite frankly it's getting a bit embarrassing.

I thought I had the problem solved earlier in the week who works in my room took my clothes down to be washed and I haven't seen them since. I have asked 2or03 people to assist in the project but seriously they are all flaked out which totally surprises me I know they are busy here that's why that's why I appreciate their involvement so much but you're the man his clothes. I've gotten conflicting reports that staff do not do washing for clients and then I hear they dont I don't know to go.

I know where the laundry is at, I also know they keep the place locked up but I am going to go down to the basement to see what I can find I am desperate

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Just Aa Little Christmas Gloom

I don't know what it is, if it's the snow hemming me in or its the little old lady who runs a television all night long really loud like last night which of course that makes me druggies sludgy for the rest of the day. I asked after how the old lady crank it down a little bit they never did. A major storm came in over the night last couple days and we've been short on staff what time I get to bed at what time I get up there's also the issue of I'm getting real sore on my butt and I can't elevate enough to get the pressure off the sore and that is beginning to have an impact on me so I could be getting depressed there might be the night skilled nursing facility something in the back of my mind is warning me be careful be awake be aware skilled nursing facilities are bad, there soon to sell these are bad and I'm stuck right in the middle of one they don't know about HealthSouth what minor medical advice Poland store are tragedies what they might be able to pull out of hat but all I know because I'm not feeling too good about anything right now. Maybe I'll feel good or better about everything tomorrow. I just feel like I'm losing ground Hey and all the way you look at it. I think Dianne really believes I'm going to get back to doing transfers real transfers I just don't see how that's going to happen... But I might be wrong they need to work it out somehow to be focused totally on transfers but I don't know how to pull that off right now..

Monday, December 14, 2015

Ho Ho Ho Christmas Sucks

I truly apologize for not writing in this blog since Thanksgiving! I have a great excuse for which I will begin to unravel over the next couple of days and weeks. Succinctly the surgery was moved up 2 weeks and that really freaked me out which means that I did not update the blog like I should have. Actually, the surgery did not freak me ou as much as I thought the surgery was going to.

I did it. I rolled right up and they cut me when did I went to the wards. I was so pleased when I woke up And found I had space decent hand function. I was so afraid I was going to lose more ability send hardly any pain and fairly decent function. Granted I am now at a skilled nursing facility but that's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm having some issues but you're not quite scary the hell out of me what are sure making me wonder how I'm going to do on the other side and Harley any pain and freely decent function. Granted I am now at a skilled nursing facility but that's does bad as I thought it was going to be. I do not know how much longer I will be here I will be going to a more traditional rehabilitation setting, over at Health south.

I'm writing this post on my tablet which leaves a great deal to be desired. I'm trying to get access to a more conventional computer which will allow me to write better posts until then you're all going to have to deal with this posting device one broken down old tablet that I'm thankful as hell for.