Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Rehabilitation What A Weird Industry

 My butt wound is healing are trying to heal anyway. I'm having the lean back in my chair a lot and that's okay I guess just one more thing to show me I'm getting old. That being said I think I'm doing okay. I don't know what will happen when I go to my next rehab setting but that should be interesting. I don't think the extra time and rehabilitation is going to wear me out or anything like that this is the downtime that has the most concern for me. I am just spending hours and hours doing nothing except watching TV, reading then of course writing. I'm thankful for the time to write that's just regular stuff like letters, log, and updates on Facebook and Twitter. These are things I would probably be doing at home where I at home. Except I think I would still they heavily involved and but few meetings I still go to and wellness. I kind of miss wellness. However I have began to use the arm bike here at the center at 4:30 and that's been good for me I think. Sorry I got a little off task. The point is I'll be going to another setting for a couple more weeks so I don't know when I'll be getting home again if indeed I am to go home again.

One of the women who are here at the facility has really going out of her way to try to introduce socialization to the other patients at this facility. She has actually moved the dining room tables together until one giant table for everyone each together and talks together and I think she even has been instrumental in having the TV turned off during dinner lunch and breakfast so the machines are not blaring all the time. Actually , I think she's a bit of a busy body  but in a good way. Usually I am the only male at the table seven or eight senior ladies which is interesting particularly when I end up talking about myself. Interesting and surprising  to seewhat  the others are in for.

Rehabilitation what a weird industry

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas Week

I love Christmas week, that time between Christmas and New Years even in this crazy skilled nursing facility. I am kind of taking the advice of one of the people who posted to my Facebook account indicating I should treat my stay as in a posh Hotel. Well I can hardly call this a posh hotel but I certainly with a lot of stresses. Meals made for me, room made up most mornings, workout in very nice gym with good OT's in pts. .. A big ass flat screen in my room with fairly good cable connection watching AMC and other cable networks all day long when not in therapy. I know I'm not going to hear much from my neurosurgeon until way into January (it Christmas season) so I'm just hanging out trying to stay out of everybody's hair specially my family's.

I am trying to make the best of a sucky situation and I'm doing okay all things considered. I just have to deal with having to be scrutinized morning day and night even during the night. People watching exactly how much I eat and what I eat and drink and then measuring the results. I know I know it's all for my own  good but the whole medical model thing really scrapes my ass.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Butt Wound!!

I am currently laying back in my chair in order to take pressure off my butt. Last night or yesterday afternoon during my shower I was made aware that I have skin breakdown on my left buttock. Yes of course terrifying mean as it should terrify anybody with spinal cord injury who's must spend their life sitting on their ass because once your ass goes  your whole quality of life goes actually to the point you could die.

I don't know if it is the amount of physical therapy that I am doing these days that forces me to exit my chair scooting and then doing a lot of scooting on the mats or perhaps it was the days when my cushion was it my chair backwards causing stress on my buttocks either way the small breakdown has occurred and I must take action even if its going back to bed between therapy sessions. This is just another step of the process. I'm trying to minimize the issue and understand that I will heal eventually and hopefully get back to my regular life style. I however I'm also a bit worried because my spasticity are tone is beginning to return. I had thought the last operation should have taken care of that - - hopefully it's just part of the healing process all that last surgery in the spinal cord is still taking care of itself. I just hope this is the case.

I'm not sleeping well again because of a number issues I'm trying to get under control. Worry I guess that's what I'm saying worry about everything for Dianne has it so much more than me it's really affecting her physically and emotionally. I'm just feeling guilt from so many sides it is hard.

I'm still making do with this little tablet it seems to be working its brains out for me. It's difficult to write with any large amounts of writing will require great deals with editing but that's all you got its all you got. I still dread bringing in a laptop from home just because that's just one more thing I'm taking away from the house my home and I don't want to hear because it would be in this league that much more of my new home which I don't want it to be.

Dianne is checking into some more intense physical therapy joints closer to home and May be better fit my needs. It's nearly Christmas and it looks like Christmas Day I will go with the family to our favorite Asian restaurant the next week we will go to our favorite Mexican restaurant. So it feels a little faster and that helps a little.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Snow Fall

 In this rehabilitation facility ice it and it is nearly Christmas. It is odd to be in a facility like this that's such a festive time. Being here now totally exemplifies the concept of being disabled. It is really almost the last working day before the great holiday. People who have slaves hard and earned extra leave are using that leave starting today. People are saying goodbye cleaning their areas and locking their desks and leaving one by one. Actually there is a fairly large company party be going on you know the multimedia rooms in the facility. tables are laden with brightly colored gifts and there is a raffle that everyone is trying to get in on, that is everyone except consumers or patience at the care facility.

 Not working, I think I missed this season most, the parties, luncheons, private lunches then gifts in bonuses and feeling part of the holiday season from both of worker and earner standpoint,  I've gotten a few Christmas cards actually they came to the house and Dianne brought them in band a few Christmas gifts here and there even one for the facility which is kinda nice. Its cold though this is the first full day of winter from this day forward the days light will lengthen which will make me feel great as we wander towards summer.

There is a tantalizing rumor running around the facility of the hunting of the third floor here. Somehow it makes sense. It's overcast cold and its snowing. It would be great to just be home watching the snowfall.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Clean Clothes Desperation

I am questing for my clothes which I really have not seeing for a week now. I am staying still at the sniff I have been living at for the past three to four weeks actually it's probably just like 14 days but seems longer. The point is I wearing clothes I have worn for the past couple days and quite frankly it's getting a bit embarrassing.

I thought I had the problem solved earlier in the week who works in my room took my clothes down to be washed and I haven't seen them since. I have asked 2or03 people to assist in the project but seriously they are all flaked out which totally surprises me I know they are busy here that's why that's why I appreciate their involvement so much but you're the man his clothes. I've gotten conflicting reports that staff do not do washing for clients and then I hear they dont I don't know to go.

I know where the laundry is at, I also know they keep the place locked up but I am going to go down to the basement to see what I can find I am desperate

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Just Aa Little Christmas Gloom

I don't know what it is, if it's the snow hemming me in or its the little old lady who runs a television all night long really loud like last night which of course that makes me druggies sludgy for the rest of the day. I asked after how the old lady crank it down a little bit they never did. A major storm came in over the night last couple days and we've been short on staff what time I get to bed at what time I get up there's also the issue of I'm getting real sore on my butt and I can't elevate enough to get the pressure off the sore and that is beginning to have an impact on me so I could be getting depressed there might be the night skilled nursing facility something in the back of my mind is warning me be careful be awake be aware skilled nursing facilities are bad, there soon to sell these are bad and I'm stuck right in the middle of one they don't know about HealthSouth what minor medical advice Poland store are tragedies what they might be able to pull out of hat but all I know because I'm not feeling too good about anything right now. Maybe I'll feel good or better about everything tomorrow. I just feel like I'm losing ground Hey and all the way you look at it. I think Dianne really believes I'm going to get back to doing transfers real transfers I just don't see how that's going to happen... But I might be wrong they need to work it out somehow to be focused totally on transfers but I don't know how to pull that off right now..

Monday, December 14, 2015

Ho Ho Ho Christmas Sucks

I truly apologize for not writing in this blog since Thanksgiving! I have a great excuse for which I will begin to unravel over the next couple of days and weeks. Succinctly the surgery was moved up 2 weeks and that really freaked me out which means that I did not update the blog like I should have. Actually, the surgery did not freak me ou as much as I thought the surgery was going to.

I did it. I rolled right up and they cut me when did I went to the wards. I was so pleased when I woke up And found I had space decent hand function. I was so afraid I was going to lose more ability send hardly any pain and fairly decent function. Granted I am now at a skilled nursing facility but that's not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I'm having some issues but you're not quite scary the hell out of me what are sure making me wonder how I'm going to do on the other side and Harley any pain and freely decent function. Granted I am now at a skilled nursing facility but that's does bad as I thought it was going to be. I do not know how much longer I will be here I will be going to a more traditional rehabilitation setting, over at Health south.

I'm writing this post on my tablet which leaves a great deal to be desired. I'm trying to get access to a more conventional computer which will allow me to write better posts until then you're all going to have to deal with this posting device one broken down old tablet that I'm thankful as hell for.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Week

It's Thanksgiving week with temperatures dropped. It feels like Thanksgiving, it feels like storms are coming, turkeys are being purchased and thawed And being kept in the fridge until Thursday morning early. Pumpkin pies will be made and relish dishes With celery sticks, carrot sticks black olives and whatever else goes on a well filled out relish tray. Dough will be mixed, raised and formed into roles on that special day. And real butter will be used. Folding tables we brought up from the basement for the kids table.

It's a short week, this holiday week, I think one of the things I miss most being retired is looking forward to holiday. Weekdays when you feel you should be at work But because of the holiday you're not. You stay up late the night before, sleep in if you don't have to cook the dinner, and just hang out with family and friends. Thanksgiving in particular is stretched itself is a holiday from Thursday to now Friday making Thanksgiving major holiday event. It's amazing how luxurious that extra day of the Holiday Can feel. Quite frankly I'm amazed how many private nonprofit businesses shut down completely on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I still sore get a feeling of the holiday week. Like today I went in to Wellness Folks were all talking about what they were going to do or where they were going to go for Thanksgiving. Since Wellness is a state government program i.e. part of the University of Utah, they will be closing early Wednesday before Thanksgiving and will not reopen again until the following Monday. So no workout on Thursday or Friday. I guess I cannot fault them for wanting holiday – – who doesn't want a holiday? Even I want holiday and I'm retired . Hopefully I will see some of these folks again on my Wednesday workout. A couple of course will be leaving or traveling on Wednesday and will not make it in. That's cool because it's not that big a deal. It's just that holiday thing that reminds me that it is a holiday week.

Seems the days are going quickly, each day in the much closer to the surgery. Surgery is slated now for December 14 which means like three weeks to the cut date. I have been dreading this whole thing particularly fearful of how the surgery will leave me. Cannot say that I am scared just concerned. However over the past couple weeks I've noticed my level of spasticity is increasing. My ability to sleep is truly impact of as well as my mobility. However not as bad as before the last surgery spasms are getting quite challenging.. I guess what I'm building up to is that in a funny way I'm looking forward to the surgery if in fact that surgery will calm my spasticity is not rid myself of it entirely. I know there will be a trade-off I hope to trade-off is not so severe that I cannot deal with that trade-off. However, if it means a better quality life than I'm all for it.

Have to admit I'm kind of excited to be in this holiday week.

Friday, November 20, 2015

My Posse

I'm just back from working out at Wellness the Sugarhouse clinic. Today was the second day this week I made the clinic since I was released to physical activity Tuesday. I have to admit that I really like going to Wellness not so much for the physical Workout but for the Association I have with a number of the folks who come to Wellness..

One of those guys is an old fart named Tony. Tony is even older than I and It looks remarkably well and good for a guy his age. I don't know what brought Tony to Wellness but he is probably been going longer than I. He could be a stroke, head injury or something but not sure but as I said he's quite a character. He's one of these guys who yammer's a lot seems to try to make time with all the girls/female physical therapist and anyone else he can engage. Sometimes he wears you out but is always, at least for me, enjoyable to talk to. His only business last summer that I got to know a little of his background. I still not all that sure but he had one time worked pretty heavily in the motion picture industry. Did something in the background keeping things straight or something. Whatever it was, he seems to know everybody in the older industry, not so much the new Titans but the old Titans for sure. Even has his name on the number of credits for the amount of movies he has lost count on. I'm amazed/impressed with Tony.

Howard is another old guy who tends to hang with our group. Howard is really interesting. Knows wear shorts and he's older than I am excited been through the ringer couple times. Howard is from the East Coast and it looks the part. Yours has interesting tidbits but are discussing anything New York or the 50s and 60s. He called himself an old Jew – – nonpracticing. Howard has graduated From University, Which one I do not know. He's definitely been around the block and I don't know what his disability is although he is pretty high functioning. Do not see evidence of head injury are cerebral trauma of any kind. I think just bad bone/back kind of stuff.

Then there is Mark, actually there are a couple Marks: Mark K and March K. I call him Kirk because that's his last name and helps differentiate when all Marks are on the floor. Kirk has had some stenosis issues. Is older than I said quite a life. He small stature is headed back fused really has to rely on other folks to get by similar to me. Kirk often helps me with pillows, setting weights and other things around the gym I cannot do or get to. Is okay for the posse. Kendall is the other Mark. I think I've written about him before. When I first met Kendall I thought he was intellectually impaired but I enjoy talking to and Was impressed to find it actually had a career janitorial services at the Veterans Administration. I've not seen a lot of Kendall recently. For some reason Kendall hates Tony works his schedule around when he thinks Tony will not be in the gym, so I rarely see him anymore.

So this about posse the guys I work out with. They are a good bunch of guys My wish I knew better. I think I can get them together is coming Monday or Wednesday see if I can get a picture of us all that would be fun. Until then I am just using this picture of Tony, I call I his Frankenstein pose. It may not be nice but somehow it fits.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Good News Bad News

Just returned home from the medical clinic, At the University of Utah and all it was a good visit with my doc. It seems that wound is healing well, it is granulating – – whatever the hell that means – – and she put another dressing on the wound and encouraged me to keep doing the same thing for the next week and hope for closure. She also indicated that I need to increase my protein intake. She wants me to max out on protein, were talking up to 100 g a day whatever the hell that means. Hundred grams
protein were talking protein bars, drinks like Ensure And whatever else might be out there to increase protein. This of course is to assist the body in what it needs to finish mending my leg in that same time crept me for whatever is going to encounter the surgery. I kind of revolted at the hundred grams of protein but I decide what is right is best to go into the poker game with the best hand that you get.. She also described another antibiotic which is bigger and tougher than the last antibiotic that I got. It's just a lot of stuff considers me. I wish I didn't have to do all this but I do and got a be easier to work with. I think again, I've just about burnt out Dianne. I hate to think of living without her, In fact I think I would die literally on all levels. Just have to be better.

On the upside Katya, my doc,Has released me to return to Wellness which is good. I missed working out. In fact the whole thing About not going to wellness was a bit of a misunderstanding. Katya understood I was working with my legs at Wellness which is not the case I work entirely on upper body which is or has nothing to do with my wounded leg so she says by all means returned to Wellness. Have to see how the weather looks tomorrow and whatever since it's a bit of a challenge to wear shorts in the outside. It's overcast today cloudy cold almost cold Enough to snow.

After clinic we met Bridger and Asher for lunch at this little place in the Avenues. Places okay They did not serving Enough food, It was definitely a neighborhood joint but certainly had character. Boy, there's nothing corporate about it was almost an entire one-man show. It was kind of fun However little testy when begin to talk about my issues with compliance to medical direction. All downhill from there and I suppose it was my fault it always is. So, I'm going to increase my protein make focus on getting upbeat for the operation. There's not much I can do otherwise.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Searching For Control

It's Monday afternoon and again I missed my workout this morning at Wellness and sugarhouse because I'm having to take it easy do to my leg. I've been really good in compliance this last week in sitting In such Away that I did not put any pressure on the wound. This is taken almost all my resolve to do. Because, I know tomorrow(Which is my scheduled appointment with m doc)I will have my wound looked at And most likely have a fresh dressing applied which I will have to suffer another week. So I will have just a short time, I think, after I get rolling papers before I have my surgery and who knows how long I'm going to be out of commission following the surgery.  It's getting close and begin to feel some anxiety not so much with the surgery, which definitely there is some, but more with what happens afterwards and how much this is going to affect my life our lives Financially particularly in just How We'll get along and home health support the full gamut of becoming elderly/disabled elderly/in America.

I am having to wear a boot over my wrapped of leg. Therefore I have been wearing shorts at this late time of year. Luckily, the days of the Warm and I've not really left the house for any significant amount of time.It would be so difficult to get my booted foot in my pants so I guess I think the boot off long enough To Put My Pants on – – Maybe That's What I Will Do Tomorrow When We Go to the University Hospital at 1115. Today supposed to be the coldest and most wet days this week wearing shorts is not so bad. I've got a check for mail once or twice and it wasn't too uncomfortable.

So this is the way it is for  now, I'm not even really exercising home except for my green band. With the way my legs are bound together holding them straight up and down I cannot get close enough into my Saratoga silver to do my daily pump which bums me out. Hopefully I'll be back to my normal workout scenario soon. This has got to stop need to regain some form of control over my life.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Objects In Motion

It's really weird I know the people who love me and really care – – literally, try to understand why I hate laying in bed as much as I do But they don't really can't until they have to lie in the same bed feel the isolation.

One of the weird things I'm having do or that we are having to do right now is to find a another electric bed, You know, hospital type it. The one I have that we got from a local writer provider Being taken back by the vendor something weird like not being covered by my insurance which is bull because we checked with our provider in fact it wouldn't even give us the bed until our provider authorized the bed. Regardless, I'm having to get a new bed or another bed. So going back to all my resources where the fully electric hospital bed might be found. One of those places is the local Independent living Center. In this case the Utah Independent Living Center . Interestingly enough the person I called who I thought could give me some good Intel was not there and I left a message. A few minutes later I was contacted by the director of the independent living center was also a close friend. Her name is Deborah or Deb.

Deborah is a high quadriplegic, Deb is much more involved than I disabilitywise but she is totally independent as much a she can be. Deb cannot dress yourself, toilet yourself get in and out of bed by herself but she lives a full life, is director of the largest IL in Utah has traveled all over the country and manages your life to the max. As I visited with Deb about the bed She mentioned how it was impossible for her to also stay in bed if she didn't have to and if she had to how horrible the experience was. I can't explain but was so happy to find someone who understood how I felt.

I stayed in bed wonderful day this week in an effort to assist my wounded leg heal. I watched movies one after another all day. Doing this will survivable and got me through the day but I could not face another day watching the sun go from one end of my window to the next even if I had total entertainment. I can use my tablet or my cell phone dictate posts to the blog, letters, emails or even make calls very same things I would do if I were sitting at my computer in my computer room up in my chair. I think it's the ability to move. Movement regardless of how short the distance is so meaningful to someone who has reduced ability.. I think it may also be that scientific principle “objects in motion tend to stay in motion objects at rest tends to have rest”. I guess I'm afraid if I stay at rest too long I may not get moving again. Already I'm having to stay home from working out and even at home because I have to find my legs together so my injured leg does not press against my foot pedal cannot get close enough to very and bike or Saratoga Silver to use it. I'm not losing strength I don't think right now but I'm not building any strength either.

Dianne got me up this morning and I'm so thankful. Dianne helped me out of my shorts and help me transfer into my chair. I shaved, finished dressing, got me a quick breakfast, took my meds and washed dishes. I was an object in motion, I am an object of motion and I intend to stay in motion

Friday, November 13, 2015

Spasms B Not Proud

My spasms of gotten worse over the past couple of weeks, not looking forward to my upcoming operation, but this by having the operation my spasticity slackens and I'll be able to get some sleep then the operation was then worthwhile – – I do not know the worth deficits which might be left from the surgery hopefully I can exercise those away or fill them up again however whatever happens.

I am dragging my butt Today is a result of not being able to sleep most of which is due to the spasms experience into the sucking bed, hospital bed. This is a short-term problem however since we been Informed by Intermountain healthcare that we need to turn the bed as soon as we can find a replacement for it, something to do with my insurance provider not covering the bed. Hopefully I'll catch up on some sleep tonight. I've been searching around some of my old contacts in hopes of finding a hospital bed that we can have and which meet my needs. I even put out some feelers out on the web hopefully someone will bite me some information about accessible hospital type bed.

I spent the day in bed yesterday in order to keep pressure off my wound. This drives me crazy Staying in bed all day. I watched five different movies is about 10 hours of not more of Amazon viewing. It certainly helped me get past the day I hate wasting a day watching TV. This morning Carl and I devised a system that allows me to sit up my chair and have my feet on the hangers without putting pressure on the side of my leg. I just hope and pray the medical intervention Fixes the problem. I just don't understand why things keep getting worse and worse medically. I don't see the Doc again until this coming Tuesday and hopefully we'll see lots of progress then.

I really miss not being able to get to the gym/rehab facility workout. I do what I can here at the house but it's kind of limiting plus I miss my Association, however limited, with the other folks who come to the Wellness facility to work out. Im pretty sure I'll be limited again next week when I go to the doctor to see how my leg is doing. That means if I'm released to be a little workout the following week all have to deal with Thanksgiving and I doubt if I'm going to pay for the month of December since I will have my surgery in the first half of the month and I be down for who knows how long after that. Hopefully I'll be able to do some working out once I have the operation and I am rehabbing on Ward and after that skilled nursing facility I end up being at.

I know this is a draft posting but not a whole lot is happening in my life right now just prepping for the operation: and what comes next hopefully a wonderful spring.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Heal Dam You

It just never stops. I wonder if I'm going to ever be healthy again, and be truly healthy is much as I can be healthy as a quadriplegic. A couple days ago maybe a week or two I was undressing and I scraped by leg. I did not even know that I had scratched my leg but was told that I had by my wife. I really did not pay much attention to the fact until couple days later in my spasticity increased And I was feeling a little pain in my leg. But my Dianne checked She found I had a major wound on the side of my leg! We watched the wound for a day or so until Dianne got really concerned and we made a trip into my doc.

By Doc or more specifically PA is great and she immediately started caring for the wound space cleaning and getting the wound ready for dressing. I'm so pleased and lucky Dianne had been doing all the right things to minimize the wounds impact but still needed professional attention. However the result was putting my leg into a boot made of guaz that is medicated. And looks like I will have to wear this boot for at least a week when I go back to have the leg looked at and evaluated. Most likely I will have to wear the boot again for another week and then possibly a week after that. Plus during this time I can not participate in Wellness are other activities which might traumatize the dressing in the wound. Essentially this is home confinement and I had to accept that – – which I have. I cannot believe this happened in trying to be upbeat about the whole issue. However I'm going to try to keep some of my exercise routine here at the house going with the mindset at keeping my leg is free of pressure as possible. I'm having to do sponge baths since showers which seems like a step backwards. I plan to use this time to catch up was writing, sketching and communications as well as finding a different hospital bed. So I'm going to look upon this healing time as a gift and enjoy it as much as possible.

Saturday, November 07, 2015


1001 trying to time the relentlessly banal I got the paper now he's using is the nice check to see that the no liability for me lately (I and when was th well that's strange I don't know Sadie got up I remember you I don't reiterate that wasn't right unfurling Tibet was designed as I trained I must embrace another time during the night because it might just make you I drank not I I I is okay why don't you let me be a little less yesterday
my struggles on the reliable rooms place eyelet screws were able to call this the warm about know the Lord bless you how mine is a staff is was I listening to Cedillo on you absolutely will I think the relentlessly thing right now trying to not let my imagination but I think that is because that is a nice is really strange I go on Hannity

I use/have a voice to text program which I like very much and use as much as I can Overall the program works pretty well And I'm basically pleased. The program has some issues which I'm sure if they bothered me enough I could research out and fix. However, I don't use the program enough and professional situations where exactness matters. There's all kinds of things I can do to train my computer to better understand my voice, inflections and personal vocabulary but so far I have just to lazy to hone the program. I use a headset which is not the best headset in the world which I am sure would make a big difference, but again I'm either too lazy too cheap To make a change.

The first paragraph of this post is the result of leaving my headset on with the program. What is written in this paragraph is the result of couple minutes of me talking in the background, not knowing the program is still functioning, and the poor program picking whatever it can up through the headphones. It tries to make words out of whatever he hears resulting an interesting paragraph to say the least. I thought about deleting this paragraph but on second thought imagined it would make an interesting post. I am thinking I might just do this on purpose sometime to see if it would stimulate any ideas to write about. Will have to see.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Train Ride

I could not help myself. I have really been trying to be better at sniping images of people in public which I think are interesting. I thought about actually offering some of these people of interest a buck for their image. I just haven't known how to get around to asking that person for permission. I think I'll do it though one of these first days. I don't mean to poke fun at these folks just there images and plights are so interesting to me. I know I got a great deal of the sport when I was posting an image once a day from my ride in to work On the train or bus.. I'm afraid as long as I out in public an have an option to harvest an image here and there I will do that.

Yesterday was a pretty good day even though I struggled through the night trying to sleep. If only come to grips with the fact that my spasticity is definitely getting worse or my night spasms are getting worse. I tried to sleep with the legs bent because it's more comfortable for me but my spasms tend to straighten my legs like somebody was pulling on my legs. Sometimes if I'm lucky I can raise my bed or situate my body in such a way that my legs are bent up and uncomfortable for a short period of time and if lucky can drop off into a sleep. However it seems to always, leg spasm, I awake start the process all over again. I am blessed that at least I'm not in pain when this happens – – even though it looks as if I am. I'm just in some discomfort both from the spasm in the knowledge that I will not be at the top of my performance the next day. Hopefully the upcoming operation will lighten up the amount of spasticity I am now experiencing. I was coming home from my Wellness session. And I boarded the train at 2100 S. at the central city station. I sit at the front of the train and look back on the rest of the seats and in the first seat that I saw and noticed this large fellow sitting just sort of staring off into the distance. He looked tired, detached forlorn. The train Rocked back and forth As we hurled down the track And I clung to my chair to not be thrown out. This is when I noticed the traveler Had a folded piece of cardboard at his side. This guy was a better man one of those people who stand at driveways the supermarkets are interstates with a sign saying they would do something for money usually work. I cannot read but was obvious guys placard but obviously he was either traveling from point a to point B or maybe it reached his daily quota was heading home for a big night after stopping at the market first or maybe even the liquor store.It didn't matter to me whether market or liquor store,hell he had earned his money – – I think begging is one of the hardest jobs there is. He was most likely going to another intersection for the going home people. It was the middle the afternoon when we shared a train. He had the look of a factory worker with two jobs Just trying to stay awake to make ends meet.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

November Thoughts

I'm really trying not to let this whole surgery thing freak me out. And I really think I'm doing pretty well. I've accepted the fact that surgeries coming and that I spend time in the hospital and then spend time in a long-term care facility i.e. nursing home rehabbing. So I know this is all going to have it is real now I can almost touch it. However, when I got home today from my workout sugarhouse, Dianne informed me that the surgery is not 10 December as I have been told surgery is now 14 December. Changing the date the surgery is not really a big deal but just sort of irks me. But I remember when I had a discussion with nurse Susie about when I wanted it surgery she often the 14th and I said no I want the 10th  soon as I could this was the first surgery date that was open on Dr. Daly's  schedule.They can be so screwed up and just doing the calendar what else can they screw up on? Like I said it's not a huge deal is big enough to be just a little bit of stress.

I've been having trouble trying to get my posts on any type of regular basis I don't know why except for I think I'm a little bit shy in dictating to the machine when other people are around. So I try to find times when I'm alone but they never get around to dictating the posting. So for the first time I think I'm going to start working on posts that may be less than the 500 words  I have labored to do when updating my blog. I would like to get into some sort of rhythm With my blog posts but that can be real difficult next couple months as I deal with the surgery and its consequences. I would just have to do the best that I can and hope that everything is not surgery focused… I really am trying not to be a major drama mama on this whole thing.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

December 10, 2015

I got the word yesterday. I spoke with one of the people from my neurosurgeon's office. My MRI has finally been read. My medical professionals have this great program where they list all of your medical stuff on the Internet and you can go access that information as soon as it's published. Dianne found my MRI results and Printed them out for me. However, I was not able to make heads or tails out of the document except for getting a bit of a sinking feeling that all is not as well as I felt or looked. I figured I would have to call Dr. Daly's to find out more information and see what my next step will be. So I was a bit relieved but shocked yesterday when I got the call From daily's office. I don't remember much the call at least the specifics the feeling I got was the dark Dismal. All I remember was the woman on the other end of the line saying “Dr. Daily feels we need to get that stenosis out. We can schedule you for December 10 or anytime after the first of the year.” After that nothing else was just a buzz In my earpiece. My knee-jerk reaction was by all means January or as long outdoes I can make it. I did the cowardly thing by deferring my decision of the surgical date until I had time to speak with Dianne.

It's kind of funny about how putting a date or time Event suddenly makes the event real or concrete. The changes from something “out there” to actually something definitely concrete and going to happen. When Dianne got home I informed her and she looked at me like what you just take the date December uncolored good? I just want to make sure the date was all right and would not conflict with anything else we were doing so close to the holiday season – – like we do anything for the holiday season. I was just doing my last bit of denial.

So I called yesterday – – Wednesday – – let them know that December 10, would be fine just fine. It's funny how do them/staff of the doctor or hospital is just another date on the calendar. I could visualize Susan Scribbling my name down On the calendar or type my name in the computer calendar, popping her gum and going for next task, Not knowing or possibly even carrying about what that date means the person on the other end of the phone. But that's okay – – more I thought about doing the operation sooner than later probably works out for the best. Even though I lose Christmas and New Year's I would've lost those holidays anyway fretting about an upcoming operation. Now for better or worse surgery will be done by the time the holidays roll around and hopefully – – I'm still around – – I will be recouping heading towards a better life of less tone and doing rehab get myself ready for the summer of my 65th year. It's going to be a very good year

Monday, October 19, 2015

No Strain No Gain

I'm just in from working out. The season has finally caught up with the calendar. It's cool and wet outside with the breeze which makes me ambient temperature of 57° feel even cooler to me. It's Monday and really it's the first time back to the gym this week and I missed Friday because I had forgotten to plug my chair and Thursday evening. Even though my chair probably would have made it to and from the workout I just didn't want to chance it and stayed home. I knew the weather was going to be cool. I still have my window cracked in the bedroom and listen to the rain overnight and it was chilly this morning when I got up. My brother asked if I wanted long pants but I'm sticking to my shorts right now… Don't know why except for one of the longest summer and be as little problem was possible for those who have to assist me in my activities of daily living like getting dressed and undressed. So I dressed in shorts and found a light sweater to wear knowing I would be cool and thereby uncomfortable all day.

Dianne my coffee in the to go cup that how to secure top that wouldn't spill easily And out the door I went. I was uncomfortable but not too bad Sort of like a toothache that has not gone nova. It's always a cool wind that blows down State Street. I just focused on my cell phone reading emails waiting for the bus. But the bus did arrive I was more than pleased for the hheat coming out of the door. I was early today so I dallied here and there on the way to Wellness. Stopped at Barnes & Noble checked on the titles for science fiction also stopping in Whole Foods and snagging samples were I could. Got some nice cheese samples and of course grapes. I have been out of grapes for a couple days.

At Wellness it was good to see the folks I usually work out with and it was good to see that Ellsworth was back from his nose operation and recuperation. He was off all last week. Not many people at Wellness this morning but those who were there were quite labor-intensive for Ellsworth and he was the only one on. So I chatted with Mark and Mark and Tony when he came and finally Ellsworth was able to assist me in my lifting. However, I mentioned to Ellsworth that My right wrist was hurting and my hand was intermittently numbing. I had already done the rickshaw and chest press and was working on rows but after my first set I mentioned that my wrist hurt which began Elsworth interrogating me as to when, what was I doin when I first noticed the pain and how severe is the pain Ellsworth essentially shut down my workout at that point in time. Indicated that if there was pain I was not to work out. I was amazed but I follow his lead and he seems to know what he is talking about.

I've also noticed that where my glove on my bike also irritates the nerve on my the ulna on my right wrist.I do not plan to stop riding my SaratogaBut I really want to get rid of this pain and and frames not related to my stenosis… Just another thing to ask neurosurgeon if and when he ever calls back.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sunday Limbo

I had really hoped I would of heard back from my neurosurgeon by now. It is now been more than a week since I did my MRI. I mean the whole point getting my MRI done as quick as possible as to get results and begin developing the next plan will be. We did hear back anything by Thursday Dianne finally called on Friday to be informed that Dr. Daly was away on conference would not be back until next week I guess for Monday. So the MRI has not been read And we are sort of sitting in limbo.

The weather has finally cooled with a cold front wandering in last night clouds the day and rain overnight. I still have my window open a crack the cool wind feels great over the evening hours but that be ending shortly as the temps continue to drop. Sleep is coming somewhat better as the meds continue to get a foothold on the UTI. I have rough nights though,last was tough with only a couple hours sleep—waking feeling like I need to drain but only draining 200 Ccs and then not being able to return to sleep. I'm a bit groggy but not too bad. I continue to wear my shorts. I think this year is record for how late I have worn shorts into the fall. I may even wear the shorts longer because I feel shorts are much easier to dress me with then long pants.

My current Project is trying to sew my hoodie that I tore up a year or so ago when I was wearing my hoodie around my neck and the garment got caught in my wheels and rip the hell out of the hood. I finally got some thread and Needles and have started the job of sewing the item back together. This is good and being much more difficult task than I like but something do. I don't think my sewing the last But maybe long enough and I can always go back an resew If I need to. I just hope I get this project done for spring that sort like to use the hood on my trips back and forth gym.

Its that kind of Sunday, Not much is happening just trying to get by. About ready to go start mixing up a meatloaf for dinner. I love meatloaf with lot of ketchup and a baked potato with sour cream perfect menu for cool autumn day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Waiting By The Phone

The autumn days just keep coming One perfect day after another. The mornings are cool but quickly burn off to beautiful afternoons. Saturday was such a day Saturday my date for my MRI. See what the weird time 1 o'clock in the afternoon for my MRI. Usually I have these Procedures in the early morning. But since I kind of demanded that I get the next earliest appointment I got stuck with 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. That's okay I doubt that of been doing anything significant anyway.

We got To radiology right on timeAnd I was kind of surprised at how busy everything seemed to be. I kind of expected tumbleweeds for Saturday afternoon radiology clinic. Dianne had taken great effort to make sure that I was wearing clothing without any mental saw we not have to strip down and do the night thing. Of course they had no lift speak of so they had to get muscle to load me on to the donut. I once again selected Billy Joel for my music after complaining that the last time all I got was to Billy Joel songs and then selections of near like Billy Joel songs. This is because they use a music provider like Siri or something but forgot about his way to load up a bunch of Billy Joel's from the Internet.

They laid me out on the machine and I sort of think my spasms are getting worse – – maybe more about that later – – however I was able to lay pretty still for the duration of the scan spasming only two or three times and even then not very noticeable. The selections of music worked really well and 45 minutes seem to fly by which was a blessing. There is something awful snarky about doing an MRI on a Saturday afternoon. Anyway the tech said I did good and got very good images what that means I can only imagine but we'll see now.

So now it's Wednesday almost half a week since my scan and no word from the Neurosurgeon. So, taking matters into my own hands and make a call this afternoon I got home from Wellness. Of course I was immediately stuck into (hold time) But eventually someone answered the phone And after giving that person more information informed me that of course he could tell me nothing about be sure to relay this information forward to the surgeon or clerk of the surgeons business someone would get back to me hopefully by the end of the day. I'm sure I hope they will not tell me anything and that the best I'm going to get is a date to meet with the Doc again When we will really get down to business of whether or not I will need another operation. As I indicated earlier I sense and other people have told me that I am getting stiffer this of course means spasticity is increasing. Nothing like I had before and still not a good sign and I am sure something that Doc will want to hear about. I just wish things would go back to being normal or maybe this is the new normal.

Monday, October 05, 2015

The Incredible Shrinking Man

Last night when I went to bed Dianne noticed that I had to small skin breakdowns on my butt this is kind of terrifying to me. Decubitus ulcers are pressure sores are some of the worst things people spinal cord injuries have to deal with. Over the years my skin has become more and more delicate and I must be very careful when I do get these skin breakdowns. These breakdowns I'm convinced are directly related to my power chair being out of commission having to use my backup chair. I love having this backup chair and the ability this chair just me to be independent And carry on my life. However, the chair is too big for me and I do not have the appropriate cushions for this chair which therefore leads to a rocking back and forth when I drive the chair which wears through my skin. Dianne has crafted a synthetic skin Which works pretty good but still I have to be careful when I am up in my chair. Therefore my activities on the outside have come to a grinding halt. This used to drive me crazy but now think, I am beginning to accept the fact that I'm not as “not as out there” as I would like to be or even as I perceive myself to be in effect I am becoming invisible. Like Frodo with his ring I feel I am becoming more and more invisible each day and somewhere deep inside I am okay with that. Last week I only went to one of my Wellness programs meaning two days I did not work out lifting heavy weights. I think I only used my Saratoga silver three days Because it was too painful sitting up on my sore butt.

I called the durable medical provider today, the company that I bought my power chair through, they indicate another week to seven days before parts arrive needed to repair my chair. This used to infuriate me but now it's like ho – hum... Okay. I'm spending my days tilting back in my chair trying to squish the squishy stuff in my cushion back under my hips for comfort and protection and this seems be working for the time being. I'm even considering with enough Amazon Prime selections on my cable staying bed all day And tell my repaired chair arrives or mighty pressure sores heal. Right now the breakdowns very small and I don't think would take much down time to heal and I'm willing to go that road if I have to.

But back to my main point regardless of the issues I'm becoming smaller and smaller and soon I will be invisible and perhaps that is not all bad. But maybe when I get my chair back and back in my regular cushion again maybe I'll get rejuvenated now be able to push back the desire to rub the ring and be less seen.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Death Be Not Proud

I'm going to die! I wish this were not the case but I'm having to come to grips with the idea of my evitable end On this last marble. Oh let me put your minds to rest, I don't have cancer, at least not that I am aware of right this minute, and have not done the MRI that we spoke of yet which may or may not have some liked to timing but the fact that I'm 64 and and questionable health is making me consider true end-of-life scenarios.

I cannot believe how typical I am of the baby boomers. I'm essentially poor, I'm thankful for health plan that I have but It's a pretty dismal The plan really leaves me the lurches in the number of ways. We are caught in the feeling of circling the drain of our current style of living. Just one pick up medical or Otherwise we would be down the drain. So we are living one day to the next hoping for the best.

When we met with my neurosurgeon last week speaking of the remaining stenosis and what happened what could happen when he tries to remove stenosis you actually said I could die from the operation, if the operation is warranted. He did not say to get my life in order our anything as dramatic but I got the message. In fact the past couple of years Dianne and I talked about how he want to and for each of us to play out If and when The dark Moment comes. I have even considered writing my obituary just so no one else will have to deal with that issue. I assume that writing some other person's obituary is always a drag or at least it would seem to be. If the person's death was not scheduled and an obituary is not written someone has to make something up pretty fast and I've seen some of those obituaries and they are not pretty. So writing one's own second allows you to exercise your creativity at fiction more important have some degree of control into the process and how you'll be considered in the end.

I do not have the time or the inclination at this point to discuss my conversion from a burial to cremation Let's just say been a long time coming And though I'm not completely comfortable with the concept of being incinerated I no longer feel that burial in the ground is the only way out. It must have been a large part of the decision has been based on cost which is not cheap and how rude and crude the whole concept is when one thinks about Ground burial.

So I'm thinking “why not?” After I made this acceptance I started thinking about where I would want my ashes spread. Truth be told that many places left I would want to be spread. The little farm I was brought up on as long since been dissected into smaller homes. The “cabin” my brother and two friends used to hang around as kids I'm sure has also been co-opted some sort of river bottom estates which is a shame And two half acres which is to be desert property of my families as long as so and I'm sure also been gentrified.. So I've contemplated what was left: there's the Boise River By the islands were used to hang out as kids and again I think like our It is co-opted by rich people. It seems like such a waste dump my ashes in the river just because it's the river. I'm thinking which might be a good place might be table rock. Table rock had a quarry at its rear and rises up ove Boise city And I think well stand there for the next thousand years at least. There's a regular housing that has taken over Table rock but I'm hoping the quarry still remains and if so can I get someone that is indeed there? I think that's the place. Of the four of us to enjoy that area one has cancer, one has Parkinson's getting close to the end stage and one is my friend John who to my knowledge has no significant health issues aside from aging. Have not yet talked to about this idea and whether or not he would even go through with it. We were relatively close growing up to adolescents and then went our ways but we'll have to see. We'll have to see.

Friday, October 02, 2015

As Good As It Gets

Clouds rolled in during the night and about 2:15 in the morning, this morning I was awakened to thunder and rain coming through the window. The temperature had dropped significantly and my whole world felt like Fall had finally reached my room. I was not aware, although I felt a few drops on my face during the night, that rain in a significant amount was coming into the room. My bed is right under the open window and one of my blankets got fairly wet To the point that my brother was concerned when he came in the morning to be dressed up in my chair. Thank goodness I was not aware of the event. I was quite comfortable upon his arrival. There's nothing I hate more than having wet blankets and having to call with the wetness through the night.

Today is a wet day feeling like the fall that it is and I like that even though it will limit my ability to be out and about but as I mentioned in earlier Blogs my ability to be out and about is quite limited due to my broken Wheelchair having to use my two large backup chair.I am unable to sit upright in my chair there by putting too much weight on my right hip risking skin breakdown and just plain discomfort. The cushion I am forced use does not have the protection I need. Dianne has come up with a great idea of taking some of the pouches in some of my other Cushion and put the pouches in the cushion I use. This is a great idea. Hopefully, sometime during the weekend we can achieve this. Hopefully, my broken chair will be repaired and I will be back in the saddle with the chair and use and be comfortable using. I need to be careful because I can see staying home all the time could get quite comfortable. I really need to be out in the community doing what I do which may not be a lot but I need to be out there. My need to be in the community seeing what is happening having the community see me seems very selfish but it is who I am and I seem to have any be out and I can only do that in a usable power chair .

Dianne brought home a dozen meatballs yesterday shopping excursion after Ani's volleyball game. We need to use them fairly quickly And nothing like a fall day to make me feel like cooking so I went to work chopping onions and garlic's opening cans of tomatoes, mushrooms And green peppers, throwing them all of the Stove to simmer and mix their wonderful flavors To produce a wonderful sauce for to night's spaghetti.I only wish I could've produced some sort of garlic bread that or garlic toast that would make a perfect dinner.

I've been busy today cooking, writing and doing some physical stuff. I even made a list of things I like to have accomplished today I don't think I'm going to get it all done but the list has kept me on taskAnd kept me away from watching recorded movies on my flatscreen. Sometimes as good as it gets.

Thursday, October 01, 2015

What's A Person To Do?

It is warm and almost blustery today, this first day of October feeling more like summer then Fall. However that's okay supposedly home front will move in tonight bringing lower temperatures and possible thunderstorms sounds great and of course this only makes sense since it is conference weekend and there is always poor weather or conference.

Well we finally had her appointment with Andrew Daly M.D., neurosurgeon and I think it went okay. We went about a half-hour early as requested and had x-rays taken so we met with the Surgeon he was up to speed Seemed quite pleased with the results of surgery and the healing that had taken place. He of course asked how I was doing I was truthful as I could be Fearing the worst which can result from my answers. I have to admit I am terribly frightened of any further messing around with my spinal cord. Dr. Daly explained that the pressure and been removed from the spinal cord and spinal cord seemed to beFilling in the space which is what we wanted. The big knuckle still remains And the Doc seems cautious to do anymore surgical intervention, Which is fine by me. He even suggested more than once that with the release of pressure the other stenosis may disintegrate at least that's how I am reading his comments. He did order an MRI which I'll be doing in aboutncel a week and this will be the teller. If the stenosis Has not grow and let it stand Keep an eye on the area. However, if there is activity with the stenosis that we will immediately surgically interesting. When I asked the doc about tWhat the results might be from such procedureHe indicated anything that from complete quadriplegia to death– – Just don't know about the brain and spinal cord. He agreed with me that operation on the stenosis at best is a crapshoot. This of course scare the hell out of me and since I am not experiencing any significant symptomology of increased stenosis impairment and then I'd say fuck it, I'll take my chances until it looks like I don't have anything else to do. He was all for immediate action visiting growth… Crap. Then I read on one of the disability forums that I dropped in on every once in a while, that many times stenoses will grow back! Unbelievable.So there you go what is a crip to do?

Good news on other fronts. Make contact with Alpine medical and it sounds like I broken axle is going to be covered by warranty! As much as I appreciate the coverage it will still be probably at least a week if not longer before parts command and the actual repair the power chair is accomplished. In the meantime I am trying hard not to aggravate my ass I can tell skin is fragile and cushions I have just not cutting the pressure on my butt. Therefore I have really quite limited my travels outbound, which of course includes Wellness. This also included any involvement with the national action with ADAPT. Which is kind of bad I think I would've enjoyed more involvement with this group even if it made me uncomfortable. It really is a shame that Salt Lake disability people are not more supportive. Salt Lake ADAPT could sell themselves a lot better to do a lot more marketing of their events. The group really does need help I just wish there were not so spooky. It's all such a scam on both sides, what's a person to do.nt

Monday, September 28, 2015

National Action

Blog September 28, 2015 – – Monday
I have never been part of a national action before so I was really not sure what to expect. Oh, I have been part of the local action scene years ago when we were striving to make the local bus system accessible to people with disabilities i.e. people in wheelchairs. In the past we have posted regional actions where agitator/activists from other states have come to Utah and we staged actions again for access to the local bus system as well as local Medicaid trying to increase options for folks with disabilities specifically dental and increase the Medicaid allotment checks. And again, that is bringing into the community for five people maybe a few more were supposed to be pros at direct confrontation advocacy – – nonviolent see Martin Luther King. But a national action that's way different. A national action is bringing in as many people as possible and staging numerous actions over numerous days.

Yesterday was the beginning of a national action here in Salt Lake City from what I can tell the goal of this action is to bring an awareness to the local electorate and governor and other type bureaucrats up and down the food chain of the need for more choice for people who are destined to live in nursing homes against their well. As far as I can tell this action is being hosted by the local DRAC folks, DRAC is what the local ADAPT became, In my affiliation with the local Independent living Center I was fairly active in ADAPT . In my Association with the local ADAPT I found this organization and its affiliates to be a bit scatterbrained but their motives are honest and true. Yesterday was the kickoff event I wanted to be part of it for host of reasons but mainly to show my support for local ADAPT and Barbara Toomer who is been the director of this is that for years directly and indirectly.

In honesty I was a bit reticent I didn't figure a lot of them show up is going to be another failed project however I was surprised I got to the hotel saw how many folks with disabilities had shown up. There may have been 100 or more which is a lot when you think about It. Sadly there were only three or four folks from Utah in the delegation. They have published the wrong times and so I thought I had our before the events and actually there were staging to begin event as I roll their. There is government action role basically a serpentine wheelchairs from the hotel at 161 W. 600 S. six blocks north to the state capital. Utah has huge blocks and that is a whole other story. I was really quite spooked at not

knowing if my chair would make the roller not is not only do you traverse 6 to 8 blocksBut the last 2 to 3 blocks ours the uphill to the state capital. I was with my buddy Andy was the director of a local Independent living Center here in the state was a quadriplegic similar to me. And he has pretty good upper mobility are in the line and pushes a manual chair Andy is also a big lad and I knew this is going to be a near fatal push For Andy.

We started out and I was included in the red group just the first group Barbara Toomer's group at The Head the of the line. We were to roll in a tight single file line, serpentine they had disability cowboys rolling up and down the street to make sure we stayed in line. It was a okay experience a little short of horrible but it was a long role. Andy held on to my chair for a while trend give us aid but finally had to disengage is restarted the upgrade. I made it to the top with about 60% charge but I knew that would deplete quickly trying to get down the hill to train a bus that I can use. I ended up calling Ute cab Became got me and drove a couple blocks to the train for less than five bucks – – I love this service.

ADAPT will be in town for the next 3 to 4 days and will be having actions during those days. I kind it would like to take advantage of being part of his national action but my power chair just is too painful and I still wait to see if the new chair will be repaired it's all a challenge. I'll keep you informed if there's any changes

Friday, September 25, 2015

National Action SLC

Over the years sure I have commented off and on about my involvement in direct confrontation actions in the area of disability. This is a rule I do not relish it was something I could do that was part of my job description, or at least I thought was part of my job description and I treated it as such. I've never gotten arrested as a result of my direct action confrontation but many of my college have. I really have never become involved on the national level for one reason or another, most likely because I rarely went on the business trips where national actions were happening.

Last week it came to my attention that local ADAPT is hosting a national action Salt Lake City next week or beginning Sunday. Quite frankly I be surprised if they pulled in many national adapters but you never know and I feel I better be ready. I have been contacted a couple of times by Barbara Toomer who is sort of all things ADAPT in this city – –And country for that matter. I've been invited to a couple of the planning but really if not been inspired to the point of attending but with physical workouts and broken power chairs I haven't been really quite available. But maybe I'll drop in on the the pre-meeting for the Sunday action. It sounds like it's going to be a march from downtown Salt Lake up to the state capital building. I really think this will only have an impact If three or 400 chairs show up. But I would like to join in the March as a show of solidarity. I'll be quite interested to see if and how the local Independent living Center is planning to participate. If it sounds like I'm a bit reticent in this whole event is because I've dealt these folks before, at least the local group and have never really seen a lot of organization take place. There volunteer group that you know what they say about volunteer groups only being as strong as the weakest link is true and anyway something like this takes a lot of planning. At least I think it does. However, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and I'm willing to be supported. Going to the planning meeting for the premeeting before the event on Sunday to see what comes I willat least Be able to say I was there regardless what happens. I wish I had a better chair at least one that is more comfortable and butt protective.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Backing Up the Back Up Chair

It is definitely a drag when your backup chair needs its own backup chair. I am of course having to use my backup chair sets the wheel fell off my main chair – – see yesterday's post. However, I broke the footplate on my back and chair so I have to ride with my foot crossed over my right foot in order to use backpack chair. This means a trip over to Utah Center For Assistive Technolog or U C A T. Actually I am as fortunate as hell getting our time from the U C A T staff. There are booked into the next couple weeks. I sure hope they're able to put together some form of solution to the problem of the missing Footplate.

Y'all remember that we bought this chair from th Create program a few weeks before my new chair came. Part of the concept was I would have a backup chair in case I needed one. For a prophetic was that? However I managed to bring the left footplate on the chair couple days after I got it. Since my new chair came shortly thereafter I sort of forgot about the backend chair and its growth case and that's not even true I remembered I just never got around to getting back to Create to repair the issue. There's no excuse for this I know better I taught the need for keeping your equipment up to snuff and I'm the biggest Abuser.

UCAT is a program of the state, UCAT's a state agency. One of the few state agencies/programs which I think really does a great job for people with disabilities. Fortunately for me UCAT is a little-known piece of work that is incredibly positive. I think of solutions and ideas for needs of people disabilities problems you might have solutions. You have a shop where they can manufacture solutions which is what I am hoping for today. They're becoming more and more busy as people find out about them but usually you can still weaseled yourself in for service if you really need to which is what I did. Hopefully I will have a better day than yesterday trying to keep my feet on the front panel and the weight off my ass.

Dianne will drop off the other power chair to Alpine medical yesterday and they are going to look at and hopefully sooner than later but I'll be surprised As they get to my chair of the week and or even next week.

1707 hours… 09 2315 – – Wednesday

What a day!? I got to the UCAT building and again I was two hours before my scheduled appointment and that's cool I had to do besides I wonder visit with the new director of UCAT Michael Wallenstein (close enough). Michael's old friend of mine used to sit on my Board of Directors when I ran an information line for the state of Utah. The action is a great guy and one am glad that the directorship from UCAT he'll make a great asset to that organization – – but I spent an hour visiting Michael didn't work on my chair and it was more money than I thought was going hundred bucks but I guess that's the price of doing business even if you do have the state agency guy finally broke it down to 50 bucks parts 50 but flavor is probably an hour and a half later so I guess on that level I got a deal. And I think it a good job manufacturing footplate that is not withstand the stress I put on the footplate. It was a long day already from especially in this backup chair even with repaired footplate. The seat is really too big for me and my scoliosis lists me over to my right side I need to get some sort of pillow our case a briefcase or some stick and that area of sufficient strength I also experience a lot of stress on my butt/right cheekSpace if I'm going to use this chair for any significant period of time. I really need this support when I work out and when I use the Saratoga Silver. Knowing this I can get myself better squared away for tomorrow. When we will do it all again.

Tuesday's Challenge

My life just gets more bazaar with each and every day. Yesterday, which I will refer to as Miracle Monday started out normal enough. Salt Lake is currently in that span of time for summer closes And winter Socks us and where the days are nearly perfect. Days beautiful from sunrise to sunset temperatures almost in the 80s sometimes almost 90 but perfect days for being outside riding the  system. We will probably have this kind of off and on for the next two weeks.  The dates are gorgeous. I went to my morning workout over and sugarhouse with no issues to speak of. I wanted to get home as soon as I could use the restroom as well As get some lunch. I thought about purchasing something on the way home decided just to get on.

One of the strange events in the morning or afternoon was that I usually get off at the 53rd St. TraX station and from there I there wait for the 201 southbound Or I just take off and drive my Chair home Usually going over the overpass and down 300 W. Today however, I decided to get off the train at fashion plates are 6400 S. and then navigate third west North until I get home.I just crossed the bridge in the industrial section and was passing by garage where I used to take the cars for repairs. A place called technic care operated by two brothers they been there for decades. I was on the side of the road heading west on my chair tugged to the right And in an instant my chair spun around and I was perched on the side walk and seem to move my chair. I have to admit I was a bit disjointed. This event has been witnessed by an adolescent employee of a daycare center right front of me. I would find out her name is Evelyn and she stuck by me for the next hour. I realized I had lost the entire off my chair when Evelyn picked it up to show me why I was not moving. For a moment the whole thing was surreal I could not figure out what had happened to my chair. Whatever was going on I was not going anywhere fast. Didn't take long for a small crowd to form. People returning from lunch to work and saw me on side of the road. A couple of guys were returning from lunch, even if Buddy of mine named Paul who used to sell me my wheelchairs stopped by And stood by me until the end. I eventually was able to call my wheelchair shop a place where I purchased my chair they ended up sending out to technicians who were useful just barely. Finally we were joined by officer Meacham, Quite a nice young man who seem to care.

It took some talking and convincing of the guys from Alpine medical techs who came to work on my chair.  These guys wanted to send me home in an ambulance but there is no way I was going to incur that kind of cost. I finally had to sign a waiver of responsibility and I finally got my chair together to the point that I can actually drive it for how long we don't know. I was able to call Dianne came and got me in a wheelchair van. I got home stayed in the chair for the rest of the day and we got out the old chair see what we can do. Guys from Alpine said they will try to work on my chair and see if they can get a fix goingBut I don't whole lot of faith these guys… Yet.

This morning I had my brother put me in the old quantum 6000 with only 1 foot pedal and I have been gimping around all day. Just painful and difficult sitting and keep both feet on the one pedal. I called UCAT, and of course they are slammed but will be in for an hour tomorrow Wednesday and hopefully we can get some sort of fix for the backup chair. I'm getting a bad feeling about this challenge but it will pass I'm sure as all things do. I just have to be upbeat and I'm going. Thank God I have Dianne in my corner she took the chair in the Alpine's afternoon. I bailed on Anakah's game hopefully I can make it another time out system matter waiting and hoping keeping our fingers crossed.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Monday Miracle

My life just gets more bazaar with each and every day. Yesterday, which I will refer to as Miracle Monday started out normal enough. Salt Lake is currently in that span of time for summer closes And winter Socks us and where the days are nearly perfect. Days beautiful from sunrise to sunset temperatures almost in the 80s sometimes almost 90 but perfect days for being outside riding the system. We will probably have this kind of off and on for the next two weeks. The dates are gorgeous. I went to my morning workout over and sugarhouse with no issues to speak of. I wanted to get home as soon as I could use the restroom as well As get some lunch. I thought about purchasing something on the way home decided just to get on.

One of the strange events in the morning or afternoon was that I usually get off at the 53rd St. TraX station and from there I there wait for the 201 southbound Or I just take off and drive my Chair home Usually going over the overpass and down 300 W. Today however, I decided to get off the train at fashion plates are 6400 S. and then navigate third west North until I get home.I just crossed the bridge in the industrial section and was passing by garage where I used to take the cars for repairs. A place called technic care operated by two brothers they been there for decades. I was on the side of the road heading west on my chair tugged to the right And in an instant my chair spun around and I was perched on the side walk and seem to move my chair. I have to admit I was a bit disjointed. This event has been witnessed by an adolescent employee of a daycare center right front of me. I would find out her name is Evelyn and she stuck by me for the next hour. I realized I had lost the entire off my chair when Evelyn picked it up to show me why I was not moving. For a moment the whole thing was surreal I could not figure out what had happened to my chair. Whatever was going on I was not going anywhere fast. Didn't take long for a small crowd to form. People returning from lunch to work and saw me on side of the road. A couple of guys were returning from lunch, even if Buddy of mine named Paul who used to sell me my wheelchairs stopped by And stood by me until the end. I eventually was able to call my wheelchair shop a place where I purchased my chair they ended up sending out to technicians who were useful just barely. Finally we were joined by officer Meacham, Quite a nice young man who seem to care.

It took some talking and convincing of the guys from Alpine medical techs who came to work on my chair. These guys wanted to send me home in an ambulance but there is no way I was going to incur that kind of cost. I finally had to sign a waiver of responsibility and I finally got my chair together to the point that I can actually drive it for how long we don't know. I was able to call Dianne came and got me in a wheelchair van. I got home stayed in the chair for the rest of the day and we got out the old chair see what we can do. Guys from Alpine said they will try to work on my chair and see if they can get a fix goingBut I don't whole lot of faith these guys… Yet.

This morning I had my brother put me in the old quantum 6000 with only 1 foot pedal and I have been gimping around all day. Just painful and difficult sitting and keep both feet on the one pedal. I called UCAT, and of course they are slammed but will be in for an hour tomorrow Wednesday and hopefully we can get some sort of fix for the backup chair. I'm getting a bad feeling about this challenge but it will pass I'm sure as all things do. I just have to be upbeat and I'm going. Thank God I have Dianne in my corner she took the chair in the Alpine's afternoon. I bailed on Anakah's game hopefully I can make it another time out system matter waiting and hoping keeping our fingers crossed.