Saturday, January 21, 2006

Remember the Crossing Guard

I really meant to blog yesterday but I ended up focusing so  close on the minutes, I have  been trying to complete all  week that I ran out of time. I worked through one lunch this week and I had better use the time or risk loosing the hour. But an hour is an hour and would make the difference whether I rolled home in the dark or not.   Turned out though that riding home at the specific time I did on the train brought me into contact with an interesting situation.

There sat  a women on the train in the first seat.  I sit right be hind the driver’s cab and face the people and usually read.  I keep my head down and read.  Yesterday there was this women sitting there with her lips moving.  This, of course is nothing new, in this day of cell phones and public transit.  Many time I have been started by someone just having an “air conversion”  then you look closer and see he is plugged into his cell phone somehow—usually via wireless connection.  Then there re the crazies the poor  mental health consumers  with significant disabilities talking up a storm to what ever demons or legions which might be locked inside their heads at any given moment.  But, this women was different. She looked good, normal  but her lips were moving, just  slightly. She was smiling—not maniacal-  and her eyes seemed to flutter. Her face was cycling through a specific pattern: blink blink smile move lips and then start all  over again.  When I looked at her eyes closer it almost like her eyes were rolling up under her fluttering lashes. The moving lips were the was the weirdest part just lightly making words.  I had the strangest feeling though she was speaking to me. She got up  and exited the train at 4500 South.

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