Friday, May 09, 2008

Friday Mists

Remember yesterday I could not sleep because of my excitement to get to work? I was exhausted when I got to work and I was not able to very effective all day. Today is better I feel a little more focused. But I just wanted to discuss the reason I was so excited to get to work because I was going to finally start filming the snippets we are planning to start incorporating in our website. We have been talking about doing these short films for a long time but just talked about it. Well a couple of days ago Chapman and I decided to take the first step and we hacked out a short film on low-tech assistive technology. The snippet actually came out better them we anticipated for a first try. Chapman, filmed the document on it’s side for effect and she achieved that and actually the more you watch the snippet the more the snippet seems OK but we will film it again that right way when new get serious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! This is a great low tech AT quick clip! Really nice job!

I love the presenter, most of all.
